Apple To Unveil iPhone 5 With Radical New Case Design In August?

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imageApple To Unveil iPhone 5 With Radical New Case Design In August?

BGR has just reported that according to one of their reliable source, the next generation iPhone – iPhone 5 will come with 'radical new case design'.

According to BGR’s source, Apple will unveil the fifth generation iPhone at a special event in early or mid August, which would be available in the last week of August.

BGR reports:

Read the full story here



  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    yea the iOS is becoming very outdated even with it jailbroken. im switching to a Galaxy S2 next month when they come out.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Good for you, see you in the iPhone 5 queue! I put money on it! It's very hard to use another phone after having iPhone!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The only ones complaining are people who don't even own an iphone lol. Let's face it folks, you like to troll. I don't see anything on my iphone 4 that's "out dated" at all. And please don't say flash. I don't use that garbage.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    maybe next year we'll see but this will be when i switch to an android phone. wont be that bad for me cuz ive done customer service for Verizon for 2 years so i know how to actually use the android OS. besides, the notification system in the iOS 5 is a rip off of the notification system from Android anyway. the CPU will be the dual core from the iPad2. and maybe a slightly bigger screen which the GS2 will have anyway. honestly, i dont see a point at all in iphones anymore now.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Sounds like it's coming from a complete noob. Do you even know what outdated means? IOS is still the most polished, smooth mobile os out there.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    ive had the iPhone 4 since launch last year. kthxbye
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    feature wise, yes it is. youve got fanboyism in your eyes guy. calm down.
  • Tigere
    Tigere Posts: 0
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    Its exciting news still, I think Apple will exploit cloud computing and provide us with a mere terminal, indeed allowing the device design to be as slim as ever.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    I need flash but I like my iPhone and I would love a larger screen the larger android screens are great for Internet maybe make 2 sizes(?) I know our control freak Jobs wouldn't like that........
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Actually, it's called "I've tried them all." I think it's you that needs a little calming. Relax, apple's not gonna bite you. The topic's about potential iphone 5 rumors and it attracts the trolls.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    And I've been to mars.
  • kiddowiddo
    kiddowiddo Posts: 36
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    Most polished? Agreed with wite boy, the os doesn't look much different than before, and it still lacks flash which I would make good use of :/
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The idea of a bigger screen is nice, but I don't want a bigger phone. I've held the 4"+ screens by htc and they're just too big/clunky.Flash doesn't work properly on mobile devices. It's adobe's fault. They slap a lite version on android and call it flash. The only flash it runs are videos and ads. If they try to play zynga games on facebook, no luck. Invisionpbb games? Doesn't work. Throw some tech jargon around and the wannabe tech noobs come biting.
  • santa
    santa Posts: 4
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  • kiddowiddo
    kiddowiddo Posts: 36
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    I would like to complain, because I'm stuck with an iPhone 4 and I could have saved money buying an equally capable android phone :/ Last year I really wanted an iphone, now though, its lost its shine for me, with all the other phones ahead in specs and features
  • Ask bout me...
    Ask bout me... Posts: 1
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    Well then take your android loving ass and go to a verizon website stop complaining like a lil b1tch your the idiot plain and simple..oh and ps you way off topic get sum common sense and at least stick to topic go keep riding sorry ass verizon
  • Ask about med
    Ask about med Posts: 2
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    Well then sell your iPhone and get a flash phone you sound so stupid complaining been years since iPhone has no flash and you still composing about it either shut up or get a new phone I swear you people that complain about the iPhone are just plain morons
  • Ask about med
    Ask about med Posts: 2
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    Well then sell it it's that simple I guarantee you theres plenty people that'll buy it but people just sound so stupid when the complain about a PHONE!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The iphone 4 resells for $400-500 right now. Sorry pal, nice try though. Check craigslist and ebay for local buyers. Dealers are paying $320 for a used iphone 4. I'll give you a clue. Sell your iphone 4 for $400. Buy a new phone. If you switch carriers, your ETF will be pro-rated. If you want an early upgrade on the same carrier, they've got options for you too.
  • Steve jobs
    Steve jobs Posts: 57
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    shut up trolls, if you hate iphone, go to your instead.. why are you still here?
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I've had the iPhone since day one. I used to complain about Flash but I can give a s#1t about Flash now.
  • aka
    aka Posts: 16
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    it will have to be redesigned as ios5 lets camera to use volume button, and for now it is not very convenient to use that feature, or they will move camera to other corner
  • Rob Lee
    Rob Lee Posts: 18
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    Once again iPhone is gonna let the competitors catch up to them. Hate em or love em, android is here to stay. They will eventually put it all together and when they do, iphone will be in big trouble. Steve Jobs needs to continue to wow us every year with a new iphone. Thats the only thing that has kept me on the Apple boat.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    First off android lovers go read around the net android marketshare is dropping. Flash eats your battery life hence y most droid phones die in 5-6 hours. iPhone is here to stay and u better get use to not having flash because it's not coming to iPhones and thank god cause I don't want that buggy crap. I hope the screen is bigger but don't want the phone to be a brick. And they better have memory on board 64gb minimum and 128gb max that would crush the competition for 3 months till droid can play catchup as usual. Looking forward to the press conference to see what we will be getting.
  • Chaos03
    Chaos03 Posts: 3
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    People need to stop hating other people over phones. Why would you call someone stupid or a **** because they like one phone and don't like the phone that you use. That makes no sense me. I've had a new iphone every launch day since the 3G. I love iPhones. If someone else hates them.....OK. I see some good things in some Android phones too. They're just not my preference. If someone else loves them.......OK.Get over it people.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    iOS 5 Notification might be a rip off of the Android OS but the entire Andriod phone is an rip off of the iPhone, you filbert dicked jackass.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Unless this update is amazing in a lot of ways, I'll stick with my 4 and wait for the 6. Can't wait to see what they are doing though.
  • daddy knows best
    daddy knows best Posts: 1
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    Y do folks come on hear an complain about apple products? I thought this website said "iPhone" hacks not "android" hacks...they suck no way I don't have to reset my iphone every day as to where androids u do...they run slow...take the slow android I'll keep my apple any day
  • slickwilly
    slickwilly Posts: 1
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    That is some funny **** right there ....