Siri Port For Non-iPhone 4S Devices Won't Be Released Anytime Soon

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imageSiri Port For Non-iPhone 4S Devices Won't Be Released Anytime Soon

Couple of days back, iPhone hacker and developer - Steven Troughton-Smith along with chpwn (developer of jailbreak apps such as Infiniboard, Infinidock, Infinifolder, ProSwitcher, VoiceActivator) had figured out a way to get Siri working on a jailbroken iPhone 4 and iPod touch by bypassing the authentication issues.

This had raised hopes that they would eventually release the Siri port for non-iPhone 4S devices. But we have some bad news at least for the time being.

Read the full story here



  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    @ StevenGood job for figuring it out. It proves Apple is using Siri to sale the new iPhone, and it has nothing to do with actual hardware. A business move on their part, bold, deceitful yes, but business decision none the less. It may sour some people towards Apple for treating their customers like that, but sales are what keeps the company alive and developing new products. Sooooo... whats the lesser of the evils?A lot of people will beg you to release it, to cross the lines of ethical hacking and just pirate it. A lot will berate you and call you bastard. But my hats off to you for what you achieved and for keeping your boundaries in what's right and what's wrong.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    @ chpwn You too ... LOL .. sorry Steven's name jumps out in the article. missed yours... my bad ... Hats off to you as well.
  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean that all they can legally do is provide the steps as to how to extract the Siri files from the firmware onto your non 4S device? Otherwise they could just "share" the files they already have. This way they are not redistributing Apple's software which is freely available. If this is correct, then don't expect it in Cydia unless it's through an unofficial repo.
  • Richy33
    Richy33 Posts: 3
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    I can't understand why they hack Siri, say it out loud, and then say that no, we won't release it. what's the point ? Glory or something ?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    That is a real bummer! ;-(
  • Dogz
    Dogz Posts: 0
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    İ bet you its apple that scared theese people cos if jailbreaking is legal then wyh should this be ilegal.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Why are they wasting time on this where the jailbreak for this ios5 , man get with the program , do what needed an play later
  • Aecon12
    Aecon12 Posts: 1
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    EXACTLY! Bunch of f'ing TOOLS. WTF? Why bother releasing ANY information and do nothing with? Besides, them SAYING they can do something DOESN'T prove SH!T! Just that they are a bunch of TOOLS! LOSERS!
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    The reason they aren't releasing the steps for doing this is because as he said you either need a jailbroken iPhone 4s or decrypted iPhone 4s firmware which neither are available to the public. Also I think they are going to save it so that they could instead of giving you the specific files or steps they can use redsnow to do the process for you. All you will have to do is download the iPhone 4s firmware file and redsnow will do the work for you when you are jail breaking your iPhone 4.
  • JrBob
    JrBob Posts: 2
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    I fail to see how decrypting the firmware is acceptable to apple but copying files across devices is illegal. Great work by the devs, but it just sounds like they're not releasing it solely because they're scared of apple.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    So many idiots… if u are in a hurry for the jailbreak then do it for siri it's junk unless u need to dictate documents to a secretary I am sure not gonna be talking to it in public as don't need others hearing what I am doing I don't even use the google app voice command unless I am home. A lot of people think it's nice new TOY but will get bored after a while and stop playing with it. O wait let me use dirty words to see what it does..............
  • Kevpor
    Kevpor Posts: 3
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    This is some dumb **** where the hell is the jailbreak for the iPhone 4s dammmmm
  • Kevpor
    Kevpor Posts: 3
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    Freak you sound like a android user
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    Let's focus on the jailbreak for iPhone 4S now and forget the damn Siri for a little while, shall we?
  • zoxxx
    zoxxx Posts: 19
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    Wow some Honest hackers. Where is this world going :)
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    The guys who worked on this are not the same guys doing the jailbreaking .
  • kitty
    kitty Posts: 24
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    Guys you re hackes or apple devs ? It looks like a advertisement of siri and 4S.
  • dR435t4
    dR435t4 Posts: 14
    via Wordpress about playing hard to get!
  • tetra
    tetra Posts: 26
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  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    lame. why even talk about it if your not gonna give it to us, idiots. you guys just want fame, nothing more....
  • SiriOusly
    SiriOusly Posts: 2
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    Yeah, but they also posted videos of it working. Besides, they could end up getting sued or something if they're not careful.Just be grateful for their efforts. Maybe they'll release instructions someday; maybe they won't. Chances are, if you act like an *******, they won't.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Distributing a decrypted files is illegal but a tool for decryption is legal.
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Why would you even make it public that it's even possible for Siri to be ported to other apple device if you're not going to show us how?Might as well keep it to yourself, there is not point of teasing us about it. Teasing us just make you looking like fucking dicks. (oh look at me I have something that you want, but I'm not going to share it)
  • JoeJoe
    JoeJoe Posts: 3
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    forget this lame ass Smith guy. Do us a big big favor and keep you trap shut until you release it to the world. Until then, this is NOT news, it's completely worthless info.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    I am aware of that. I meant it in that redsnow would decrypt the iPhone 4s firmware and then extract the necessary files.
  • mediascape
    mediascape Posts: 7
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    These guys are not the smartest people alive so don't worry, someone, somewhere will release a tutorial on porting siri to other devices soon (not just the GUI). Remember these guys are getting a lot of publicity about this currently, that is the number 1 motivation for being coy about the process. I bet, right now these guys have been offered jobs in the six figures as a result. They will milk this, after all - wouldn't you?So wait. Be calm, it will come.
  • devol
    devol Posts: 63
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    I think you should all just stop bitching like little girls and sac up and go get the 4s. Lol. "Wah wah wah, I don't want to have to spend my money on a new phone. I wanna have someone else do the work so that I can use all the functions of the new device without it costing me any kind of investment whatsoever. Wah!".
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Get off your high horse just because you don't care for this news doesn't mean there isn't others that do. Also no one is forcing you to read it and he doesn't owe you any favors either. Now I hope Siri doesn't get released for the iPhone 4 so grateful lame asses like you won't get the pleasure to use something this guy worked to make sure your fat lazy cheap ass could get a feature that people actually paid to use by buying an iPhone 4s.