iPhone 4S Has Only 512MB RAM?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 4S Has Only 512MB RAM?

As usual when Apple unveiled iPhone 4S at Tuesday's Let's Talk iPhone event, they didn't reveal how much RAM is included in iPhone 4S.

According to rumors and speculations, iPhone 4S will come with 1GB RAM, which was one of the reasons Siri - the intelligent personal assistant is not available for other iOS devices, including iPad 2, which is powered by the same A5 chip as iPhone 4S but comes with 512MB RAM.

Read the full story here



  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Is the iphone4s a5 chip really the same as the ipad2? There could very well be new instructions embedded on the iphone4s chip to support the Siri functions, I guess we will know once the iphone4s is available
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Its cause the greedy fycks at apple want to screw the customers over and make them buy a a new phone. Happens every time they release a prduct its communism at its finest. trust me 512mbs is more then enough to run siri. They do it so that you buy a slight upgrade that costs 2xs as much as a phone that has all the sane specs. My lg thrill cost me 19.99 and it has dual core dual 256 meg s of ram 1080p camera that shoots hd 3d video. And has a 3d screen. Hmm watch avatar in 3d and play 3d video games or spend 500 dollars so i can talk to my phone ha. The thing is apple does not worry about innovativeing any more cause they know they can relase a sub par upgrade and ride off all there fan boys. Which up tell a month ago i was onr of there biggest. I am so glad III t took them along time to relase this other wise i would not have found the aswomness that is droid
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Good question, the chip should be the same, but Apple tends to reduce the clock speed in case of the iPhone to conserve battery life as the battery of the iPhone is of lower capacity due to space constraints. So according to the tech specs of iPad, Apple says A5 is up to two times faster and offers up to 9 times faster graphics compared to A4 chip, while in the case of iPhone 4S it says A5 chip deliver up to two times more power and up to seven times faster graphics. It suggests that the clock speed of the A5 chip in iPhone 4S is lower than 1GHz,
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    Hmmm...I'm sort of interested in this. While I don't believe it will be an issue having 512 MB I would prefer it be higher just to be on the safe side. However, if this is the case it begs the question as previously mentioned, why isn't this stated as working with the ipad 2?
  • Tonylukes
    Tonylukes Posts: 2
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    Please, for the sake of the Internet, stop talking. Communism, really? There's something called a dictionary, try reading one sometime. You might learn what words me and how to spell them.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    I just can't believe this guy just yet cause if anybody notice this he said 64GB ? Does he know whats he talking about?
  • Bigsl0ppy
    Bigsl0ppy Posts: 11
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    512 not a huge deal breaker, but does anyone know if the 4S will have apple tv screen mirroring like the iPad 2? I really haven't seen anything mentioned about it.
  • DAKPluto
    DAKPluto Posts: 36
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    Umm...they are releasing iPhone 4s in 16, 32, 64. So ya..do you know what you are talking about? ;)
  • DAKPluto
    DAKPluto Posts: 36
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    Yes, they said it in the keynote that it has full mirroring like the iPad 2 over HDMI and Airplay.
  • Bigsl0ppy
    Bigsl0ppy Posts: 11
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    Thanks guy, appreicate the fast response.
  • Jules
    Jules Posts: 5
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    I think people are connecting Siri with better hardware. I personally don't believe that Apple is keeping Siri for the 4S for any other reason than to try and make you upgrade.. but that's a guess
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Siri will be made to work on iPhone 4 etc at some point. Apple are awesome at releasing such things, but I know of a few people in the create jailbreaks that are far superior and can do almost anything with a bit of time!
  • modi
    modi Posts: 30
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    I believe there will be an option to turn it on, just like multitouch gestures when the jailbreak is released.Do teh right thang Dev Team!
  • KyleB
    KyleB Posts: 5
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    Well then if the iPhone does have the same chip and ram and has a LOwer clock speed then the iPad should be able to run Siri. Thats if anyone really cares too
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Siri would make the iPad 2 awesome.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Yes Siri is already being worked on it should be ready by the time the iOS 5 drops
