Excerpts From Steve Jobs' Biography: "I'm Going To Destroy Android, Because It's A Stolen Product"



  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    And instead of talking bout this and that wait till they compare the two phones when it comes to performance and not specs just kuz android might have a quad this and 1000ghz that does not mean that those chips are as good as apples chips which are built for thier iOS which goes hand to hand
  • Jrmedic19
    Jrmedic19 Posts: 31
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    Well said. It's annoying arguing when people don't look at things logically. In my opinion - emphasis on opinion - the iPhone is a superior product. The Galaxy SII is a phenomenonal product and by no means a poor decision. I however will continue to buy an iPhone every two years until I feel there is something that works better.
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    Did I just return to 6th grade?
  • Brandon Hash
    Brandon Hash Posts: 51
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    you know -X- , if there was a report button I would report you for being a trollish asshole
  • Pack mac
    Pack mac Posts: 2
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    Hang on a minute, WP7 was only released around the time of the iPhone 4 so I think if anybody has stolen anything it will be the other way round. Oh and what camera functions have Apple or Microsoft invented? I'm sure you will find most functionality available on even the most basic of digital cameras.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    You respect vitriolic hypocrites?!
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Sorry, I +1 Sidenine's statement - not Moe's nonsensical reply.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    It's not clear that Android is a stolen idea, and you beginning a sentence with "Clearly!" does not actually make it any clearer.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    So, what's your problem fanboy? Want to live in a homogenous world?
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Good luck on your iphone6 wishlist! Haha!
  • Annon
    Annon Posts: 1
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    No you're not Mr. Jobs... Cancer destroyed you first :\ Galaxy nexus butt rapes iPhone 4s <3
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    My apologies Brando, for My "trollish" butthole has forgotten to receive its dosage of Tiger Blood.It's funny how now everyone uses the word "Troll" after Charlie Sheen made it so public.
  • chumpchang3
    chumpchang3 Posts: 2
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    Your argument has several flaws to it.Your first point about the naming of the generations of the iPhone is wrong. Did you remember the iPhone 3GS? That came out a year after the 3G. I'm not a fanboy and even I believe that's common knowledgeAnd how do you know the Android market is going to just sit back and not develop? Google sure as hell isn't lazy and there are several manufacturers like Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, and HTC all developing for Android.Your last point about Apple's A5 chip? Manufactured by Samsung.....
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    1st iPhone, iPhone 3G ,iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4,iPhone 4s count bow Many phones that is i know what I'm talking about kuz I have had all of them now one more time 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011 how many phones is that 5 let's do like count Dracula von! two! Tree! Fur! Five! So learn how to count before talking
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Sorry miss read what u said never mind that ^^^I wasent trying to name the phones I was just making my point that their are 5 generations of iPhones no matter what u wanna call em I know thier as a 3GS or3g etc for that matter
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    I never said that other companyies are just gonna fall back what I'm saying is after the next iPhone which is the 6 gen there will be no compitition after the 4g lte bigger screen and NFC chip plus what ever else apple comes up with because theier such great innovators after that androids will have nothing over apple it's like this Bentley vs acura and these features is a foreshore next year for the fact that do to the demand apple will have to give people what they want next year plus Siri alone is a killer feature that is only in beta and still is so usefull now in the future when they intergrated it even more it's gonna be even crazier now with those upgrades please tell me what's so great about android after that ? Please I want to hear this kuz what ever the iPhone can't do jailbreak can remember that , and all I gotta say you will see. People lined up for iPhones do they for android ? No! O fanboy this fanboy that if u go out your way to defend your product then your a fanboy too!! So I guess so am I whatever
  • BBOS
    BBOS Posts: 1
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    iOS and Android fanboys playing "My **** is bigger than yours" need to put their penises back in their pants.Blackberry OS7 will wipe you both out. BOOYA!*Insert Troll face here* LOL
  • Meh
    Meh Posts: 7
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    He was just pissed off that Android gave users the freedom they wanted without hacking their phones.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Which is a security flaw and that's why corporates don't adopt the android do to sensitive data that can be leaked at the end of the day jailbreaking is possible and still frees my phone either way
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    No ****, it's on how many different phones? It's even on some cheap **** phones from virgin and boost.
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    You Absolutely don't know what you are talking about. Apple never stole from Xerox. Xerox had no idea it was worth anything. Did not have the vision and Jobs did.
  • w3rd
    w3rd Posts: 2
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    Apple rocks. Why just last year they even thought up the idea of adding a flash for the camera on their phone. Or did they steal that idea?
  • dflow
    dflow Posts: 1
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    Actually, yes Android did copy Apple a lot and in my opinion, did steal from Apple. If you ever google Android Beta devices from mid 2000's, youll find that google was copying RIM with their black berrys. It wasnt until 2007, when Apple released the first iphone that you see google totally changing the way their phones looked and operated. If you don't believe me then go do the research. They did copy Apple first. RIM used to be the main thing they were trying to copy until Apple showed the whole world what a phone should look like. The Rest is history.
  • Okkooo
    Okkooo Posts: 1
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    Too bad now he destroy rock in Hell!
  • Gobo
    Gobo Posts: 5
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    Didn't Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer say the same thing in 2005?"...I’m going to fucking kill Google.” http://battellemedia.com/archives/2005/09/ballmer_throws_a_chair_at_fing_google.phpSo Steve Job's stole his lines too ? ;) If one wealthy billionaire CEO can be wrong so can another.
  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    So I can steal from you if you don't know that what I'm taking is worth anything?
  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    Doesn't matter how many different kinds of phones a platform is on when it comes to market share... He's not talking about how many people use an iPhone vs an Evo 4G hes talking iOS vs Android OS. Android is taking a larger portion of the marketshare BECAUSE it is on so many different phones.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    No body is talking about life , read the article againd.