Despite Multiple Lawsuits Samsung Still Blatantly Copying Apple

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imageDespite Multiple Lawsuits Samsung Still Blatantly Copying Apple

Apple's major problem with Samsung has been over how the Korean company copied not just their products, but their packaging and branding as well.

After getting into the tablet market, post iPad launch, Samsung moved on to create a product on the lines of the iPod touch. The product called the Samsung Galaxy Player, runs Android and comes with a larger screen.

Read the full story here



  • prodigy
    prodigy Posts: 1
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    samsung fuckerrrs !!
  • rue92
    rue92 Posts: 1
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    Make your dam refrigerator Samsung, your late! You also look like complete moron. Find more things to do tool. Cloud your agenda and don't put all your power into Android! Or put all power init? They need a new CEO!
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Another similarity is samsungs earphones also go in our ears (eye's wide open in disbelief) Morons, who cares people still buy your product. Stop crying
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    What you need to do is lower your insane prices and watch how many more people will flock to your overrated products. And stop worrying about samsung
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    What you need to do is lower your insane prices and watch how many more people will flock to your over rated products. And stop worrying about samsung
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    What you need to do is lower your insane prices and watch how many more people will flock to your overrated product
  • kitty
    kitty Posts: 24
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    "Samsung not only copied the initial pricing"Mabye USD and "price" is to an Apple invention ROTFLThis "phones" do not looks as the same in real so next Apple photoshoped photos with "some" changed proportions :P
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    @frank stop trolling you look like a idiot repeating ur self, Samsung are in the wrong this could be very misleading to alot of folk who want a apple product and dont have the tech kno how might buy this instead because it looks like a apple product.......Samsung have no ideas and have to copy a better product.Samsung are rubbish any way there phones are low quality, never have updates, over priced....oki I lie a little the only decent samsung product was a samsung d512 phone that is old as the hills.Either way any device running android is gonna fail, since android are very to faced saying they wont support hardware but than bought over motorola mobile department, so just imagine your sitting there with your brand spanking new samsung tablet waiting for an update that will never come.On other news android could be facing court action against the linux foundation, Android is now saying its not linux or open source but its own brand...but still continues to use kernals/source codes from
  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Samsung better hope they can out compete other manufacturers of touch screens and mobile chips because Apple will dump them as a major supplier as soon as they can find quality alternative sources in enough quantity! We'll see how well they compete when they don't have Apple subsidizing their copying.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    If people are stupid enough to mistake a Samsung phone over an iPhone then they deserve the Samsung. You sound ignorant for even saying some stupid sh*t like that
  • dma
    dma Posts: 3
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    I honestly don't think they look at all the same, other than a basic shape, did apple patent the rectangle? I love my iphone 4s and Ipad, but I also love some features on android, mainly in the custimization. I think that apple should stick with what they did when SJ turned them around, innovate. Don't waste their time trying to increase their dominance by beating everyone off with a stick, keep inovating and creating markets by being the best tech company, not the best at over paying corporate lawyers.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    why do u defend samsung on a apple fanboy site? are you stupid or just plain stupid?
  • HC
    HC Posts: 17
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    Its not that they'll confuse the products and they're not even phones it's the iPod touch and samsungs whatever's that the advertising and marketing is being have to be blind to not see how Samsung copied apple in the ad
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    @frank not every single person on this planet is tech minded a fact easy mistake for older generation to buy the wrong product..
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 4
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    Listen guys , From what iv seen and researched in the years going for apple it’s track record of security, keeping things secret, staying on top of the leader boreds are not looking very well, I’m not sure what it will be like in 2012 for them only hopeing good will come from them, ye ye bla bla they make look like they are doing fine till …………. “another fail from apple inc written in history again to add to there bad track record”
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Didn't everyone know Apple created the 40 degree corner
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Yeah back in 1992 i saw an advertisement for a sony diskman standing upright with earphones dangled exactly the same way. Apple and samsung should be ashamed
  • Trick
    Trick Posts: 11
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    Who cares? The matter is really quite simple. The better product will win. Instead of filing all these frivolous law suits... They should be dumping their money into r&d to make theirs' the better product.
  • Hmmmm
    Hmmmm Posts: 18
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    a rectangle shaped phone on a plain white background. apple didnt invent the rectangle shaped phone with tocuhscreen, that design is alot older and the background is just white. surely apple cant prevent people using a plain white background.its a phone, they have limitations, ofcourse they are going to look similar. if apple can sue for this then motorola should sue everyone for copying the mobile phone.gettin stupid now. only mobiles companies have this problem. what next, tesco sue asda for copying them with supermarkets. atari sue microsoft, sony for making games consoles. i might sue my nextdoor nieghbour for breathing in a similar way to me.
  • iGirl_in_SC
    iGirl_in_SC Posts: 6
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    Totally agree. Is shameless how Samsung is copying the look of Apple. I hope Apple ditches them pretty soon finding other suppliers. We'll see then how well will they survive.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    earbuds ARE better though.... just sayin
  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    stop press!!!!god to sue apple for using the image of the forbidden fruit as their logo and as their company name. yep fan boys i'm taking the piss out off your beloved crapple. oh btw i use an iphone. so don't be branding me a samsung troll. lol xx
  • BDog_Grizzly
    BDog_Grizzly Posts: 12
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    To be Honest Samsung is doomed no matter what. They act like they have "Awesome products" but they are far from it. Granted I don't think Apple should be suieing over something so trivial but I do think that Samsung is really asking for an ass whooping. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Apple dropped them as a supplier and not but a couple months later Samsung goes belly-up.
  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 33
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    I like samsung too
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    Galaxy S2 is a awesome product though... so... nice fanboy try i guess
  • Zig
    Zig Posts: 21
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    Get over it and get a life Apple.Innovate don't litigate.Here's one innovation suggestion: an iPhone that doesn't have to be jailbroken just to make it work properly.
  • ObamaPacman
    ObamaPacman Posts: 2
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    Get over it Fandroid.Innovate don't plagiarize.
  • ObamaPacman
    ObamaPacman Posts: 2
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    Apple iPod touch $199. Samsung knockoff $229.Surely Apple needs to lower its "insane" prices.Or perhaps one clueless Frank needs to go back to elementary school to learn some basic math.
  • ChaoticDreamer
    ChaoticDreamer Posts: 2
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    *brands you a Samsung troll*