iOS 5: Tips To Improve iPhone's Battery Life



  • Ian Watson
    Ian Watson Posts: 1
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    Can't say I've noticed any difference on my iPhone 4 the battery life is just fine.I have a review of iOS 5 here that does mention some problems with iCloud
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Thank you. Useful suggestions. Trying them now and see if it works.
  • Eric the Red
    Eric the Red Posts: 2
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    My 3GS has sucked since IOS5 ugrade, leave with a fully-charged machine at 8:00 in the morning, get a "10% remaining" warning at 17:00 with only moderate email usage. Applied any and all tips above, will see how it goes.
  • vlad
    vlad Posts: 21
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    Tried everything, but iOS 5 still eating my iPod's Touch 4g battery. Back to ios 4.3.3. :/
  • Eric the Red
    Eric the Red Posts: 2
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    Did everything, including resetting network settings and adding and removing mail accounts (and feeling a little bit silly while doing it) but now, 4 hour later, the compound effect of all these changes seems to have helped.Cheers.
  • Dan the man
    Dan the man Posts: 1
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    FIXED MY BATTERY DRAIN ISSUE! - I tried all the tweaks as well, to no avail. What finally brought my new iPhone 4s back to the battery longevity of my iPhone 4 (pre-iOS5) was turning off the Notification Widgets (weather and stocks) that are the default in the new notification bar (the one that now acts like an android). Simply go to settings, then "notifications" is the 3rd option. Next, find the two default widgets (Stock Widget and Weather Widget), and turn them off. If you have any other widgets running, turn them off as well.
  • Sgt_Schultz
    Sgt_Schultz Posts: 1
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    Bad battery problems since update. Why update to iOS5 if many of the new features have to be turned off to get reasonable battery life ? Beats me Apple. I'm sick and tired of getting defective software on PC and Apple software/devices.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    My iPhone 4 battery life actually got better when i updated to iOS5. Every1 else that has a iPhone 4 or 4S, iPad 2, or iPod 4th generation that says their bettery life got worse doesnt know how to use their devices.
  • I
    I Posts: 33
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    First cloud update will kill it. Apple even put instructions in the cloud sync to "be plugged in".
  • morningnapalm
    morningnapalm Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 4 has run terrible since upgrading. I just turned off most of these features to see if it help. I also get a delay when opening some apps that wasn't there before. We'll see what happens after turning off some more features.
  • acsu29
    acsu29 Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 4, as well as my wife's, runs quite well. No battery problems. However, we have some friends who each have a 3Gs. Her 3Gs was fine, but his had two quirks: fast battery drain (down to 30% by the six o'clock pm, after getting up around 5 am) and the inability to load apps. They would appear on his Springboard and in his Purchased, but they wouldn't download. I restored his 3Gs to factory and then restored again from back-up. Every problem solved: apps download, and today with his normal work schedule, his phone was hanging out around 70% by six.Has anyone else tried factory restore and restore from back up? It worked for my friend!
  • Sven
    Sven Posts: 5
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    I tried most of the suggestions (Notifications, e-mail recreate, etc). But the most dramatic improvement came from "resetting networks". Inconvenient, but that's a topic for another thread. Good luck.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    If you disable all those features on the IPhone then why have an IPhone at all?
  • Terry89774
    Terry89774 Posts: 2
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    I saved some battery using Speedy Web in the pocket. It helped me to optimize my surf sessions so battery last longer. Most of all, it's very useful with poor data connection.
  • Stuart
    Stuart Posts: 7
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    Turning off iCloud seems to have helped the battery drain issue--but why have to turn off features just so a battery will last? Come on, Apple! Fix the problem.
  • kelly
    kelly Posts: 22
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    I had 100% before I went to bed, and woke up to 8% 10 hours later. It's on the charger now, and I have turned off iCloud and disabled location services so we'll see what happens tonight.
  • skp
    skp Posts: 15
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    hell, i'd just like to get 10 hours of sleep :)
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I disabled iMessage too.
  • shuhratm
    shuhratm Posts: 7
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    same here. seems to work better than on iOS 4.33.
  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 37
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    Battery life has improved dramatically on iphone 4 since upgrading to iOS it.
  • slq
    slq Posts: 1
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    Same here: 3GS + iOS5 = significantly improved battery performance. Now that an upgrade is available, I'm a bit reluctant to upgrade as it might screw up the good battery performance I'm enjoying. Are you guys upgrading?
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Just bought a brand new white ipod touch 4g.. had iOS5 on it.. updated to 5.0.1.connected it to my wifi, that's it... everything else is stock and untouched.100% battery when I went to bed. Dead at 11am the next morning when I went to turn it back on.The battery was pretty much full when I turned it on out of the box.. so I'm thinking it's wifi related, as that's the only thing I seemed to change on it..
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    One thing I did on my 4S was to manually shut down apps that are running in the background. If you're at the home screen double tap the home button and you will see a list of recently used apps. Touch and hold one of the apps and they will wiggle. You will see a minus sign on them, just touch the minus sign and it will shut down that app. This helped the battery life somewhat. Never did this on my iPhone 4 though and never had a problem.... dunno. Hope this helps
  • Jaimin
    Jaimin Posts: 1
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    Hope this works.I bought my iPhone 4S (5.0.1 installed) couple of days and didnt set it up as a new phone but did a iTunes restore from my previous iPhone 4. I wasnt happy with the battery life, I use to get more than 1 day and something on Standby and around 5 to 6 hrs of actual phone usage till 1%. On iPhone 4, it give me more than 8 hrs our usage. I've just set up my 4S as a new phone, lets see. Will keep you updated.Thanks.
  • et
    et Posts: 5
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    I think at night apple is watching and hearing you by activating the camera and mic. Draining you dreams and giving it to little big planet game.
  • et
    et Posts: 5
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    Some line up infront of apple store for hours to get the device for bag of mOney. Comes home and disables everything. Buy the dock and put the phone in and face it toward you so they can activate the front camera and mic while you sleep. Drain your dreams to create little big planet.
  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    On my ipod touch 4th gen i restored it from a backup and was getting horrible battery life. I would take it off the charger and loose 6% then leave it in standby over night and loose almost half the battery. I fixed the problem by restoring the ipod and not restoring the backup of the device.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Like 4 emails? Is that 3 emails? or 5 emails? Both are like 4 I suppose, but given the small number involved you could have said "I had 3 emails" and we would have known exactly what you meant. Saying it was "like 4" is harder to interpret.
  • JC
    JC Posts: 55
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    I just upgraded (jailbroke) to iOS5.0.3, or whatever the latest Itunes upgrade is....and wow, I can now go a full day without recharge (just charge at night). I can get rid of the bulky battery Icase I used to recharge my Iphone 3gs every afternoon. Thank you apple and dev team!
  • Cody Smith
    Cody Smith Posts: 1
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    Turn your brightness down on your iphone as well.