How Does AT&T Detect Unofficial iPhone Tethering?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageHow Does AT&T Detect Unofficial iPhone Tethering?

As we’ve reported earlier, AT&T continues to clamp down on unofficial iPhone tethering, which is one of the main reasons users jailbreak their iPhone.

There has been a lot of debate and speculation on how AT&T detects the unofficial iPhone tethering. Android Police has provided some insight into how AT&T is able to identify users who are using the unofficial tethering option.

Android Police explains:

Read the full story here



  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Totally agree. I'm paying my $30 for unlimited, I should BE unlimited.
  • ericdano
    ericdano Posts: 2
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    Unlimited means that, unlimited. The fact that I have a iPad or whatever using the connection should not matter. It's UNLIMITED.
  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    I have had the unlimited data plan for a few years, and yet it really isn't unlimited. Having to pay for tethering is a complete rip-off. The ability to tether was one of the reasons why I jailbroke my iPhones in the past.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    I think if these people check their unbilled data usage on AT&T's website they will see their tethered traffic showing up as "broadband". Just saying...
  • Dont Bite the Forbidden Apple
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    Just to piss off At&T- you should buy an airplay, and stream neflix to your TV, via ATT 3g, all day long.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    I jailbreak for four reasons:In-app textingtetheringsbs settings3G unrestrictorOther than that, I don't really mess around with the looks or style of the phone. I only hope my tethering continues to go unnoticed. I've only tether about 95 mb between this month and last, and I use typically about 800mb-3gb on an unlimited plan. Am I tethering just enough to slip through the cracks? I haven't received a notice at all...
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Much like anyone using large amounts on their iPhones, AT&T will simply change or terminate your contract if you use too much data. Try going over 10GBs on their unlimited plan (completely legitimately)... you get a text saying continued high data use will result in additional charges or termination.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    It's a straight out rip off. I pay for unlimited data so it should be just that. And as it's mine it should not matter to AT&T how I choose to use it. if I buy an iPad why should I have to pay twice to use it with my phone?
  • Stewie
    Stewie Posts: 2
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    Just visited in the UK, when i used O2, every action i have performed was tracked. When i switched off 3G on iphone, i have immediately received an offer for unlimited surfing for the rest of the day for 1£. The same special messages (not SMS, some pop up right on the iphone) appeared on different situation while using the iphone.My point is... Forget about it, your device is being tracked with every move you make, whether you like it or not.Sent from my iPhone. (tracked or not, this is still the best gadget out there)
  • Reguard
    Reguard Posts: 24
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    Has any one tried to tether iPhone to iPhone?I wonder how that looks to AT&T. The last time the " how does AT&T know" debate came up people were saying they look at the User agent so this might be a good test.
  • Mikekryptonite
    Mikekryptonite Posts: 1
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    Anyone get the message using PDANet 5.01, to tether an IPAD to an Iphone (using level II security)? It seems this would be the least likely way to get the message. I may be wrong, but I was thinking traffic from a mobile device would be less likely to detect than from a pc or mac.Anyone have any experience with this? Would like to know if PDAnet is the current solution to this problem.
  • Christian Mercado
    Christian Mercado Posts: 33
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    That's not true I go over 10 gbs every month about 11 or 12 watching netflix downloading games albums movies etc and I never got a message like thT
  • RiffRath
    RiffRath Posts: 37
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    It makes no difference what device you are tethering to it. It only matters what app you use to do your tethering.
  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    Nope... read the fine print. It's <2GB
  • jussayin
    jussayin Posts: 35
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    well just to let you people know the whole business model is going to change in telecoms and every one will pay a much higher price the point is at the moment who will pay directly, either the content providers (which will pass in on to the consumer) or the consumer for different quality/type of service. the fact is the content providers are making millions if not billions every year but it is the telco's who are spending the billions to create the networks to carry the content, these networks typically last about 5 years then they rebuild. and all the while the price erosion for the customer has made them less and less money. people moan about their bills but look back a few years and look how much you were charged for just voice, and cable etc....just my 10 cents worth...
  • Gigabite
    Gigabite Posts: 2
