AT&T Vs. Sprint Vs. Verizon: Which Is The Best Carrier For iPhone 4S?

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imageAT&T Vs. Sprint Vs. Verizon: Which Is The Best Carrier For iPhone 4S?

Apple's new iPhone 4S will be available for pre-order shortly and for the first time in the US, users will have the option to choose from three carriers - AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.

But before selecting a carrier there are number of parameters you need to consider such as pricing, network reliability, speed, ability to surf while you talk etc. So lets take a look at how the carriers stack up against one another.


Read the full story here



  • Badapples
    Badapples Posts: 1
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    It should be noted that the Sprint hotspot feature is now capped at 5GB per month.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks, we've updated the post to reflect the 5GB cap.
  • Hosegyver
    Hosegyver Posts: 1
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    Moan all you want about AT&T. I still think it's the best network for the iPhone. Nevermind that I'm grandfathered into a 69.99 unlimited calls and still have my unlimited data. The new 4S should also be faster on AT&T's HSPA+ (thier 4G for now) than the other's 3G. Being on AT&T tier 1 is nice. I'll be able to upgrade to 4S in a few.
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    ok the 4s looks just like the iphone 4 right?....but witch version? the CDMA or the GSM version? i know the mute switch is a little different between the twoi have the GSM version of the iphone 4 with a bumper case that apple made for it...will it fit the 4S or do i have to buy a new case for it
  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    AT&T was the original, u can never go wrong with original, besides i have the unlimited data plan lol
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    No no no. Vzw does not have the largest 3G coverage. Maybe if your in a city. I travel all over this country and I'll tell ya, AT&T has 3G just about everywhere. I never saw that with Vzw when I was with them. Facts not stats or sales pitches. AT&T is the best for any iPhone for the simple fact that it's the home for iPhone. Vzw and now sprint wanted the iPhone to boost their sales and customer base. I don't see AT&T begging for a phone to boost their sales or customer base. Come on.
  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    Also keep in mind on Sprints network if you roam on Verizon's towers to much, Sprint will cut your service off and send you a letter saying you need to switch to Verizon since you the customer use Verizon's towers more.
  • VZW guy
    VZW guy Posts: 1
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    Actually Vzw has the best coverage... Look at the map coverage! AT&T tried to sue Verizon for the map coverage saying I was wrong, but funny story AT&T lost... Come to find out the 3G coverage Verizon was advertising was actually correct
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    ATT's website is getting slammed
  • orderingsucks
    orderingsucks Posts: 2
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    really they cannot process this ****
  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    Yeah Im in the middle with ATT.
  • Doxi
    Doxi Posts: 8
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    I haven't heard any positive comments about the iPhone on the Verizon network from people... My plan is with them and I'm scared to order it without some good feedback. I just have an old flip style right now. Does anyone have any experience with it on Verizon?
  • Chaz
    Chaz Posts: 28
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    Doxi, I had the iPhone unlocked on t-mobile network and it was good (was with t-mobile 8 years) but then I switched to verizon for the iPhone. I must say Verizon service is great and I have not had a single dropped call. Yes, Verizon is more expensive than t-mobile but there are no complaints on my end with Verizon. Don't think I will be leaving Verizon anytime soon.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    T-Mobile might be the best carrier! When is it getting the iPhone?
  • Look at experience
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    experience says AT&T is better
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    i go to the bears game and can't check my fantasy scores on my ATT iphone, while person sitting next to me with Verizon iphone can do so without any issuesim driving with my wife to Minnesota, she has a verizon blackberry that works the whole way there, my ATT iphone craps out midway, and gets barely any service upon arrivali'm at a bar in the basement section, no service, while another person with verizon iphone is fineYeah, i'm switching to verizon
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    little trick to fix that when in a crowded place - go into your settings and turn your 3g off. sucks to be back on the Edge network but it works
  • al
    al Posts: 64
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    I have the iphone with Verizon and it's completely awesome. In fact I have 3g coverage anywhere I go unlike my fellow At&t counterparts who are very limited with their 3g coverage (there's a map for that!). However, I'm grandfathered in the unlimited data with Verizon but you being a new smartphone user will be getting ripped off with a tiered plan. I suggest you go with Sprint who still offers the unlimited data plan and you still will be able to use Verizon's 3g network when sprint does not have one where ever you may be at the time. Do go with At&t, i had the iphone with them for a month and had to cancel because i was always dropping calls!
  • al
    al Posts: 64
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    I meant to say at the end "Do NOT go with At&t"
  • baka
    baka Posts: 8
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    Hi iPhonehacks,Care to do a comparison for carriers in Australia?
  • Doxi
    Doxi Posts: 8
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    Thank you everyone who gave me feedback!! :)
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Its all about AT&T! (stuck in 2yr contract)
  • Mr. Know-it-all
    Mr. Know-it-all Posts: 3
