iPhone 4S Has Only 512MB RAM



  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 87
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    Many iOs users that are due for an upgrade are buying the iPhone 4s like me due to Apple's lock-in effect. Lock-in refers to the substantial switching costs one must incur to switch to a different vendor. For me, I would have to a) learn a new OS's tricks; b) search for all my apps in the Android App Store, possibly having to repurchase them; and c) somehow transfer all my data to the Android phone. For me and many more like me, it is not worth the effort just to get a marginally superior phone. Still, we will ***** about Apple being "greedy" and not matching rival phones' specs, e.g., slower processor, less RAM, etc.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    I'm hovering around 60MB or ram available on my iphone 4 with everything running. I would definitely like to have more available ram than that. Hope this rumor turns out to be false.
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    People need to stop this BS about "i wanted an iphone 5 but we get a 4s" the iphone 4s is the iphone 5 Look at it this way..Iphone = iphone 1Iphone 3g = iphone 2Iphone 3GS = iphone 3Iphone 4 = iphone 4 lol Iphone 4s = iphone 5Iphone whatever the hell = iphone 6 U see what im saying? So we are NOT gonna see an iphone 5 anymore cuz we already got one...iphone 6 is next!!!
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
    via Wordpress
    People need to stop this BS about "i wanted an iphone 5 but we get a 4s" the iphone 4s is the iphone 5 people!!Look at it this way..Iphone = iphone 1Iphone 3g = iphone 2Iphone 3GS = iphone 3Iphone 4 = iphone 4 lol Iphone 4s = iphone 5Iphone whatever the hell = iphone 6 U see what im saying? So we are NOT gonna see an iphone 5 anymore cuz we already got one...iphone 6 is next!!!
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    Sorry for the double post IPH :p LOL
  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    Not to mention all the iPhone specific hardware (case, radios with dock, speakers with docks, backup batteries, cases, remotes, dj mixers, airport express or extreme for streaming, power adapters, etc)
  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    If the iPhone architecture fallows traditional PC mobo design, then the the 2 cores still access RAM as a single CPU, meaning the RAM is not split bet the 2 cores.But, another issue is how much more Cache is included in the new CPU. This could theoretically offset the need for more RAM. Also, adding more RAM has diminishing returns, meaning as more and more RAM is added, we get less and less benefit until there's is no added benefit at all. Loose analogy: when one is staving, the first burger eaten has a great value, the second has less, and the third even less.
  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    lol..good point..don't think it has to do really with the number tho..I've decided to wait for the next iPhone just cuz I was hoping to be blown away by this model and basically just got a tweaked iPhone 4 with the exact same design..sooo disappointed, but I know they are already working on the next one and it will def be amazing
  • welbo
    welbo Posts: 13
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    Sounds like a huge performance upgrade regardless of amount of RAM. Usually when it comes to RAM, more is better. And I also see SSD drives running about $1/GB. So an additional 512MB of RAM would cost what? $.50? well I am an engineer, but not on any apple projects, so I can only assume they did what worked best. I'm sure these devices have some sort of swap space too. So it's not like 512MB is a hard limit. It's just the end of the fast stuff. I installed the Siri app on my 4 a while back. It doesn't have the built in features like 4S will(like a mic button everywhere there is text input). Maybe the jailbreak tweak will add those functions.
  • sonncee37
    sonncee37 Posts: 2
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    A freakin camera lol just a recycled iPhone 4
  • sonncee37
    sonncee37 Posts: 2
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    I thought the 3g stood for third generation
  • SickOfTheGame
    SickOfTheGame Posts: 4
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    The original iPhone was EDGE data network only, 3G referred to the iPhone having 3G data network capability, not 3rd Generation, common misconception...
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I have a lot to say about the amount of ram apple has decided to include in the iphone 4s. Apple made the right choice with cpu and gpu upgrades, the cpu and gpu are futureproofed for at least two years considering game deaigners are just starting to scratch the surface of using the dual core to its fullest potential. The dual core cpu and dual core 543MP2 gpu run absolutely flawlessy. This is basically hardware that is too powerful for designers to even understand how to use it all! This is a wonderful move by apple as they have sucessfully made a device that can push games and software to a whole new level...or is it?? As i was in awe viewing the beautiful graphics in NOVA2 by gameloft i noticed one minor problem inparticular, you can look around panoramically as fast as you please with not even a micro-hiccup of framerate loss.. but if you run forward you get a (basically unnoticeable) small twitch every three seconds or so. As an experienced computer programmer i was familiar with this "hitch" that occurs in systems with limited RAM. I then backed out of the game to investigate how much ram was being used by the operating system and to see how much ram was free. This is where i got really really really upset with the choice of my new idevice. There was only 32 mb of ram not in use by the operating system. Keep in mind i exited out of all tasks prior to checking. Angry, i went ahead and rebooted my 4S to check the available ram again(using the app gpu bench) and it was 34mb this time around... This is an absolute outrage as they easily could have provied us with 768mb of ram AT LEAST. Why would they provide us with a cpu/gpu that can easily be used 5-7 years into the future but give us the amount of ram that died out 3 years ago? I guess apple cares more about making a few more dollars profit than making the perfect idevice.. Considering ios5 has so many more features, it actually has less free ram than the previous iphone4 (somebody above mentioned 64 mb free with iphone4) But we need to think logically here people, for a few more pennies apple could have provided us with at least 768mb of ram to futureproof the device. Does any of this make any sense to anybody?? how does this make any sense at all?? 32 mb free?? this means we have no chance to get bigger/heavier scripted games than the iphone 4 because designers were already limiting their games due to the low amount of available memory. Your device is as fast as its slowest component, And in this case its ram, the thing apple needed to upgrade the most but did not. The thing that makes me the most sngry is the fact that ram is so cheap/readily available snd i would have paid up to a hundred more dollars if they would have released a 768mb version of the phone. Then i would have 300 mb free instead of 32. Would it have been so hard to add an additional 256 mb ?? You are better off getting an iphone 4 because games will not get any more sophisticated without any ram to use. I think this is the poorest decision ever made by apple. 768mb would have made the world of difference. Thanks for reading
  • Jatinder
    Jatinder Posts: 1
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    That's my opinion iPhone 4s ram 1gb is correct