Saurik: Why You Should Jailbreak Your iPhone

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imageSaurik: Why You Should Jailbreak Your iPhone

If you’re looking for reasons to jailbreak your iPhone then there is probably no better person to explain them than Jay Freeman aka Saurik, developer of Cydia – the App Store for jailbreak apps.

In an interview with Robert Scoble, Saurik tells him why you should jailbreak your iPhone.

In the interview, Saurik demonstrates some jailbreak apps and tweaks that allow users to customize their iPhone.

Read the full story here



  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    Whenever I buy a iDevice, I would jailbreak it immediately upon setting it up! Or wait till the jailbreak comes out first.
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Nope. Still not convinced that I should Jailbreak mine. I tried it before, and I did not like it at all. So I restored it back to it's factory setting. I'll keep mine clean.
  • Yes. I'm Crazy
    Yes. I'm Crazy Posts: 6
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    Stan that sounds like s very silly reason to jailbreak your phone. I mostly jailbreak my phone to make it mine. Just like my computer at home it's mine and I want it to be personal and setup the way I want and look and work the way I want not the way someone else who never met me thinks I want it or it should be It's my phone and I want it now. LOL
  • I'm Out
    I'm Out Posts: 1
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    I jailbroke my 3G and it was cool for a month and then nothing but issues after that. Haven't done my 3GS and see no reason to do i4 when I get one in the fall.
  • P
    P Posts: 18
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    @Kwopau, I can understand your sentiments, the phone seems to run "better" unjailbroken, but the jailbreak side of things is so much better. I would jailbreak my iDevice the second I had the chance just for sbsettings. Having a notification drop down on my android is amazing and sbsettings at least tries to mimic that. There are so many more great jailbreak tweaks and apps that are not mentioned here its ridiculous. To each his own.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    It's funny that when I click on Iphone in the preview of the story it links to the blackberry website... really, really?
  • Luigyspc
    Luigyspc Posts: 5
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    oh man i am still stuck with my ipad2 no fix yet
  • Shane
    Shane Posts: 59
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    Jailbreak is the only way to go, as it is these great mods in cydia that keep apple on their toes as they are generally introduced officially by apple via ios updates, but only after extensive testing by the jailbreak community! If only the creators of such great mods were recognised by apple and paid for their ideas!!
  • Ted L
    Ted L Posts: 5
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    so the only reason according to this is to get some apps? hmmm (no thank you0
  • Cryptonix
    Cryptonix Posts: 6
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    Jailbreaking is mainly for free apps. Anyone telling you different is a liar.
  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Steve Jobs is that you?You didn't like it? What does that mean...Jailbreaking doesn't change anything on your phone. When you are done, it's exactly the same as before, it just gives you an alternative app store. What's not to like about more app option?
  • Andrew L
    Andrew L Posts: 1
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    That is a very ignorant comment and I find it very insulting. I have used tweaks and added features for years and have never once loaded a pirated app. Not everybody that jailbreaks their phone is a lawbreaker.Lockinfo!SBSettingsFolderEnhancerInfinidockGridLockScreenDimmerActivatorGo buy these features now.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    wtf is up wit all these nerds not wanting to jailbreak
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Yeah there are a lot of free apps, but some of the best apps cost money.
  • Dremoney
    Dremoney Posts: 2
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    I agree apps should have been #1 on this list. I still don't understand why people pay for cydia apps knowing damn well the reason they jailbroke it was so they didn't have to pay for anything lmao...yea i said it...what?
  • Ollie
    Ollie Posts: 9
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    I jailbreak because I need my iPhone unlocked as I'm using it in several countries
  • avid jailbreaker
    avid jailbreaker Posts: 1
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    I'm not going to lie, when i first jailbroke my iphone 3gs I mainly used it to get free apps from the app store. But now i do not have a single illegal app on my phone. I pay for the apps that are from the app store and cydia store. I do not even have **** installed on my phone anymore. Most people jailbreak because they want to customize the way they're phone works, I do it so i can change the way my phone looks and works. I'm all about customization and apple wants every iphone to look and act the exact same way. I can garentee that very few people, if anyone, have an iphone that looks and acts exactly like mine. Tweaks like barrel are amazing and apple will never allow anything like that in the app store
