Steve Jobs Has Passed Away



  • Badass
    Badass Posts: 9
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    Damn this sucks!!! R.I.P.Sent from my iPhone
  • angel
    angel Posts: 81
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    Very sad about it.Thanks to one of the Steve's inventions (iPad) my 1 year daughter now knows how to solve puzzles and learn the alphabet in a very friendly and funny way.That and many other thinks are what I thank him very muchWe all will miss you!Steve Jobs: The man who changed our lives. Thanks and RIP.
  • Jolly_idiot
    Jolly_idiot Posts: 1
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    Enjoy your time with jesus, steve. Btw, i'm wondering what if bill gates is dead? Any idea?
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I respect all his achievements he was a truly visionary individual. Apple will no doubt miss him, but will no doubt be grinning like the preverbial cheshire cat as they have just been handed the greatest free marketing tool they could ever have hoped for.QUOTE"im definitely buy a 4S in his memory"UNQUOTEin fact the synical side of me thinks it might just explain the delay in releasing the new devices. they have been known to be rather "predictable" with their release dates in the past.It will be interesting to watch how apple now conducts itself. Now that it doesn't have mr jobs to answer to.R.I.P. mr jobs lets hope you chose your successor wisely.
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    So, you don't think we will either?
  • Oluwaseun 4rm nigeria
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    Gosh!!! Just planing to learn jailbreaking b4 steve gave up at the was a sad thing i neva knew dis was coming,its a bad thing.2 day shold be a historical day in da world guiness book of record.
  • Boss
    Boss Posts: 33
    via Wordpress are just great. May be God needs you.Rest in peace. Everyone misses u for sure....
  • Sephen Collins
    Sephen Collins Posts: 1
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    In dis-belief, we will all miss you ........ Steve Jobs You Were Everything That Made Apple...things will never be the same... God Bless You !! And goodbye Apple !!!
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    The two most important "No"s he said to me were:Removing Flash: Flash barely manages to run smoothly on the PC, how would it run on a phone which is greatly underpowered than PCs.Removing CD/DVD slots: I've got a Dell XPS (ya, I regret buying it) which has a DVD slot. Guess what, I've never used it since the past year, perhaps even more than that. He realised that the web would be the future medium of distribution, others did as well, but he enforced it, which probably accelerated the movement. Lion's distribution through the App Store was a sign that this transition was successfully completed.Of course there might be a number of no's much more significant than this that people outside Infinite loop don't know. I'm pretty sure that most of these "No"s ended up making Apple products even better.So to the best editor ever,Thanks!
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Oops the formation of the first line is a bit confusing."To me the two most important “No”s he said were:"
  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    There ARE ways to play flash and make flash apps on iPhone. Read about it.
  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    Bill Gates could die twice and no one would care, everything about windows is a mess.
  • hugherecti0n
    hugherecti0n Posts: 2
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    RIP Steve, you live through our hearts
  • jhfire
    jhfire Posts: 0
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    I don't see how he changed the world. Out of all honesty, Apple just made expencive toys for the public. However, only thing I like about Apple is more or less the iPod. I believe Bill Gates has made more of an impact on the industry than Steve Jobs. I guess we'll have to see what happens to Apple now. Will it plumit like it did when Steve Jobs left? I think it will and I can surely see it happening. R.I.P Steve Jobs for the overpriced gadgets.
  • jhfire
    jhfire Posts: 0
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    No actually, Bill Gates is saving African children with his billions of dollars he is making each day. He is still living well. By you asking that question, it just makes you ignorant. Also, Bill Gates doesn't run Microsoft anymore, that is why Vista sucked. Thought I would throw that in there.
  • jhfire
    jhfire Posts: 0
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    "f**k yourselves, just because you didn’t get a redesigned iPhone!"Cause we all want an overpriced phone. You got me there bro! "Herp look at me I'm a sheep and I have an overpriced phone that I feel I should show off to everyone else as a status symbol."Even though in reality no one cares. I think you should go shove that phone up your ass and it will become the iPhoo!
  • jhfire
    jhfire Posts: 0
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    You do know that the Windows/Android phones and tablets do have flash right? Just cause your computer sucks doesn't mean that a phone can't run flash. I have a computer with an i5, 16GB RAM, 1GB video card 550, 1TB hard drive, DVD reader/writer, with Windows 7 Ultimate. I can run flash, Skype, Left 4 Dead 2, Virtual Box, Visual Basic, Google Chrome, and other processes perfectly fine. I also have an iPod that is jailbroken that runs flash perfectly. I sware, some people need open their minds.
  • Thatsgr8
    Thatsgr8 Posts: 6
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    There is always someone that posts negative comments. Sad that they have to bring in Android. They are also sad that the world is always CHASING Steve Job's vision.
  • Joe's Spleen
    Joe's Spleen Posts: 0
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    Did you really compare a businessman who made computers in China to to the man who's theories made the very concept of a world war -- the kind western civilization had been subjected to for centuries -- such a terrifying idea it is now unthinkable? Really? It took OSX to make Mac's usable (and it's a ripoff of Linux) and iOS to make their cell phones usable (Android was around 4 years before the iPhone, for those of you who don't know). Please do not compare a bloody cell phone to the Theory of General Relativity. Hyperbole much?He also sent thousands of manufacturing jobs overseas to factories (I laughed when I saw an Occupy Wall Street memorial to him) so horrible they had to install nets to stop workers from killing themselves. He also had a really poor track record for charitable giving (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, anyone?) and was a horrible family man. Edison, however, is a much closer analogy. Both good inventors, but more importantly brilliant businessmen with the occasional flop (I don't see a DC wire coming into my house, nor do I use a Lisa, Newton or Pippin)Jobs was a great businessman who attracted a cult following for his products. He hired the best and brightest to design his products with very easy-to-use features, and he marketed them extremely well. And he also took a cast-off from George Lucas and made it a billion-dollar Disney empire, cranking out some awesome family films which will stand the test of time.
  • anders
    anders Posts: 16
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  • @nik
    @nik Posts: 1
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    The world has lost a great innovator. I will miss him a lot. And he will be missed by every iLovers.