Apple Hires Comex - iPhone Hacker Behind Popular Jailbreak Tools Like JailbreakMe, Spirit As An Inte

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imageApple Hires Comex - iPhone Hacker Behind Popular Jailbreak Tools Like JailbreakMe, Spirit As An Intern

Comex - developer of some of the most popular jailbreak tools like JailbreakMe and Spirit has just announced that he is joining Apple as an intern.

Comex had recently released JailbreakMe 3.0 – one of the easiest solutions to jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch for iOS 4.3.3, which used a userland exploit to jailbreak and install Cydia on an iOS device using mobile Safari. Apple had to release an iOS 4.3.4 software update to patch the vulnerability.

Read the full story here



  • ryanwins
    ryanwins Posts: 8
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  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    shut up up hes not a traitor, hes getting paid for his talent and why not....maybe young blood and outside help could help apple bring out new features to there ios devices meaning no more hacks needed
  • Fuck you
    Fuck you Posts: 47
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  • ryanwins
    ryanwins Posts: 8
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    YOUNGSUMMA Posts: 13
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    another one bites the dust
  • oh yeah
    oh yeah Posts: 10
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    That is a good way to stop jailbreaking!
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    @ryanwins...hmm weird last time I looked apple new ios5 has some features found in cydia and next time stop trolling do some research and once you find something intersting than you may speak
  • Jane Fonda
    Jane Fonda Posts: 11
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    can't beat the man with the money. Whores, we all are for a price. Cheers to you Comex! good luck man!
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    It's been a blessing to have Comex in the Jailbreak community. Nonetheless, he's young and has his future ahead of him. This lad is a genius and seeing him join Apple is just great. Let's hope he's going to help bring the best idea to Apple products.Believe it or not we're all on the same side enjoying the best products modern technology can offer. Apple has over the past decades proven to be the first in innovations and will continue to do so in future with Comex on board.He has been with us and now an insider. You only can make changes happen from inside out. I'm confident his professionalism will help convince Apple of the fears and worries about securing iDevices. That may result to opening more doors for freedom. Jailbreak as the name implies is about freedom and I'm sure Comex's primary goal will be to deliver on that. He has been here and knows what it feels like being in Jail. Trust me ;-)
  • Cb
    Cb Posts: 25
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    Hmm I doubt Apple are hiring him to bring any creativity to Them! They've got him to find exploits and fix them. Good luck to him but it's bad news for the dev-team and us simple jailbreak lovers.
  • Chilldoe
    Chilldoe Posts: 2
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    Comex has contributed immensely to the jailbreak community at no cost.... Way more than most.I wish him the best! In all sincerety.My only concern is if Bill tries to touch his naughty places...You gotta do what you gotta do, and he is definately worthy of some sheckles.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    In an idol world we wouldn't need exploits, and lets face it their are few reasons for Comex to continue jail breaking other than self gratification. Whilst some of the jail breaking community celebrate his hacking triumphs the majority sit and moan about not having the latest hacks without a thought about the time and effort that goes into his work. It's a thankless task hacking iOS. It is therefore ironic that the thanks comes in the way of job with Apple and I say good luck to him.
  • goody2312
    goody2312 Posts: 9
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    Might as well enjoy all this jailbreaking while it lasts. Apple will soon win. They already released unlocked phones thus killing the need to uncover an unlock. Not that anyone could now, there hasn't been a new cracked unlock in almost(if not over) a year. It was a nice ride while it lasted.
  • goody2312
    goody2312 Posts: 9
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    By the way I think you meant to say IDEAL, not idol.
  • Chilldoe
    Chilldoe Posts: 2
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    Well stated!!It is unfortunate how unreasonably demanding freeloaders can be.Comex will help to change the world and I hope I can be there to see it.In Ocean City MD currently, and expecting the worst.
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    In as much as I disagree that it is all about winning or losing, the question to ask is: will there still be the need to Jailbreak when all iDevices are unlocked? I don't think so... The Jailbreak community would have won if it happens. That's our goal.
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    To be free at last...
  • FU
    FU Posts: 41
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    If you can't stop them, hire them!
  • RT
    RT Posts: 6
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    Apples trying to shut down the jailbreak unlock community by hiring these guys apple are greedy trolls but soon will fall to the hands of googles android.
  • mato
    mato Posts: 31
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    RIP jailbreak... somebody have a phoenix down?
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Cant blame the man, big money on offer for his considerable talents
  • Musen
    Musen Posts: 1
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    To gays who are trying to correct the grammer flaws in the comment section:F*** YOU ALL! Not everybody in this site is american or british. Go buy an idildo. Wankers.The problem is not comex being hired by apple its apples limitations to apple owners. Let us use it like an open source and all these debates will finish in a second. İ dont think anyone using his ithing jailbroken would like to use it with restrictions.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Interns work for free, he isn't getting paid.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Interns work for free, he isn’t getting paid. He is just hoping to someday get paid.
  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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    wake up guys, this means ios will always have holes, and apple is trying to plug them as they are discovered....PS: everything digital will alway have back doors..for #1 writer/developer needs to get back in and out to edit,add or jailbreak will always be there as long as someone is will to find these back doors.WELCOME TO THE MATRIX......SO.... WILL COMEX TAKE THE RED PILL OR THE BLUE PILL..or will someone else rise to the challenge..
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    What world do you live in that interns don't get paid?I have done many internships and gotten paid so have other friends of mine... maybe you are just not interning for the right places :-)
  • Paul Compton
    Paul Compton Posts: 10
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    Excellent fair play to both parties comex for getting his future started and apple for the common sense to use the jailbreak community guys.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Sure, when we can have a winterboard like setting, options for trials in apps(As there are total crap hiding in the AppStore that you have to purchase first...).Apart from that, options to restore phone to previous iOS, options for preserving/editing basebands, unlock software.The list damn well near goes on for a while before I can even stop to think about the things unlikely to ever happen at Apple, they might try some things, but unlikely to be as successful as they community as a whole.So no. It wont help.
  • Yo-daddy67
    Yo-daddy67 Posts: 4
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    Ever heard of paid internships? Stupid