AT&T Adding Tethering Plan For Customers Using Unofficial iPhone Tethering Using Jailbreak Apps

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imageAT&T Adding Tethering Plan For Customers Using Unofficial iPhone Tethering Using Jailbreak Apps

Back in March, AT&T had sent customers using unofficial tethering options an email stating that "records show that you use [tethering] but are not subscribed to our tethering plan".

AT&T had then sent reminders to these customers back in April. Folks at 9 to 5 Mac reports that according to some of their readers, AT&T is adding the tethering plan to the current data plan (including grandfathered unlimited data plan) without their consent.

Read the full story here



  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 33
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  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    I use MyWi drains battery too much to use it all the time. I've never got a text or email from AT&T about it. I usually don't go over 2 GB even though I have an unlimited plan. Maybe i should send AT&T a bill for having their microcells tethered to my home network.
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    I used to use MyWi on my iPhone 4 a lot, about 25gb a month, until I received the text and email from AT&T. I called them back but didn't manage to work it out with them. This was a couple of months ago (4 or 6?). I hope they don't change my unlimited data plan. PS: I managed to get the unlimited data plan with my iPhone 4 by buying the 3GS a week before the 4 was announced. I know this is not the only way to keep it but it sure feels good (TWSS) ;)
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I got a SMS and letter from AT&T back in march because I use mywi. But I quit tethering on my laptop and only use it for my iPad. Since then they haven't said a word. I don't believe they can detect iOS tethering, only personal CPUs. Just a thought.
  • Bigger John
    Bigger John Posts: 0
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    I have an unlimited data plan but rarely use more than a GB during an average billing cycle. I use PDANet to occasionally tether my iPad to my iPhone 4 for very brief periods. I've never been contacted by AT&T.
  • Ron
    Ron Posts: 69
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    Was using MyWi when I got the text message, switched over to PDANET and never heard another word.
  • bandrax
    bandrax Posts: 29
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  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    I don't care. I'm in Canada :D
  • Steve VB
    Steve VB Posts: 3
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    I can understand this on the unlimited plan. There is never any such thing as truly unlimited -- no one can run a business on that. They have to do so based on assumptions of use. In an all-you-can-eat buffet, people can only eat so much in a meal. If you started bringing in a grocery cart to load up and take away, they would have issues. Same thing here. Unlimited is as in all-your-smartphone-can-eat. If you're gonna change the assumption, the plan will have to change.It's the capped plans I have issue with. If I'm paying for 2GB, I should be able to use 2GB any way I wish. After all, if I order a large meal in a restaurant, I can feed some of it to my kid, or pack it up and take it home. I should be able to do the same with a capped data plan.
  • IamJim
    IamJim Posts: 10
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    I do the same. No issues so far. PDANET seems pretty neeto if you ask me! F*** AT&T and their tactics to screw you out of what you already pay for!!!
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    Orange let's you use it for free. At first the charged 4 Euro a month, but now it's free. You can use your data plan in any way, even VoIP or Facetime on 3G network
  • Robert G
    Robert G Posts: 3
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    you are 100% correct...
  • Samuel K Thomas
    Samuel K Thomas Posts: 2
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    corporate moguls like at&t gets fattening up with common man's money. Is there no law avilable to stop their looting in USA? If people quit using their service, they will come down to their knees begging for your business. People, get together and avoid them and their amassing of wealth with your hard earned currency.
  • Lg1
    Lg1 Posts: 99
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    ok i use Pdanet and i have not been contacted by the great Gods of the world yet...but i use below 1G (tethering) to my ipad... i have the unlimited plan but i don't think i ever used more than 5gb on my phone during a billing cycle. For the people that abuse the unlimited plan like 25gb come on that’s bs. Now they are coming down hard on everybody by capping the speed, or adding the additional charges. If you ask me i'll pull the plug too.Thank you iphonehacks and the jb community for bringing us good articles, news, and cool jb apps and tweaks.
  • Thd
    Thd Posts: 7
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    Sprint will be getting iphone soon enough. For bout 110.00 a month this including taxes on eveything data plan it should be looked at. We must realize the Apple &AT&T relationship is fucked up they really hate each other.Sprint had 4g up and running in 2008 as of August 1st you can talk and surf the net at the same time Motorola put out a GSM/CDMA phone same thing Apple is doing this is why they went to Qualcomm. For better understanding google Apple and At&t relationship and read all the **** At&t was trying to pull. Apple would of had tethering one the first iphone if Verizon was the carrier just search the net you will see At&t for the assholes they are
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    It's becoz the top 5% heaviest users slow the network down for the rest
  • Luke
    Luke Posts: 51
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    I think thats the last time i heard them doing this and I went to sprint (: **** them
  • Amsterpelli
    Amsterpelli Posts: 28
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    I use MyWi about twice a month .. maybe more .. and rarely go over a gig for a single month .. I have never received a letter, text, or email from ATT...and mostly because I'm lazy I've never switched off my Unlimited plan. I'll definitely check my bill when it comes next month, but it makes me wonder if ATT may be targeting users that just have high data usage and not on their tethering plan. I'd be curious to know if anyone has received a letter from ATT for using MyWi, but consuming less than a gig per month .. or .. received a letter because they had high data usage, but were not tethering.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Is it a pc? I wonder if it's the browser they are able to detect. I use it for my iPad and my daughters use it for their iPod touches.
  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    They did this to me a few months ago and I wasn't even tethering. I called them and talked to them about it and after arguing with them for an hour they finally decided okay we will give you a chance, if you tether starting now we will change your plan with out notification to the 45 dollar plan. So after that I just stopped using 3G so what is the point in even having the unlimited plan if we cant use it? if we use over 2gb of data a month they look at it and think we are doing something we're not supposed to be doing. I think it's retarded and bad for business. A lot of people are pissed off at AT&T because of this, including me. I do not like being accused of something Im not doing when I sure could have been using mywi the whole time but I wasn't. And then they have the nerve to tell me that they cant tell me how they think Im tethering or what reason they have to believe that I was tethering, all they could tell me is that I was tethering. they KNEW it. Not that they thought it. They were wrong because I wasn't tethering. I still have my unlimited plan but I hardly use it because I don't want them to say I'm tethering and switch it to the 45 dollar plan.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    *the top 5% slow it down for everybody*And you KNOW this how? Or do you just eat every spoonful of crap that anyone gives you?
  • Benny isai
    Benny isai Posts: 6
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    Cocksuckers Damm!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    Same here. I use MyWi and rarely go above 500mb and I have never been contacted in any way.
  • shthead
    shthead Posts: 5
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    **** AT&T !! They are the worst!
  • Yesyourmomwasawhorewhenwemey
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    My advice is class action law suite unlimited means just that and when they sold you the plan they never said you can't tether now did they ......... NO they didn't so go ahead AT&T show your ass we will sue you stupid.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    You guys need to band together and stop these money grabbing arseholes from screwing you over. You've paid for the data plan. How you use it is none of their sodding business. Phone companies are quick to waggle a "fair useage policy" at you to deny you the right to use what you've paid for or charge you extra. "Our goal here is fairness for all of our customers." Corporates don't give a rats ass about their customers. Their customers cash? now that's a diffrent story. They want every last cent you've got and then some.The choices are simple.1) Stand up to them2) bend over, spread your cheeks and invite them in.
  • Bruce
    Bruce Posts: 19
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    +1I've used tethering during a storm once when the power failed and a few times at a park to do homework which required an active internet connection... but I use it pretty lightly and have stayed under the radar
  • SeenDaLight
    SeenDaLight Posts: 39
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