Official 1.1.3 Upgrader: Automatic Graphical Method for Upgrading to a Jailbroken iPhone Firmware v1

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imageOfficial 1.1.3 Upgrader: Automatic Graphical Method for Upgrading to a Jailbroken iPhone Firmware v1.1.3

If you are one of those who is finding it difficult to jailbreak iPhone firmware v1.1.3 then things have got a lot easier as the iPhone hacking community have just sanctioned an automatic graphical method for upgrading to a jailbroken iPhone firmware v1.1.3 called "Official 1.1.3 Upgrader". So you no...

Read the full story here



  • Kostaiki
    Kostaiki Posts: 4
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    Can anyone confirm that the network stays unlocked with the firmware upgrade. One phone was unlocked using iphonesimfree and the other using anysim...any response to this would be greatly appreciated. Greets from AU

  • Root-ser
    Root-ser Posts: 1
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    I'm buying my iphone next week. Is there a method to unlock a 1.1.3 OTB iphone? Please help me

  • shane blyth
    shane blyth Posts: 25
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    Will this work with Turbo sim ok?

  • shane blyth
    shane blyth Posts: 25
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    I'd suggest people follow the links to phone atlas (a link at the end of the above article) before trying this as when i looked there there was 9 comments and looked like another disaster, bricked phones, sims locked so phone function wont work, apps no longer working.. I am eager to go to 1.1.3 but not if all these hassles occur. I love my iphone with 1.1.2 and all the extra apps and dont wont to loose functionality

  • Cheer5747
    Cheer5747 Posts: 3
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    I just upgraded my iPhone (unlocked 1.1.2 T-Mobile) and for almost an hour I was testing everything. I tell you what, I tried all the other two fixes and this third one is the greatest of them all. The other two gave me headache for edge network (edge was gone) and now I have edge and wireless working and also it kept all my previous programs on my springboard (desktop). iTunes works, youtube, stocks, weather works on edge. Safari works and lets you save the links that you want on your springboard (desktop). Maps can not circle locate but I think that is a known issue? Also maps still keeps thinking when you select that target shaped on the lower-end corner of the screen. Sendpics, SendSong, Customize, BAckgammon, Installer, converter, iSim all appear to be working on my iphone. One thing I noticed is that ssh ip address is now and the old password (alpine) does not work. But I am not worried at the moment. I am sure someone will find a solution for that or it might be only my iphone. Great Job!

  • Cheer5747
    Cheer5747 Posts: 3
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    I actually uninstalled and reinstalled openssh and vola it works like a charm too. This is a wonderful day..

  • Free iPod Touch
    Free iPod Touch Posts: 2
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    Thanks for the heads up :D

  • taziam
    taziam Posts: 3
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    So how many have updated to 1.1.3 is it worth it im running turbo sim 1.4 i LOVE my iphone and im a newbe so i dont want to have to learn how to restore my iphone in one night. should i wait another week ???? can any one help me learn how to cute ftp my iphone??

  • shane blyth
    shane blyth Posts: 25
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    I have a turbosim in mine too.. only got the phone a month ago and have been to freaked with reports to try it. I don't know what version of Turbosim (actually i never new there was different versions) Do you know how I can tell what version of TS I have

  • taziam
    taziam Posts: 3
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    I only know because i bought mine off of ebay and the guy said in his add paid alot knowing now what i do wish i didn't pay so much but oh well its a freaking wicked awesome phone just need to learn how to FTP

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    i'm still on 1.0.2. what should i do to upgrade to 1.1.3?

  • aalan
    aalan Posts: 2
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    i still haven been able to upgrade to 1.1.2 !!! any help!!!???

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I just tried the jailbreak 1.1.3 from 1.1.2... Phone will not connect to itunes now. I get a message in itunes that reads, "There is a problem with your iPhone" "We're sorry, the iPhone you connected may be damaged and and cannot be activated for service..."

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    At first it looked like it worked I got the installer and the home screen looked correct. Then I installed a couple apps and when I docked I got this error.

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    does anyone know if my iphone will get bricked if i upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1, 1.1.2, or 1.1.3?

  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    I have done this install to 1.1.3 twice now, both times going back to 1.1.1 then 1.1.2 and both times there is no Edge tab in the network settings at all, so I cannot enter any data.


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I spent 2 hours following the steps to jailbreak, I had no luck. I was up to the last few steps and it wouldnt work. Then I spent 2 extra hours trying to restore to original but I kept getting a lot of errors. The most common one: iPhone not able to paire with iTunes. After multiple atemps of rebooting it finally was able to restore.


