AT&T Continues To Clamp Down On Unofficial iPhone Tethering

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imageAT&T Continues To Clamp Down On Unofficial iPhone Tethering

TiPb reports that AT&T customers who have jailbroken their iPhone and using the tethering option unofficially have received a reminder message from AT&T this morning, informing them that they’re planning to update their plan to a tethering plan ($45/mo, incl. 4GB).

Back in March, AT&T had sent customers using unofficial tethering options an email stating that "records show that you use [tethering] but are not subscribed to our tethering plan" 

Read the full story here



  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I was sent a text from AT&T in regards to this, but all I did was called and they "promise"that I would keep my grandpa plan...let's see how it goes...mywi was good while it lasted..
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I have the mywi tethering app, I have been using it for awhile (close to a year) and I have not gotten any notice, nor have I gotten any text messages. I do not go over 2gb a month, even though I have the unlimited plan.
  • franko
    franko Posts: 3
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    I got the notice and can't take chance to i removed it
  • Daniel Quick
    Daniel Quick Posts: 7
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    I'm in a grandfathered plan. I tether like no other. I too used MyWi, however I saw they were clamping down so u switched to PdaNet which supposedly can hide you are tethering on two levels. So I use level one through GuizmoVPN (OpenVPN). Stops the throttling too since it's heavily encrypted, but it's super fast.
  • BigMike
    BigMike Posts: 3
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    Has anyone definitively determined how AT&T is figuring out you are tethering?
  • JP
    JP Posts: 28
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    I tether using MyWi and haven't received any texts or emails. I only tether to my iPad and have never gone over 1.5 GB/month.
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    Same here. I have an unlimited plan and rarely TETHER but have done so with my iPad recently. I rarely go over 500 MB a month.I have never been contacted by AT&T in any form.
  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I called and they said it's illegal to change plans without my authorization.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    My kids tether off my iPhone with their iPod touches when we go out. I have a verizon mifi also. I use that mostly on the weekends and when AT&T sucks. I have a grandfathered account too and have never been notified for tethering.
  • Reguard
    Reguard Posts: 24
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    Does anyone know legal details about this?
  • Cole
    Cole Posts: 10
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    I'm sitting on Verizon iPhone 4 and use my win consistenty. Nothing like that has been sent to me :)
  • Random AT&T abuser
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    What does the OpenVPN do to prevent AT&T from knowing what you are doing with PdaNet. I have not received a message from AT&T and dont want to! I too use PdaNet for WiFi for my iPad. I would love to know if I should be adding the OpenVPN to better mask my use. How do I install and use it? AT&T can suck it if they want to try to charge me more for an unlimited data package that doesnt go over 2GB a month. Thanks for any help you can offer!
  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    oh wow , i called them for the second time and they said they flagged me in their system for tethering through my phone and if i keep doing it , am going to loose my unlimited data and they have authorization to do that because i am voiding the terms and conditions of the data plan i have that is not for tethering , they are freqking serious about this **** ,damn att piece of ****
  • Mar
    Mar Posts: 4
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    Hey could you please explain this process in detail?
  • PDADoc
    PDADoc Posts: 4
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    It works like this: since you didn't originally order the tethering plan when you signed up, technically you've violated their terms of use, which virtually no user actually reads (save for lawyers). So yes, they're actually within their legal rights to change your plan without your consent, since your continued use of the tethering constitutes a defacto acceptance of the tethering plan, especially since they were nice enough to warn you in advance. Believe me when I tell you they have an army of lawyers to make sure they cover their bases in cases like this.Of course, that won't stop some lawyer from some no-name law school who's out to make a name for himself from taking the case, in the hopes it can be settled, but on paper, you don't really have a leg to stand on.
  • Bryce
    Bryce Posts: 17
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    I didn't get a text message no... but a random call from an AT&T rep about my supposed tethering. Am I the only one to get an actual call?
  • Brooks
    Brooks Posts: 7
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    I recently started using MyWi within the last month on my grandfathered account and I'm already past 6 gigs for the month. No alerts or warnings yet but I'm getting nervous.
  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    Considering what I already pay AT&T they better not charge me for tethering. I use a couple gigs per month. Havent got any text message. I thought the internet service on my phone was for me. But I guess ATT thinks we're all just phones.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    What about 3G owners who can't get the tethering update anyway? Will they still get the email for using mywi?
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    I go over 7gigs every month and use other tethering app on my JB iPhone 4. No issues yet I would Love to know what iOS these people are running that are receiving these notices
  • JOB Dave
    JOB Dave Posts: 7
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    The only time I use it is when I am traveling and only use it for email and minor browsing. If I get a call/notice I will tell them that I was away from home and using the phone heavier and if they don't buy it its bye bye, simple...
  • Zeiferx
    Zeiferx Posts: 1
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    I pay for my data so let me used it in whatever device i feel like using it. is not like is unlimited anymore. i hope at&t burns in hell! SOON
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    I tether about 232TB every month, and I haven't gotten a notice. I'm getting nervous. Everyone hold hands. We can fight this together.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    I have used tethering from day 1 always jailbroken, but too i use very little data. and have never been contacted. to my knowledge AT&T doesn't have the ability to differentiate data usage from tethering or not. they are simply looking at who uses the most, at what times, in what quantities, and making an guess.
  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    you know what am going to do to those f" kers , i am going to use the internet on my iphone (without tethering) like never before , i have couple programs that play live tv , am going to let those run overnight every single day and show piece of **** ATT a lesson how to consume bandwith , WAIT AND SEE ATT
  • Pdaddy
    Pdaddy Posts: 5
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    Weird, I have an unlimited plan with Sprint on my EVO and don't have that problem. Oh I know why, its because I have never trusted SBC/AT&T. Unlimited should mean UNLIMITED. Time to switch to Sprint and get an android or over to Verizon if you want to keep using an Iphone.
  • Pdaddy
    Pdaddy Posts: 5
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    Oh yeah I use wireless tethering all the time on my Evo.
  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 33
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    First there is no way for AT&T to determine tethering. People have been flagged who use over 5g. Most of my clients who contacted AT&T and challenged were takes off the "flag" list. Why? I'm glad you asked. If you view the terms of the agreement "tethering" is does not include wirelessly using your device's Internet. Their are otter ambiguities within the old contractual agreements that does not give AT&T legal juxtaposition to change plans. What does this mean. You bet your butt that all new contracts will include mite detail uses of illegal tethering. Until then, the fear tactic is getting people to call admitting usage. Use tethering in moderation and avoid 4,3,2 for now.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    i tethered since the mywi app came out. I average 50GB a month in data, cant tell if that from downloads or what. I got the text saying did i know at&t charges for tethering plans. Stopped then and there. But i found out i can download everything directly from the phone and now i average 70GB a month. Serves them right
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    AT&T cant escape this, specially after the wymi app.