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    So when is AT&T going to start charging me for my unlimited talk time I usually talk to my mother for 4 to 5 hours over the phone. I wonder what they would do if I just left the phone on for like a week a one call would they charge me for going over my unlimited voice ha ha ha ha eat the poison apple and die AT&T
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Imagine once they buy T-Mobile how they will become with their monoply.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    which by default makes it limited. the corporates are just so used to B'S-ing to get their grubby little paws on your cash.UNLIMITEDDictionary definition: without limits or bounds...Corporate Definition: Whatever we say it is. Now shut it and give us your cash....the Fair useage cop-out that they try to cover their sorry a$$eS with imposes limits and therefore still means that the use of the term UNLIMITED is illegal / blatant lie.
  • kraken
    kraken Posts: 36
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    AT&T needs a reasonable way to allow sporadic tethering use. In my case I pretty much only tether when the internet at home is down or when I travel, which comes to maybe 6 times a year. It is ridiculous for them to charge extra money every month and force you into an inferior data plan. With that said, I am currently traveling and tethered to my Windows 7 laptop for a few hours yesterday using the latest PDA net and level 2 hiding. No message from AT&T so far. It might be worth mentioning that I also use a VPN (on laptop) to my work network.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I'm not a legal bunny by any stretch of the imagination but wouldn't they, (AT&T), be in breach of the contract by implying UNLIMITED then imposing limits? Using the term Unlimited is misleading and a mis-representation of the deal on offer.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    10GB? lol dude your an amateur. I had a constant 120GB/m AVERAGE. I'm the only one that has netflix and My3g working together. The fact of the matter is AT&T is the fastest download that i've experienced aside from a cable/wifi combo. I got the text form AT&T saying that its tethering plans aren't free and stopped jumping the turnstile after that warning. But I still avarage about 80GB/m. Anything less would be uncivilized. I can't wait till i get confo on wether or not it can be avoided or AT&T just gives it away for free ie Sprint.
  • Rogers
    Rogers Posts: 1
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    At least in canada rogers lets us use free hot spot at no charge.
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    Hello friends, in my case I have jailbroken my iphone 4. I am using the Onavas app, this app is intermediary for more performance from my paln of 2G data. If I use this process it is possible that by doing so can I bypass the AT & T tracking MyWi to use on my iPhone? Well i hope!!! :)
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    Sorry the app is Onavo in app store!!!
  • terrell
    terrell Posts: 6
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    They have said I've tethered when I havent. After I found out they were catching people tethering I stopped but they still say I tether. I use like 5gb of data at least every month though. But I don't get why they think I'm tethering when I'm not. It's not just me either. My dad in another plan with AT&T has got calls saying he is tethering. Playing dumb does not work, and telling them that you use netflix all the time over 3G doesn't either.
  • nf0rc3r
    nf0rc3r Posts: 9
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    Launch hotspot on iphone or iPad den use the wireless hotspot if "Wireless" is required to piss AT&T off.Scratch that. EVERYONE tether their phone on 1 June 2011 and download tons of stuff and cripple AT&T.
  • IXLR8
    IXLR8 Posts: 7
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    This is black and white, the law calls it Bait and Switch. The way Att uses the term unlimited is the exact reason why this law was drafted. The fact that they continue to use the term unlimited is proof that they are intent on defrauding the public regardless of what the little print says. BAIT AND SWITCH!
  • Bill W
    Bill W Posts: 1
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    The beauty of the free market is that you are not forced to buy this service. If you don't like it, don't subscribe. If you think there's a better solution, offer it to the market. I know this seems unhelpful, but at the end of the day this is how we all subscribe ... someone puts up resources to make a return on that investment, and they will maximize their return. I appreciate that, I like to invest in them in my 401k. This is an evolving market. I plan to jump to Sprint as soon as the iPhone is available on it ... voting with my pocketbook.
  • famba
    famba Posts: 1
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    That's not the free market; that's what is known as a Hobson's Choice.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    I just started using tethering as my main way for internet at my house. I called ATT to straighten out a bill and they automatically routed me to a department to talk about tethering being detected. I totally renounced it and said I use the internet a lot and look at a lot of videos. She asked if I wanted a tethering plan and said no, I don't use it. Apparently they are going to keep monitoring it, I threatened to cancel my service and go to someone else. I have unlimited data, why the **** should it matter. I'm so sick of ATT!!!!!