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    ATT is the best way to go period. You dont get an iPhone so you can be a little slower (the article says ATT fastest when tested). Plus the network (GSM) can handle data while youre on the phone. This may seem like a small thing to some but when you use the phone, you will find this is used more often then you might have thought! And to top it all off, its cheaper than Verizon! So you get the fastest network, very good coverage for the second best price. You want the cheapest service, get a droid or something like that. iPhone customers are not bottom feeders. We like the best ... right now, ATT offers the best package for said iPhone! Amen.
  • Ron
    Ron Posts: 69
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    Is there anyone recommending Sprint? I have used Sprint with good coverage & great service for 6 years. Something about the "all unlimited" makes it easier with Sprint for the iPhone, since you won't have to be monitoring or guessing as to data usage. Any comments or suggestions re: Sprint?
  • Leroy
    Leroy Posts: 2
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    "You want the cheapest service, get a droid or something like that. iPhone customers are not bottom feeders.."Yet you are a deluded elitist suckered.
  • anonymouse
    anonymouse Posts: 2
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    Dear, tmobile isnt getting iPhone! :(
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    well I am "that guy" who comments on stuff 3 months later but here is what is all wrong with your philosophy of why you should buy with At&t. For starters, I am NOT saying that At&t is a bad company, im just saying that in this particular scenario they do not outshine any of the other carriers. Im not sure if this site allows it but I am going to include a link to At&t's 3G coverage map. ( ). This map is by no means outstanding. And you say that that At&t is the best because, and I quote, "for the simple fact that it’s the home for iPhone". This is a ludicrous reason under any circumstances. That is like me always buying a windows computer for the simple fact of them being first to market with the PC. I would NEVER look into say a mac or lunix even though those are just as fit to run my computer as windows. That is having a closed mind and sir, At&t has you exactly where they want you. My next issue with your comment, and I quote again, "Vzw and now sprint wanted the iPhone to boost their sales and customer base". First improper grammar. It should be want. Next item. You say they now want them. Keyword here: NOW. Incorrect. Verizon reportedly actually turned down the iPhone due to Apple's rough demands to be the sole carrier of the iPhone. In essence here cingular, and then At&t had to BEG to keep the iPhone exclusive to themselves through them complying to Apple's every whim. Is it true that Verizon and Sprint benefit by carrying the iPhone? Hell yes. But is it the result of them begging or the result of Apple more willing to strike a deal so that they also have a larger market against their rival Android? Android was available on every carrier and the iPhone wasn't. Apple was loosing valuable time against competing OSs and they needed more customers, and they needed them fast. Now that we have discussed the motivator behind Apple's move, let's get down to the real nitty gritty. Warning: I am biased. I am. But I am not blindly biased. I have formed my opinions on facts and not based on the "home for iPhone". I choose Sprint. Yeah, I said it. Why would you ever do that???? Well for simple reasons. Let's answer the question with questions. Q: Isn't the iPhone expensive monthly?A: It doesn't have to be 110+ a month. And it also doesn't have to be $80 while having a 200MB data cap. It can be ONLY $80 with unlimited data, text, and pretty much minutes. Q: Doesn't Sprint have HORRIBLE customer service?A: No. They have gotten MUCH better. They value you as a customer and will do anything to keep you one. They have, and it is marked by JD Power and Associates been the most improved in customer service for the past 2 years. They now outrank At&t in customer satisfaction and customer service. Q: I KNOW THIS ONE TO BE TRUE!!! SPRINT HAS ATROCIOUS COVERAGE!A: Where Sprint doesn't have coverage, Verizon does. In this case Sprint roams. FOR FREE. And with Sprint's new network vision, they will soon be turing single towers such as a single wimax, a single cdma, or a single iden (push to talk) into a tower with all three built in. In essence we will have up to 3x the normal coverage in select areas. In most others we will have 2x. So my good Michael, please go and learn why you love At&t rather then just elevating them with the sole reason of them being original. Verizon and Sprint didn't beg, Apple got reasonable. And most importantly, please don't follow the crowd on important decisions like a wireless carrier. Obviously I can't talk about a wireless carrier in your specific area, but chances are all 3 are very good. I hope that in the future you will be more of an informed consumer.
  • rayzr
    rayzr Posts: 3
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    How do you feel about AT&T now?
  • rayzr
    rayzr Posts: 3
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    AT&T dropped call customer #1. Calls dropped while on phone with AT&T to cancel lol.
  • rayzr
    rayzr Posts: 3
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    I am a previous iPhone4 AT&T customer (2+ yrs) and adopted a new Droid on the Sprint "Unlimited" 4G network. I decided to ditch the iPhone due to it's inability to support a 4G network, and AT&T because well.. it's AT&T, need I say more?I got frustrated with the dropped calls, and constant threats from AT&T in text message format that essentially I would need to upgrade my plan to support data transfers reaching over 2gb.The Samsung Galaxy S II Epic is an android phone, and it's a nightmare.Plug in the USB to sync and what happens? device drivers not found.Download the drivers from the manufacturers website and install. Doesn't work.Call Sprint to discuss my new Unlimited Data (Everything) plan ($90/month).Customer service's response "You will need to upgrade to Wi-Fi Hotspot for $30"Ok so to get something I should have already is going to be $120?Plus my device is buggy as well and won't sync due to faulty drivers?Really? Am I in hell or just.. is anyone else getting this? How does this even HAPPEN?