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Alex, did you get the "There is a problem with your iPhone" "We're sorry, the iPhone you connected may be damaged and and cannot be activated for service..." error? Has anyone gotten this error after upgrading? If so has anyone fixed their iphone or got it to restore? How?


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I tried this too and now my phoneis stuck. I can receive calls, and can make calls, but cant access the springboard. I can sync with iTunes.

    A message form iTunes comes up as says

    "There is a problem with your iPhone.

    We are sorry, the iPhone you connected may be damaged and canont be activated for service. We recommend you visit your nearest Apple Store for more information."


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Oops, just noticed a critical typo.

    Since the update, I CANNOT sync with iTunes.

    When a call comes in, I see the normal welcome screen like the phone is fine.

    When I call out, I am dialing from the "emergency only" screen. The call go just fine and it even accesses my phonebook for the name reference.

    Once the call is done and I suspend the phone, the "Connect to iTunes graphic and 'slide for emergency'" screen shows up........

    Does anyone know how to restore the phone from this state?

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    It would be awesome if there was a total 1 touch solution for a phone already on 1.1.3 to jail break it.

  • Matt V
    Matt V Posts: 2
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    So it sounds like your in the same situation as I am. Although I cannot accss my phone book in the emergency call screen. Has anyone found a way to restore? I tried to restore a couple time from home and was unsuccessful. I was thinking we could try the manual way to jail break from here... not sure though.


  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I have a launch iphone that I did upgrade to 1.1.3 when it was released. ( I was eager to try to the locate feature.) Since this method was released I downgraded using this link (

    Once I was back to a 1.1.2 jailbroken, I lauched and ran "Official 1.1.3 Upgrader". Everything so far (about 12 hours has gone by) is running fine. Phone activated fine also, with no syncing issues. I did no however unlock my phone bc I am an ATT customer.

    Hope that helps.


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I was getting that, "We're sorry, the iPhone you connected may be damaged and and cannot be activated for service..." error. I just kept following the jailbreak steps. I would then see if iTunes would restore it. If it would then I would go to the next step. After that step was done I would retry to restore it. Eventually, I got to the steps where you upgrade from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 (which wouldnt work at all) and I tried the restore and it worked on the second try.
    I would give you more details on the process I went through but Im at work. If you still have problems,
    I will try give more details later.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    If it WOULDNT then I would go to the next step. After that step was done I would retry to restore it. Eventually, I got to the steps where you upgrade from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 (which wouldnt work at all) and I tried the restore and it worked on the second try.

  • seminolejohn
    seminolejohn Posts: 7
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    Help, I followed team's recommendations, ran "official" 113 updater - phone is bricked - can't access anything, itunes says it is dammaged and to contact ATT. Phone tells me in 2 languages I can slide to make an emergency call - this was a functioning 112, jailbroken phone running aps 90 minutes ago. Any suggestions?

  • Michael Sullivan
    Michael Sullivan Posts: 1
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    For those of you that are getting "damaged" message here is the fix.
    Plug into iTunes.
    Hold the sleep and home button until the Apple logo comes on but then ONLY release the sleep button. Keep holding down the Home button and you should get into restore mode.
    You will be unhacked but at least your phone will work.

  • Sadov88
    Sadov88 Posts: 2
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    I just did with an unlocked 1.1.2 phone and it worked fine.

    I originally had a 1.1.3 phone that I upgraded. If you're having problems I would suggest doing a restore to 1.1.1 and then downgrading the baseband aka virginize it. then you can jailbreak run oktoprep and shift/click upgrade to 1.1.2.

    Once there you can run anysim version 1.1.2 to unlock. from there i used this touch free soft update to 1.1.3 and it worked just fine. NOTE: some apps won't install once you're on 1.1.3 so install any and all apps you must have on 1.1.2 before you procede to upgrade.

  • weight loss doctor
    via Wordpress

    ok scratch that i just tried to install a 3rd party app and it crashed my phone!!

    i think this update is still early and has some issues. i would not recommend adding apps once upgraded to 1.1.3!

  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    OK Just for info, I have reverted back to jailbreak 1.1.2. I have spent 2 days doing and redoing this 1.1.3 jailbreak, it works for me totally apart from....there is no gprs/edge connection, it seems to be 'forgotten about' in the hack, it doesn't even appear in network settings as an option, all other features worked, even the visual voicemail feature works which does not in 1.1.2, however with no gprs/edge the hack is useless, if this can be fixed then great, if any of the developers want to contact me please do.

