Excerpts From Steve Jobs' Biography: "I'm Going To Destroy Android, Because It's A Stolen Product"

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imageExcerpts From Steve Jobs' Biography: "I'm Going To Destroy Android, Because It's A Stolen Product"

With the release of the Steve Jobs' official biography by Walter Isaacson expected on Monday, October 24th, we have started seeing some quotes and excerpts from the biography appearing online.

One of the most explosive excerpts was shared by Associated Press, which reveals that Steve Jobs was livid in January 2010 when HTC introduced an Android phone that including many of the popular features of the iPhone. 

Steve Jobs told Isaacson that Google's actions amounted to "grand theft."

Read the full story here



  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    Google is scrambling, that's for sure, but this whole thing is non-sense.. Google did pull a Microsoft on Apple, pirates of silicon valley style'
  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    To much money in bank and he's battery is gone, sometimes money can not buy all the things we want, plus life is the most precious gift he have! Don't waste!! You can buy everything except life!!
  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    "as you probably, the issue" i think you forgot the word "know"
  • LOS1NeR
    LOS1NeR Posts: 32
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    F@ck yeah Stevie!! The hell with android!!!F@ck'em up f@ck'em up good!!...Yeah baby! Yeah!Steve was a fighter....Much respect.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Yup, thanks for pointing it out.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    And Apple has double the cash now!
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    This is ridiculous, considering Steve Jobs was a master theft artist when he stole the GUI from Xerox PARC when he created the original Macintosh, arguably that system's greatest feature in its day. In the word’s of Jobs “we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas”. This is why I cringe every time I see that Apple is suing somebody for stealing their ideas. Hypocrites. This man was a walking contradiction.
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    WTF, everyone steals from everyone else. iOS 5 stole at least a couple of features from Android. What say you now? Oh wait...
  • Texas
    Texas Posts: 9
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    I'm sure there are android fans here.... Clearly! Android is a stolen idea... Shame!!!!!
  • Bala
    Bala Posts: 10
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    iphone is always having new ideas non other has it... get lost android ...my big dis like in android is fragments of apps and widgets all over the home screen ,.,,and much to say ...
  • Texas
    Texas Posts: 9
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    @iRsx .... Get lost you spy! And stop stealing parts for your rsx. Remove that "I" on your name. You're making Acura look bad.
  • devol
    devol Posts: 63
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    GET EM STEVE! i hope that the folks running apple keep this up in the very least for the simple fact tjay steve was RIGHT! android is a stolen idea and its a second tier smart phone. its just NEVER going to be what iphone is. we all know, and i dont think i am exaggerating when i say that the iphone is sooo much more than a phone. its integrated into our daily lives more than anyone, even steve jobs had expected. at some point the tech being argued over in these patents will become a platform standard. apple will have to accept this but it should continue to fight andriod until they finally fail. wich wont be a whole lot longer. android was the poor mans iphone, there will be allot less concern after the next iphone comes out and its avail on MOST carriers. whats android gonna do then? there arent countless droid users, at this point as a matter of fact i think that iphone has taken a WHOLE lot of droid users with the launch of the verizon and sprint iphones.
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    You do realize you're talking to a dead man right? And, believe me, Samsung wouldn't be the major target of Apple right now if Apple didn't feel threatened by their Android devices. And, your stats are off...Android is well known as being a more used platform than iOS. As well, Android does all the same things iOS does and more.
  • Brandon Hash
    Brandon Hash Posts: 51
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    not just android, quite a few features were taken from WP7 as well, most notably features relating to the camera
  • Brandon Hash
    Brandon Hash Posts: 51
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    you know, I'm all about coming up with your own ideas, but companies use other companies ideas/features all the time, WHY? because they work and are effectiveit's been happening since before Apple, Google, and Microsoft were even born, and ALL THREE of those companies are guilty for stealing ideas as wellI have said this many times before and I will say it again "I like apples products but I despise them as a company"
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Actually android is not a more used platform alot of phones support it and that's the only reason it's even a blimp on the radar remember iPhone is just ONE phone and still out sells all android phones put to gether but I must Admit that android has a couple of things over apple being a open platform but then again that's what jailbreaking is for and big buisness can't trust androids because it has to many security risk plus 1 for apple