  • Mandeep
    Mandeep Posts: 15
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    I think we have to classify you as a NOOB and that also in double capitals if that existed. This is such an inane argument, do you have any ideas how many applications people buy on Cydia to support these developers who produce fantastic applications and these very same ideas are then implemented by Apple in subsequent releases. I only wish people like you had adult supervision prior to posting anywhere.
  • Mandeep
    Mandeep Posts: 15
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    This was directed to "Cryptonix"
  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Jailbreaking gives you more options and some very useful tweaks. I can hardly function without SBSettings & Lockinfo. There's so many restrictions Apple puts upon an iphone, but jailbreaking says "here, set it up the way you want". Really can't beat that.People who don't know what their doing or haven't explored all the apps are the ones saying "Do I really need a jailbreak?"
  • Sedrick
    Sedrick Posts: 31
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    Unlocking is not jailbreaking.It's more likely illegal as the phone is locked because it's partly paid by your provider.You pay it back in your plan anyway.Jailbreaking is just usefull to get more options available, not make you by a cheaper phone
  • Sedrick
    Sedrick Posts: 31
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    Obviously jailbreaking opens the system and as the atomic power, it can be used the good way or not(pirated apps).. And also it can make your system unstable in some rare cases.On the good side, it actually frees device like the iPad from the computer it's bounded to and allows easy import/export, printing(to most network printer), adds usefull options like sbsettings, iFile,download manager, What I do not agree on with some devs is the price of some apps. $2+ is most of the time not a decent price as there is no garantee that it will always work as it's not officialy supported by big A and they are useless if you unjailbreak or upgrade to a new iOS, I do understand that they want to make some money out of it but please get real !!!Keep on the good work Saurik and all the others, you are making those devices more usable and more fun:-)
  • Ollie
    Ollie Posts: 9
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    To SedrickDont know what you're babbling about. I need a phone in which I can put a SIM card in from other countries = unlock. To unlock I need to jailbreak as Movistar do not unlock here in Spain, I've offered to pay for it. I do not use any other supplier in Spain than Movistar so no loss for the supplier but I do not want to pay horrible roaming cost when overseas and I travel 150 days/year.I do like SBSettings but I could easily live without Cydia apps - its the unlock I'm after.Also having iPad-1 and iPad-2, they are not locked, much better and I've not jailbroken those.
  • M
    M Posts: 30
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    3G Unrestrictor. Main reason for me, no way Apple decides what I can or cannot download. Tried to go without jailbrake a couple of times but only takes one dialog saying I cannot download something because I am on 3G for me to go back.
  • Madhatter
    Madhatter Posts: 4
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    People pay for cydia apps because they support and understand the time and effort these developers put in bringing these apps to ios, cool we got it for free before but why not show appreciation and be thankful for bringing great features that enables you to do more in your devices than features that are still missing in non-jailbroken devices. I own 2 iphones 3GS, one is jailbroken and the other is not, i buy from cydia and the app store, and honestly i like the fact that i can customize my phone the way i want and not the way apple wants me to have it, maybe you are just an ignorant and has no clue how to jailbreak and your frustration makes you post nonsense comments.If you want free apps, develop your apps yourself you moron!
  • Madhatter
    Madhatter Posts: 4
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    You must JAILBREAK before you can UNLOCK!!!and jailbreaking is not illegal, havent you heard or read the news?Do you think is fair that after your 2 years contract expires, neither Apple or AT&T dont want to unlock your phone?
  • Capitalism
    Capitalism Posts: 1
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    Jay Freeman says you jailbreak so jay Freeman make moneyApple says you should buy iPhone so apple can make money
  • Manderson
    Manderson Posts: 3
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    Lol - the people who make me laugh are the ones who go:"Oh - you just jailbreak 'cause you want free apps."And, why would you be a regular on this site if you weren't jailbreaking, I mean that's over half the news right there... and it's iPhone *hacks*. Hurpadurp.