Steve Jobs Has Passed Away

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSteve Jobs Has Passed Away

With great sadness we have to report that Apple's visionary co-founder and ex-CEO, Steve Jobs has passed away.

Apple has put up a page with the following message:

Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

Read the full story here



  • flyezz
    flyezz Posts: 42
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    first to say this is sad news
  • Your momma
    Your momma Posts: 45
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    He changed the world and affected nearly everyone in it. If that's not greatness, I don't know what is. You will be greatly missed, Steve. I hope the ones you left in charge of Apple can carry on your legacy with half as much grace and insight as you did. Sad day :(
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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  • Nafis
    Nafis Posts: 0
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    Its time to shut this site down. As SJ passed away iPhones will no longer be A Piece of Art. So no meaning wasting time on JB or unlocking a piece of junk, ergo nullifies need of this site. We loved the CatnMouse game while it lasted. Its really really really hard to say, but Steve you will be missed.
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    rest in peace, i have no words to describe how sad i feel:(
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Steve, you will really be missed. Rest in peace.
  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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    Hi Steve, thanks for the iXXXXX products that you have introduced so far. You can take a break for now that all these stuffs are really high flying. Catch you in that special place later !! Have fun there and intro them your NEW iXXXXX stuffs ya. Always Remembered......
  • Android
    Android Posts: 11
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    Its Android world now!
  • jo
    jo Posts: 35
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    I don't think so, stop being negative Stevs Jobs' legacy will continue just like Michael Jackson, and Elvis.
  • Your momma
    Your momma Posts: 45
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    Oh come on. Jobs built an incredible foundation on which Apple can stand for years to come. He didn't just pull some guy off the street to run Apple. He chose his close friend and someone who he has been mentoring for years. Jobs shared his vision with those closest to him. Apple will continue to be great just as Jobs knew it would when he saw his death coming from afar years ago when he was first diagnosed with cancer.
  • Wedding Guy
    Wedding Guy Posts: 30
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    There aren't many people in the world who have such a profound impact on my everyday live as Steve Jobs. I will try to live my live by his principles that he described in his 2005 Stanford speech. If you haven't yet seen it, I highly recommend it.
  • Andres Royal
    Andres Royal Posts: 2
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    Rest in peace Steve Jobs you was a genius, and your legacy will last forever, thanks for all your contributions in this world!
  • baka
    baka Posts: 8
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    Go eat a fat d**k! Your on the wring website you p***k
  • dgw2012
    dgw2012 Posts: 1
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    I'm a senior in high school and I've written many reports and articles about Steve Jobs. I truly love Apple with all my heart and I am also saddened to see a man of such integrity and poise gone. I feel like I've known Steve for all my life and all his because of the information I know about it. All the way from when he was a kid, to when he resigned as CEO of Apple. Because I know this, I feel I have lost a great friend although I never knew him on a personal level.R.I.P. Steven Paul Jobs
  • El Hache
    El Hache Posts: 14
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    Steve Jobs, may you rest in peace. We will all "stay hungry and stay foolish" in your memory.
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    He was simply a great inventor. His passion for creativity will be missed. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Leonardo Divinci, Einstein and many others have made our life a better place. He will be missed. The man of our century. God bless you and your family.
  • Karan
    Karan Posts: 10
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    Really shocked and speechless....... Maybe God requires someone to create iHeaven
  • pasiene
    pasiene Posts: 0
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    la verdad el mundo esta triste era una de las personas q siempre e admirado y lo extranaremos
  • Madas
    Madas Posts: 6
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    U name and legacy will live on.thank u for your vision
  • mohgui
    mohgui Posts: 25
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    Steve left us to restore the missing Apple from the Garden of Eden...May you have eternal rest Steve...
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Jobs passed away just after Tim cooks presented the new iPhone , that was his last thing to do on earth to see how his empire is run by a person he trust and knew that it will do the best job, the iPhone doesn't die now it's just getting started now is up to us to keep what Steve invented aliveeeee.. Steve we Will always remember you and thank you for all this that you left us with, where you are hope your in peace and in the place you wanted
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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  • Zero
    Zero Posts: 7
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    Steve,Youve given me the most amazing phones i could ever ask for. As an att employee you have given my family more than you could imagine with the amazing launches. Steve I thank you for creating a product that is amazing enough for me to use and simple enough for my 1 and 3 yr old daughters to enjoy. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your a hero, a visionary and an inspiration. I wish i would have been lucky enough to meet you, however you were an amazing human and im glad youve given me my iPhone. Thank you,Brandon Craig
  • alukado
    alukado Posts: 7
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    Here’s to the Crazy One.The misfit. The rebel. The troublemaker. The round peg in the square hole.The One Who Saw Things Differently.He wasn't fond of rules. And he had no respect for the status quo.You can quote him, disagree with him, glorify or vilify him. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore him. Because he changed things.He pushed the human race forward. And while some may have seen him as the crazy one, we saw genius.Because the man who was crazy enough to think he could change the world, was the one who did. Just bought an Steve Jobs Action figure here, is the thing I can do to miss him
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Edison18471931Einstein1879 1955Jobs19552011A Man among men has joined the greatest there ever was......the world has a loss that can not be will be
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    I feel the same way. My very first computer was the Apple IIe. I've followed his visions through out his career and feel like I've known him all of my life.His contributions to technology has impacted each and every one of us. Whether people like or hate Steve Jobs, there's no doubt about what he's done for this world. He will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on.
  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    I am a designer and photographer and Steve Jobs has revolutionized many aspects of my life and work that I utilize every day. You sir, will surely be missed. It is a real shame, such a young age for a brilliant man who had so much to offer this world. Ironic that most of the word is finding out about the death of Steve Jobs probably on a device that he had created. Wrap your head around that, he is a legend and changed the world forever.
  • Victor
    Victor Posts: 54
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    RIP :(Send from IPhone
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    lol his inventions arent even close to what edison gave the world. come on
  • K20DC2R
    K20DC2R Posts: 16
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    Apple products will continue to grow in popularity everyday, mainly because they listrn to the cult like customers...we will help create the iPhones of the future, and apple will be our resource....and with Jobs knowledge he has left, the possibilities are endless. I think Apple should make a limited edition macbook pro on memory of Steve. RIP our friend, you will be missed.