iOS 5: Tips To Improve iPhone's Battery Life

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imageiOS 5: Tips To Improve iPhone's Battery Life

Many users who recently upgraded their devices to iOS 5 are experiencing major battery-life issues. It seems that iPhone and iPad users are more affected than iPod touch users.

Regardless of which iOS device you own, here are some tips that could help in improving your iOS device's battery life.

Read the full story here



  • Vinny
    Vinny Posts: 35
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    This will be useful. I've been having a less-than-ideal battery life. It dropped 20% during my sleep.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    I have a iPhone 4 and saw a huge drain after the first day, mine normally only needed charging every couple of days. After charging in the day the battery expired at some point the next night. I thought it was becasue I had enabled push on an Exchange and fetch hourly on my POP3 account, I set these both to manual and things seem much better. Not an option for everyone though
  • Writing For Profit
    Writing For Profit Posts: 40
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    I ordered two 16gb iphone 4s' and one of them is having the battery drain issue. While on stand by, it got nearly hot and the battery was draining to 50% in less than two hours. I've tried everything except for resetting the network and rebooting. I'll report back once I've given that a try.The other iphone works normally though. Possibly caused by restoring from a backup? I set one up as a new iphone, while restoring one from my iphone 4 backup (updated to ios5, backup to icloud then restored to iphone 4s).
  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    My battery has been fine and I use my iPhone 4 quite alot. However will still use some of your tips :)
  • mReXiTuS
    mReXiTuS Posts: 1
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    Battery life on my 3GS is much better on iOS5 than it was on 4. Dunno why...
  • Pack mac
    Pack mac Posts: 2
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    Don't forget the first time you use iCloud your device needs to perform a pretty large backup. Once this backup is complete only small amounts of data need to be synced. I saw a pretty big usage in the first 12 hours or so but it seems to have stabilised!
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    I think mines alright my iPhone about a 5% decrease over night and my iPad non really only around 1 or 2 %
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    My iPod touch 4G's battery life has improved dramatically on iOS 5, it's lasts forever, used to drop really quickly
  • Jasper Houghlahan
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    Instead of turning all these features off to increase battery life, why do you just buy a Nokia 6303 !
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    My iPhone 4 battery has been better since upgrading to ios5! I haven't turn off any of the features, that would make ios5 pointless!
  • sir_sky
    sir_sky Posts: 7
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    Beautiful new design iPhone hacks!
  • Bravo_007
    Bravo_007 Posts: 43
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    My iPhone 4 was running really badly with 4.3.3 in terms of battery life but as soon as I updated to iOS 5 it got heaps better n now it actually last almost 2 days!!! Awesome :D
  • Micro
    Micro Posts: 39
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    Im using 16 iphone 4s and battery life is much more less than 4 with 4.3.5 im fonna try this and let u know
  • Forry
    Forry Posts: 0
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    These are very useful hints. Thanks!
  • Alba
    Alba Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 3GS has even better battery life tahn in 4.3.3 whereas I have been using it since morning and still have 30% left 11 hours. I always turn off the GSM data when not needed and use WiFi all times at home. Keep the notification at minimum (only the chosen neccesity), fetch emails hourly, turn on location service, bluetooth, or WiFi only when needed.
  • Elempoimen
    Elempoimen Posts: 1
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    Turn off iMessage. Both my wife and I had huge battery problems until we turned off iMessage. Problem solved.
  • Posts: 1
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    I think the update could be called IOS 4S also -- basically, not very elegant in many ways.In a review of iOS5, I wrote -- Why does my battery life drop much faster now than before? I turned off 'push' and change to fetch every '15 min's so it doesn't drain noticeably while I'm using phone (iPhone 4).I had done all the things (except deleting & re-adding my email accounts) suggested above, just de-activated iMessage as sugg'd by a commenter.Last note -- my first 'smart phone' was a black & white display 'blackberry', and the batter life life (while heavily using & making calls) was 2 weeks. Then I got a color display, battery life was 3-4 days. Then I got a Palm Trio, battery life was max 2 days. Now I have an iPhone 4, battery life is > 1 day of regular use.Is it EVOLUTION, or DEVOLUTION?-
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Yea same issues here, iPhone is getting very hot and I frequently catch the gps activity icon on when it shouldn't be. Disabled lots of things and usually it's the time zone adjust that's the problem.Just followed the steps here (minus resetting network settings due to laziness) hopefully il see some improvement...
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    It should be the best battery life for an iPhone.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    i'm sure it's just teething problems. apple wouldn't sell us an overpriced pile of shite now. would they?
  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    Ok...I'm completey thrown off changed ur site..I liked the old one better..oh well..thanks for the great tips!
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    I've only lost 3% during my sleep. Unplugged my iphone 4 at 12:00 AM and woke up at 6:30 AM by my alarm and my phone was at 97%. So I say it is normal.
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Edit* Forgot to mention i do have push notification so when I woke up I had like 4 e-mails. so I say it's about right where my % is.
  • TheiHackz
    TheiHackz Posts: 1
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    My battery life actualy increased by updating to iOS 5... But still really helpfull tips : )
  • Sags
    Sags Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 4 battery life actually improved slightly! Been heavily using the Notifications and iMessage on top of the usual games.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    I have to admit, battery life became a lot better after updating my phone to iOS 5. Maybe it's because I'm not jailbroken now, but even on 3G with Push enabled my phone delivered a decent battery life.
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    the first big sync to icloud will smoke your battery, but then it goes back to normal
  • Seanlcky13
    Seanlcky13 Posts: 22
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    My battery life seems highly extended since upgrading to IOS5
  • Mahesh
    Mahesh Posts: 3
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  • Nathan
    Nathan Posts: 40
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    Which phone is working normally? I too received two 16gb iPhone 4s' and restored one from backup, while setting the other up as new. The one that was restored from backup is draining fast, while the other one is working out rather nicely.