Apple Testing Siri On Non-iPhone 4S Devices?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Testing Siri On Non-iPhone 4S Devices?

Ever since Apple introduced Siri - the revolutionary voice activated personal assistant feature, one of the things that has been hotly debated is Apple's decision to make the feature available exclusively on the new iPhone 4S, especially after hackers have proved that there is no technical reason why Siri can't work on non-iPhone 4S devices by getting it to work on the iPhone 4, iPad and fourth generation iPod touch.

Read the full story here



  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    I think they should enable it on all devices possible, Siri isn't the only thing good about the 4s, the performance boost and camera are good too, and I'd like to see my passed down 4, have Siri as well, apple would be silly to have competition between it's own products when the competition Is with other manufacturers that will bring in similar features on cheaper Devices. At least what they lose on the 4s will be more than made up by extra sales on a 4, as opposed to losing sales to the other guys.
  • Phillip Martin Chaffey
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    from what iv read on siri it use to be a iphone 4 app before apple got there hands on the company that made siri
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Atleast Siri should be there on iPad 2, because both have same hardware.
  • mimi
    mimi Posts: 15
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    if apple release this on non iphone4s then im filing for class action lawsuit as il want a refund for the 4sand compensation for the exclusively right thats taken away
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    Good luck with that.
  • Helnaw
    Helnaw Posts: 6
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    Who really cares? Facetime was a big deal too, I've used it twice & I've had the iPhone 4 since day one.
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    I was just curious as to how your well thought out lawsuit was coming. Normally I would find a way to avoid asking, but you really seem to know the ropes like no other. I hope I'm just like you one day... a true non-American inspiration in the flesh. Go kick those guys square in the pants mimi!!!
    RHOMBUS!! Posts: 2
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    FaceTime was definitely not a big deal sir. And nobody cares. You people and your out of line assumptions make me go a big soft one.
    RHOMBUS!! Posts: 2
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    That's a horrible reason. Grow up...
  • KillerPubes
    KillerPubes Posts: 50
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    You grow up, "That's a horrible reason", sounds like a 10 year old.Just call him a stupid **** and be done with it.
  • KillerPubes
    KillerPubes Posts: 50
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    Wow a first class twat hole in the making here, sir!What a wankstain.
  • Malik tindell
    Malik tindell Posts: 1
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    It is my opinion that apple iPhone 4 is still the best creation that they introduce to this world. The iPhone 4s yes still might be faster but still have not had the game winning hit the today society is looking for. So they should just give the people what they want and just update the iPhone 4 with siri and work real hard toward the iPhone 5.
  • captain awesome
    captain awesome Posts: 0
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    Ho's be on my **** cause I look like Jambi.
  • mimi
    mimi Posts: 15
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    the 4s is only sold on the basis that a5 chip was neded for siri..false advertising, if it can be done on a4 ..siri was the standout feature if 4s thus enabling it on others would mean again false advertising while profiteering ..i was happy with my 4 but thought the 4s had that little xtra if it turns out that 4will be givn same software as 4s then they made me sell a perfect ligit phone to a uselesa upgrade considering price..thus il ask for refund of atleast half the cost of the phone..enuf takers will warrent a law suit for false claims on 4s ..a true ameriacn way.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Give it a couple of months when you see iPhone 4s specific software hit the AppStore and you will realise that there is more to the 4s than Siri. Don't be so short sighted.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    @Chpwn and Steven proved that Siri works on the iPhone 4. has nothing to do with the A5 chip. Now getting it to work on an iPhone 3G may be horrid, but we already know it works just fine and as quick on the iPhone 4. No tooting my own horn, but I said that those guys proving it works on iPhone 4 may put pressure on Apple to do it. Apple's previous claim was that its an hardware issue. Those guys proved it wasn't, so Apple is back-peddling.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    useless upgrade? if you bought the 4s for just siri then thats mud on your face. Spending all that cash just so you can talk to the phone.If i wasn't in a contract for another year I would buy a 4s not for siri, but for the superior camera and HD video with image stabilization. A far superior feature to Siri and far superior to the iPhone 4.Good luck on the refund.......If you want, I will trade you my 4, for your 4s and throw you a bone of lets say $50.