How To Fix iPhone Or iPad Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues After Upgrading To iOS 4.3.3

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imageHow To Fix iPhone Or iPad Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues After Upgrading To iOS 4.3.3

According to ReadWriteWeb, iPhone and iPad users are reporting Wi-Fi connectivity issues after upgrading iOS 4.3.3 that was released by Apple last week to fix the location tracking bug.

As RWW points out, when iPad 1 was launched last year, users had reported similar Wi-Fi connectivity issues but this time it looks like it is also affecting iPhone users.

Sarah Perez of RWW explains the issue she faced after upgrading to the latest iOS software update:

Read the full story here



  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I'm noticing that not just the WiFi cuts out - so does my carrier connection. It will just simply disappear, state Searching, then reappear. This has happened while on the phone as well resulting in a call failed response.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    My biggest problem with this "upgrade" is that it seems to very quickly drain my iPhone 4 battery. Didn't have this problem at all on any previous releases. Am I alone?
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    Wow. Good thing I'm still on 4.3.2. I noticed since they released iOS 4.3, a lot of problems are happening. Does Apple even test them before release? Cause we've been getting updates that just causes MORE problems to our iDevices.
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    I haven't had any issues. Maybe I just got lucky.
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Posts: 16
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    I don't have any of the problems on ipad2 or iPhone 3GS maybe this is caused by jail break software like ultrasn0w or something as none of my devices need to be jb so I dont have any battery issues or wifi maybe doggie jailbreak software has anybody thought of that instead of just blaming apple what about the buggy hacks and cracks that are done to jail break the device what about the memory leaks etc that causes the idevice? Just a thought.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    I'm not blaming anyone because for all I know there is a setting that will fix it. My phone isn't and has never been jailbroken or unlocked. I have no reason to do that.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I don't have any issues on my iphone 4 running iOS 4.3.3 and jailbroken using redsnow 9.6rc16. Signal, wifi and battery are all functioning as normal.
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Don't have this issue on my iphone 4 at all. I'm on 4.3.3
  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    I first had issue on 3g network not working after updated to 4.3.3 then I JB my i4 using redsnow 9.6rc16 and I have no problems on 3g networking and wi-fi aso but, there is a signal bar dropped 1 line even with ultrasnow 1.2.3 installed.
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    Depending on which version you came from. 4.3 brought along with it some battery problems. Anyway, with the recently updated redsn0w and Snowbreeze 2.7.1 I find the problem to be not as severe.
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    JB'ed. No problem with WiFi or 2G connection here. I don't use 3G because it's a drain on battery. I also don't have a data plan cuz there's WiFi everywhere I go except when I'm driving.
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    Jailbroken and tweaked up, no problem at all. Using at least 5 different wi-fi networks every day. Neither had problems using data or 3G networks. I recommend just one thing: after every update do "reset network settings" it will help you preventing network problems and battery draining. I test several iPhones every week and this method always helped me.
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    The only issue I have is when 3G tuns on, signal bar drops 1 bar, I do not have ultrasn0w (factory unlocked)
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Where did the question for unlock come for the ipad?
  • modi
    modi Posts: 30
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    I have had this problem with the iPad since going to WPA security on my router on all v4 versions. Was never an issue with TKIP.Boss Pref -> WiFi off -> WiFi on. Second nature at this point.
  • Fyta
    Fyta Posts: 29
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    Well, I am on iPhone 3GS, with iOS 4.3.3, jailbroken. I have been seeing strange issues this week since I updated from 4.2.1 this past weekend.I am not getting notifications properly. Seems mainly when I have not just recently used the app. Ping chat for instance, and google voice. I always got my notifications for ping chat before the update.Also, I noticed that the request to join wi-fi network is not coming up all the time like it used too. For instance, at work, we have private wi-fi which my phone would request quite often to join. After the update, it hasn't been asking. (Yes, the setting to ask to join networks is still on).Lastly, the find my iphone program doesnt seem to find my iphone, except when I am at home. Not sure why, because if I open maps, it find my location fine. But the find my iphone service cant seem to reach my iphone; for location or to send a message to it.
  • I4 4.3.3 issues
    I4 4.3.3 issues Posts: 1
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    I have signal, battery, wifi and 3G connection issue after I upgrade to 4.3.3. I have been using same jailbreak tool and tweeks that I'm using. I never had these issues. I'm going to restore the phone without backup and jailbreak to check if the issues still exist.
  • Ali
    Ali Posts: 86
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    apple is not taking care of their products. first the iphone 4 atenna issue, then the ipad 2 screen bleeding and now software issues. apple has started create many problems which they cannot fix. just hope this doesnt happen with their macs
  • Shannon
    Shannon Posts: 18
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    Wow. Definitely not updating to 4.3.3
  • surfmike
    surfmike Posts: 11
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    where the ipad 2 jaibreak at that all we need
  • GeO
    GeO Posts: 24
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    Im fully updated and jailbroken with a ton of cydia apps and my I-4 is just fine. No wifi issues or signal. Maybe people who are suffering these issues should just do a clean restore and then go from there. Its a pain but it should work.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    i've been having this problem too, but with me its not just wifi is ANY connection. It will say no signal when i know i'm in a good service area. I ended up downgrading back to 4.2.1 just to avoid this issue
  • yianni
    yianni Posts: 1
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    downloaded version 4.3.3. for my iphone 3g now my phone wont recognize passwords for various apps like online banking or for certain wi fi spots. also some buttons seem sluggish in response to touch.
  • Christine
    Christine Posts: 6
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    been having the same problem as well.. cannot connect to the internet after upgrading to the latest version... it always gives me 169... ip address... apple told me to restore it using itunes which I just did and it did not work... need help!
  • masiq
    masiq Posts: 1
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    I follow all of those fixes but my iPad 2 iOS 4.3.3 still can't connect to my Airport. now my iDevice becomes a photo slideviewer. any helps appreciated :(
  • BigFan
    BigFan Posts: 1
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    I have Wi-fi connection problem after upgrading 3GS from 4.0.1 to 4.3.3. I tried all of the above solutions but none worked. Wi-fi worked fine before upgrade.But for some reason after I changed my wireless router password it works now.
  • KR
    KR Posts: 41
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    the families got two I4 , ipod touch 3g and ipad all JB and on 4.3.3 with no issues? I wonder if its a itunes/phone connectivity issue? I sinc with mac computer
  • Valor
    Valor Posts: 1
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    Experiencing these issues on 4.3.3 jailbreak, only for some routers. Bummer.My Mac works fine on the same networks my iPhone has problems with.
  • stosine
    stosine Posts: 1
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    i have iphone 3g and my wifi is not working though I'm in nigeria and we don't have iphone service. here.
  • Katie
    Katie Posts: 10
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    I have tried all the about solutions and still no joy! It was working perfectly on 4.3.3 until about a month ago, now I cannot hold a wifi connection at all! So frustrating!!