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    I think people like android users need to stop hating on the iPhone. Is the best device in our time it's all about quality something that droid phone don't have
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    There is no phone out there in the market that has a better screen display then the iPhone 4s and still has the best touch screen technology. iPhone 4 runs perffect take amazing pic great video recording quality that no other phones have for example look at the Evo 3d Vs iPhone 4 camera 8 mega pix vs 5 mega pic and iPhone 4 camera takes way better pic plus the FaceTime video calling is the best video calling that any phone and put out there droid phone crappy video calling is so weak that runs in 10 frames per sec and even come close on top of that I don't know why people are so mad about the way the iPhone 4s it's a totally new phone with new specs new features. how many droits phone do they come out with every other month that has the same **** just a different case with a buggy operating system. Droid users need to stop with this bullshit cause everything you can do now we been doing it for 4 years and better
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Wow at least i can video call on 4g which u cant cause guess what iphone does not have 4g and my camera shoots 3d. But i could care less i barely use the camera for anything other then 3d cause my camera camera shoots higer qualty then the 4s i only use my phone camera every once in a while. If the 4s had a bigger true amoled screen and apple let u have widgets without jail breaking and slowing my **** down and crashing everyday. my iphone 4 has not been turned on once sense I got my lg thrill (which i only got cause iphone was taking forever and was going to return once iphone 5 came out ) so when it comes down to it i dont wanna spend 300+ bucks on a underclocked dual core upgrade of my paper wiaght iphone with a smaller screen that i can talk to. Lol there biggest selling point is u can talk to it were going to have a bunch of people walking around going no iphone i said what is the date not where can i buy stake. Its like 2001 a space odessy.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Oh ya my dads infuse blows away the iphone screen and it is true led of course your resolution is gonna be better when your screen is half the size.
  • DAKPluto
    DAKPluto Posts: 36
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    the community has already been working on Siri for existing devices but it's far from "being ready when iOS 5 drops." They have already said they really can't go any closer at this point until they get their hands on an iPhone 4S and really see what is going on. But have said it is way more complicated than just flipping a plist switch. Including speculation it might have some built in hardware needed for Siri, which could be a good reason why iPad 2 won't have it.
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    Ctrev08 what a knob.My phones better than your phone......blah blah blah, get a life
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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  • FredMC
    FredMC Posts: 73
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    It is likely that the iPad2 will get Siri shortly after the new phone comes out.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    It's funny how people who don't own an iPhone come to this site to "plead" their case. SHUT UP!! Who gives a sh!t if u can watch a movie in 3D on your phone. I save that stuff for my 52" 3D TV. Get a Life and an iPhone.
  • Dizzy
    Dizzy Posts: 7
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    Exactly who the **** cares about your 3d droid, I hate when ppl come to am iPhone site to talk about there droids. This site is for those of us who prefer apple, if I dont like then don't come to the site jackass's!!
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    From a non technical stand point, the amount of ram inside the iphone doesn't matter. What matters is that the apps run smoothly and continue to run smoothly over time. If it starts getting choppy after a few apps have been cycled through, then it's obviously not enough ram. So far that hasn't been a problem on the iphone 4.So in that sense, Apple didn't find it very important to reveal what ram specs are in the iphone because it simply didn't matter to the end user. 512mb or 1gig, who cares if the phone's running app after app smoothly with no signs of slowdown?
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Apple and the iPhone was and still is the standard for which every other like device will always copy and will never match or exceed. They may try but will never surpass.If you owned Apple you would market the product the same way. If u gave everything up front then u would lose in the long run. As far as any comment about iPhone not supporting flash, WHO CARES!!!! I have had the iPhone since day one and haven't noticed or cared that I can't play flash. Get a life and an iPhone.