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    you name say,s it all. what a filthy disgusting low life you are. dont you know young kids use this site. make your point you filthy retard without the need for filth. and dont bother replying to me it will just go over my head.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    You payed for the phone, the upgraded camera, the faster A5 chipset.The software is the property of Apple and subject to modification. They own the copyrights to the software regardless of what you paid for your phone. You paid for a license to the use the software when you purchased the hardware. Apple has the right to use the software in anyway they see fit. If the iPhone 5/6 comes out with Siri, will you sue them because your no longer exclusive? Let me know if it works for you, because FaceTime was "exclusive" to the iPhone 4, if you can have siri exclusive on your phone, then I don't want you having FaceTime, as that was a selling feature exclusive to the iPhone 4.
  • mimi
    mimi Posts: 15
    via Wordpress much as it sounds stick with it,just wish apple keep superceeding phones rather than minor upgrades at high costs..would not have minded so much if the cost was lil lower as im loyal apple buyer but sometimes even us buyers no matter how good the products are have ro spk up at some of the high costs in buying reletivly minor upgrades..4s should have been £400 and 4 liwerwd ro 300 ..dont mind 5@500 long as its a new design with all the features we have now..oh and defo way better battery pls
  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    For you guys debating on suing apple for false advertising, i suggest you read the tems and conditions that comes with the phone and on itunes when you upgrade software. Every word of it. Read it.
  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    I think that they will try to release Siri to the 16 GB iPhone 4 and higher that way people cannot buy the n99$ iPhone 4 8 GB and get Siri!
  • Weebsurfer
    Weebsurfer Posts: 16
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    So has anyone contemplated the reason Siri is "Beta"? I'm thinking apple intends to release it for all IOS once they work out the kinks. Yes there's kinks... Likely due to throwing a few million users at the service in the span of a week. They made good bucks already on 4s and they'll just find other features for people to upgrade for.
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    NO, THE 10yo IS THE ONE USING THE 'C' WORD IN PRINT! But, most 10yo's have a limited vocabulary to express them selves any way.
  • me
    me Posts: 220
    via Wordpress who's the child?
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    You heard of the term sarcasm right?
  • Zoran
    Zoran Posts: 3
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    YES it should be available on at-least an iPhone 4 - mine is only a year or so old - bought new - and to have a feature that CAN run on it is ludicrous not to offer it to RECENT purchases.This is the first "corporate" move I have seen from Apple after being a daily user since 1993.Really disappointing.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I understand what your saying, but the cost never changed. They released a new phone and kept it the same price as last years model. If a person payed 500 for an iPhone 4 two months ago, do you think they would be happy if two months later someone bought the latest 4s at less than 500? Apple should be applauded for keeping the prices the same and only lowering the previous model. Most companies would still be sailing the old model for 500, and make you pay 550 or 600 for the newer edition.If the upgrade is not worth it then miswell stay with the older model. the nextgen iPhone is always just 6-10 months around the corner.I feel your pain. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't release a new phone so often. But unfortunately, its not something apple or any other phone manufacture can do. They always have to release new phones, because someone will always copy their ideas, and make their phone one feature better. Its cat and mouse games in the phone industry thats killing the consumer to have the latest and greatest. Everyone wants to be the cool kid on the block, not watching the cool kid with his new toy, as you thumb at your old one. Its human nature, and unfortunately one of our worst traits.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    sailing = selling ... gah horrid mistake...
  • Avster
    Avster Posts: 8
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    Siri - pain to have to connect with Apple's servers for each request - for example, dialing a phone number from your own address book! What used to take seconds can now take 15 seconds. iPhone 4 users - you're better off with what you have for voice dialing.FaceTime - don't get two things. 1) why the wifi restriction if other apps, like Skype, allow 3G? 2) should make it compatible with iChat / AIM, which would result in vast usage.