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    Umm, no. Look at the most recent Comscore figures from 2 weeks ago.Share of smartphone subscribers: May-11 Aug-11 % ChangeGoogle 38.1% 43.7% 5.6Apple 26.6% 27.3% 0.7Not only is Google's Android used by more people, it's also growing faster than Apple's iOS.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Not to go back and forth but check out this artical http://www.loopinsight.com/2011/04/28/the-truth-about-android-vs-iphone-market-share/ to tell u the truth I like some things about android like the interactive wallpaper and the fact that it's just about fully costumizable but that's about all it has on the iPhone the iPhone is way more user friendly and a whole lot neater plus they take their time in creating these phones and not just put things together just to out do or catch up plus now with Siri it's like the Icing on the cake its already great and its still in beta I might add but it has so much more potential that I'm pretty shore they'll implicate more in the near future I use it all the time helps with reminders text etc simplicity is the key
  • stu
    stu Posts: 48
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    Android being a poor mans iphone... Thats funny. I currently own a droid bionic. more than a iphone 4s.I also have an alienware laptop, asus, and macbook pro. I think i could buy a iphone if I wanted one. I don't have a credit card either so all this is paid for in full. So don't android is a poormans phone.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    I never said android is a poor man phone but now that u bring that up in some cases that's true I know alot of people who bought that bullshit android phone for boost because they wanted a touch screen but could not get an iPhone
  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    "so don't android is a poormans phone"? i think your missing something there, and droid bionics are horrible, i have some here at my shop, they suck
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    your mother is a walking contradiction
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    android needs to stop existing all their doing is showing how much better apple stuff is by even advertising themselves.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    yea I agree don't mock the Android guys thinking it's a poor man's phone. I doubt my Galaxy S2 falls into that category. I'm a former 3GS guy and while iOS has it's strong points for the average user, I find by being a more tech savvy individual Android has much more to offer. I don't miss it one bit. iPhone 4S looks like a nice phone but I certainly am not disappointed that I switched sides. As for stealing ideas, everyone does it. Deal with it. Make a better product rather than fight someone who stole your ideas.
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    Agreed, especially with that now very small 3.5" screen. 3.5" was great even a year ago. Now, I can't imagine life without the 4.3" screen on my Galaxy S2. I moved from the 3GS back in June and haven't looked back. My wife, who is not tech savvy at all, loves her new 4S though.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Once iPhone 6 comes out with a bigger screen and 4g lte network plus NFC chip with probably another 100 features and imporved Siri I think after that it will turn more heads over after that in my opinion it's gonna crush androids plus jailbroken it's a beast the possibilities of all the tweaks is endless another reason why I choose iPhone is because it has more developers for apps and and bigger hacking community that fills the phone up with all types of goodies
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    ItsyourBoy, you are obviously talking from a place of no experience whatsoever, which is why I assume you are happy with your inferior 3.5" Apple iPOS (piece of $@%!). Seriously, the iPhone 6? Nevermind that the iPhone 5 hasn't made it out yet, but I'm not talking about 1-2 years from now, I'm talking about right now. Right now, there are several Android phones that blow the iPhone 4S away, one of which is the Galaxy S2. Plus, no waiting for a jailbreak, you can root the phone immediately out of the box and tinker with it any way you want. Still no jailbreak for the 4S as of today, so again, the iPhone loses. And, you have no idea what the screen size of the new iPhone will be, so please don't make up facts out of thin air.I agree developer support for iPhone is generally superior to Android, but that's already changing as Android has become more popular than iOS. Please stop being a fanboi and just focus on the facts.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    How gay are you....putting an "i" in front of RSX. Get outta here u faggo. I bet your **** isn't even a Type S.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    1st of all the iPhone 4s is the 5th iPhone so the 6th iPhone is next year it might be called iPhone 6 or iPhone 4G whatever at the end of the day it's the 6th generation and no android phones are not better than the iPhone u might wanna sit down and talk about specs Or whatever but it still doeset make androids better and apple deffenately slaked this year with the 4s but it's still a great phone and all that means is that next year thier gonna go hard with the 6 with everything i mention last post and after that thier will be no competition