Saurik: Why You Should Jailbreak Your iPhone



  • chrispx
    chrispx Posts: 5
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    I can understand not jailbreaking the 3G with the most recent operating systems as it slowed it down, but the 3GS and 4 have the processor to run without problems and jailbreaking them is recommended.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    If whoever dont want jailbreak then why u here and read all comment..
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I want jailbreak because i want free app.i want anything free and customize the way i want it..its simple.keep it real tho
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I have a love hate relationship whith my iPhone. I love it's simplicity of use and I hate the restrictions imposed on it by Apple. I still see my move from a Nokia N95 8GB to an iPhone as a trade down in terms of device functionality. The novelty of a touchscreen lasted about a week. Mostly I use apps from Cydia that enhance and or add functionality to to my phone. I don't bother with themes because you end up with some half-assed hybrid look which spoils the theme's intention (am I right?)To be honest without Jailbreaking I would have dumped the iPhone in the bin a long time ago.
  • iROCKu
    iROCKu Posts: 35
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    When Kwopau got done jailbreaking his device he didn't know what to do next, he got scared, then returned it to factory. Just be real, don't try to act cool apple fanboy.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Should we make a youtube video telling them why to unlock baseband 2.10, 3.10, 4.10?
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    people who havent JB their phones can live without jailbreak...but people who always have their phone JB would NEVER use a phone that sorry..but i cannot live without SBSettings..removeBG...celeste..fontswap.. to be honest...jailbreaking meant we had multi tasking way before meant we had custom font and custom sms tone...whenever i hear someones marimba ringtone i feel sorry for them...
  • Brains530
    Brains530 Posts: 17
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    Wrong. If you buy your phone at a subsidized price ($199 with a two year contract) you're stuck in the contract no matter what. So even if you unlock so you can use other carriers you're still going to be paying for your contract. Either way Verizon or AT&T gets their money. Unlocking and jailbreaking has no effect on carriers
  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    I'm happy knowing my 3gs & ip4 are jb'd and packed with cracked apps.before you honk at me, china rips off and copies more than I do.its the risk of being a dev, don't put out an app expecting it not to be cracked, especially if your expecting to live off it.I don't see it as stealing, just a very very long pre purchase test period :)
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I dont know and care what and how people feel...i need jailbreak my ipad 2 now.i want it and i need it now
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Again i need it now
  • Blah
    Blah Posts: 18
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    YouTube vid down.....
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    I have my device JB'ed for 1 reason only: To develop malware for Cydia.
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    the first time i can remember installing cydia i remember having video recorder and lauging at everyone who didnt have that but inventually apple made it a year later it took so long that it was already old and cydia came up with multitasking first as well and we expericence it for a long time and that got old too then of course we had video wallpaper and video ringtones which apple still hasnt done as of yet but android took the video wallpaper idea and apple developers have taken all cydia ideas and dont forgot changing your text message system so that all text messages had a picture of the person next to the text and of course my girlfriend complain about her sending messages after going on ios4 it slow down here iphone 3g but i told her to install quick send and quick reply and she couldnt believe how fast she was recieving and sending measseges and then she wanted to take people wifi and of course that was in cydia too and then alot of my boys wanted iporn which honestly the best **** app in the world and of course ringtones for music which is free in cydia and changing you text meassage ringtones sounds which cant not be done in the apple store and all the themes u can be android if u want and in cydia there an option that said sources and you can add another store and a matter of fact cydia now has compettion finally icy has return which u can download the beta and honestly i dont think anybody know excactly how many apps apple really has they think they have about 400,000apps but that isnt true i think with all the stores u can add u will have around an estimate an extra 400,000apps which brings it up to 800,000apps so im not going to keep on anymore cuz im not writting 400,000 benifits of having cydia and of course its the only way to get out of jail and did u hear our iphones have been tracking us will there a patch u can install in cydia but u dont have cydia so you going to have to wait for steve update and if you arent jailbroken u are lacking of apps and we will probably will expericence stuff before you and your going to have to be in apple jail steve said there no multitasking on iphone 3g or is there facetime or folders not if u have cydia steve u just want us to buy new phones but the hackers arent stupid and they know it can be done so we arent buying new phones steve yes there facetime on iphone 3g only problem u got to turn the phone around so they can see you but there is multasking steve there folders too but u lie steve and finally **** i like to test the games before i buy them cuz im tired of buying something in the app store writting in the comments i want my 1$ back my money back and u dont get your money back nope so test it before u support the developer cuz sometimes they lie about what it can do
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    you also said there no game center for iphone 3g thats another lie steve
  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    Better yet, wtf are these jailbreak nerds doing on an iPhone Hacking website?
  • RB
    RB Posts: 10
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    Why jailbreak?Aside from the geek factor ("my phone has 5 columns of icons and yours only has 4") there have been a handful (for me) of indispensable tweaks I've been able to utilize as a result:OpenNotifier - I can see if I have new mail (etc.) without unlocking my phone.CallLock (best $1 I ever spent) - no more facedialing with i4's broken proximity sensorManualCorrect - never again will my iPhone change my typing to something ludicrous without my permission (and yet still inform me of possible spelling errors)PushMod - check my mail every 5 minutes not every 15 - push mail itself always seems to miss messages with Gmail (for me at least).SpringFlash - Flashlight on demand (combined with Activator, etc.) This has been useful SO many times... just press both volume buttons simultaneously and instant light in the darkness!SBSettings - Bluetooth on/off with two taps instead of four... and so much more!There are MANY other JB apps/tweaks that I use/rely on every day...MobileSubstrate, Backgrounder, SBSettings, Remove Background, FolderEnhancer (more money well spent), FiveIcon[Dock|Switcher|Springboard], iAnnounce, and others still that just make using my phone a more pleasant experience (NoSpot, NoBookmarks, PullToRefresh[Mail|Safari], ShowCase, StartDial, SwitcherMod, VolumeSensitivity) or just cool (WeatherIcon, WinterBoard, WiFiPasswords).
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    It is a shame that the DEV TEAM rather work on latest devices rather than releasing apps that suit old iPhone versions so, I am stuck with my iPhone collection starting with 2G. I recently noticed that cydia is adding more and more IPHONE 4 APPS. Are they into marketing as well?
  • Brazzers
    Brazzers Posts: 1
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    Really very stupid arguments; What you guys want to prove??? There are some nurds who Don't jailbrak and some who DO. WHat the heck is wrong with all of stupids to imposing their ideas on others... Be yourself, iPhone is great device with jailbreak and without it as well. If you ppl love CYDIA developer and they are earning alot, Why don't they come up with their own DEVICE like iphone and get their development frustration over there... here they get fuse their balls. They just try to get their balls cooked in someone else coal... iPhone is great device, If you require to jailbreak then do it, but no need to convinse others by saying stupid to them; they don't need it... So! chill or GO and FURS...
  • Mazolo
    Mazolo Posts: 3
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    I believe Apple is happy and will always leave a loophole on iOS for jailbreakers. There r 2 types of buyers, jailbreakers and and the other group. I believe Apple pays people like Saurik for jailbreaking if not, Apple should consider it. I know Apple gets a share on Apps but gets a bigger share on hardware for jailbreak side. I jailbreak for few reasons: I wanna be a Freeman. Apple shouldn't dictate what I should have access to. If I want **** app, I want it. SBSettings, etc free cracked apps, the list is endless. Use the app first and buy it if it's worth it.