Despite Multiple Lawsuits Samsung Still Blatantly Copying Apple



  • iSteve Jobs
    iSteve Jobs Posts: 4
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    Good price, good quality, good designs are my friends. Who cares about apple: stupid design as they call new iPhone 4s (4shit). I love Samsung galaxy stuffs because that is what I need. Buy what you like and do not lic king as s Apple as I read some posts above.
  • Un-Biased View
    Un-Biased View Posts: 4
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    cry baby crysamsung phones can be used to voice call, so they copied from apple ROFLpeople can see on its screen, so they copied from applehear audio through its headphones so they copied againheadphones go into ear so copy againaudio jack is the same so its a copyget a life, stop crying apple
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I mean does Apple even have some own departments to do something of their own, even their price is same.
  • Zig
    Zig Posts: 21
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    Fandroid? Where did you get that from? Out your ass?The only Android device I have used briefly was a working display in a phone store. I have an iPhone 3GS.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    This is NOT an Apple fanboy site, Stupid!This is an iphone hacking site and lately an apple products premature rumours site.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Anybody who's stupid enough to not have the "tech kno how" to find the giant Apple logo on the back won't mind even if they've bought a chocolate bar wrapped in black.If you really think Android is going to fail, you better get your head out of the sand. You're a posi-troll, which is just as bad as a troll.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    *brands you an insecure, oversensitive, whining, biased fanboy*
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Oh, man, I was with you until 4 days ago - when I got my HTC Evo 3D. So far, it's confusing, because everything's different (but my 3GS was confusing after my Nokia 6120 Classic when I first got it). But I'm enjoying it all the same.Soon, I'll get used to a new routine ... like not coming here everyday looking for updated jailbreaks! :-P
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    +1this is ridiculousoh and the macbook looks a lot like the laptop...
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    but that's part of the fun :D
  • Speaking2Morons
    Speaking2Morons Posts: 3
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    If YOU spent 10's of millions of $$ bringing YOUR product to market, wouldn't you be a little miffed if your competitor BLATANTLY copied all of your work and started eating part of your pie?... I thought so.
  • Speaking2Morons
    Speaking2Morons Posts: 3
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    ...and, the iPhone that you are hacking is made only by whom?? I would say this site is very pro Apple. I wish it would become con adolescent nubes like yourself.
  • Speaking2Morons
    Speaking2Morons Posts: 3
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    ObamaP, it's the new math everyone is talking about. You know the kind; when you are at the checkout and you hand a cashier $5.01 for a $4.96 total and you get a glossy blank stare.
  • duhh what??
    duhh what?? Posts: 1
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    Please try English next time.
  • adsawadsa
    adsawadsa Posts: 2
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    Listen both apple and Samsung make excellnet products but you apple fans do go a bit ott. Apple are delving into tv soon so they better not be rectangle, have speakers, a remote ect .... As consumers we have choice which is good for us it makes "them" produce better, cheaper products.
  • adsawadsa
    adsawadsa Posts: 2
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    The main thing that keeps the iphone ahead are the apps!!
  • sky
    sky Posts: 8
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    you guys are dumb and stop crying. If you were to design a a media player, would you design a big bulky portable machine? You wouldnt. Cars all have four wheels, all flat screen tvs look almost the same just with different specs, same as samsung and apple products. Btw ive been to korea they have been in the electronic buisness for a long time, if stop being ignorant s you had a company wouldnt you want to be more diverse in your products? So please stop crying and let them handle their own problems. Stop crying and being a dumb fanboy and grow up and just enjoy these great products. Both companies are great. Stop being ignorant.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Yes Apple spend 10's of millions of dollars to patent a rounded corner squared phone. OMG STOP MAKING PHONES ROUNDED CORNER SQUARED PHONE!!!! I bet Apple will keep suing every smartphone company till they become a monopoly... Nazis...
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Yes. Apparently, Apple did invent everything Square. Watch out if you're making squared device, Apple will sue the hell out of you.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Android, over 50% of smartphone market share. iOS, less than 30% of smartphone market share.So how is Android going to fail again?
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    This proves the point of how stupid iSheeps are. ROFL!!!! Samsung can't survive without Apple? HAHAHAHAHA But somehow, Samsung makes 2x as revenue as Apple. How does that work out? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!BTW Samsung's construction division made the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, and the Petronas Towers which are 3rd.And here, these iSheeps thinking that Samsung is a small hardware company making a living out of making parts for iDevices. ROFL.Oh btw, Apple renewed a contract for Samsung to keep buiding A6 because they can't find any other manufacturers. If Samsung pulls cord on them, Apple is screwed.
  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    so because someone owns a product they are a fanboy? dumbass.
  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    this is going to fail epically...
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Yea apple sued me because I made a pb and j. they said that it was square and on white bread and sense they have a white iphone i owe them 20 million dollars and the rights to make sandwhichs in france and koriea. I knew i should have use wheat bread.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Uhh are u dumb apple invinted the color white. They also invinted wraping headphones around things so be real careful about wraping your head phones around your phones
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    I dont even like samsung phones. I have a 4 a 3g, and a 3gs. but i got the lg thrill and the only reason that i have turned any of them on is to play modern combat 3. Cant wait tell it comes out to android and play it on a bigger screen and in 3d. but ya if apple woild spend half the money they pay lawers into rnd they could prolly release something new that is actually good enough to get me to come back. i am not a fan boy to any company. I am a fanboy to whoever has the best. which as of rite now it is not apple.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Also samsung is got there hand iin so much other stuff that they woild be like ok big deal. If apple droped them trust me it would hurt them more and ur crappy 4s would be an extra 100 hundred dollars
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Ur in for a good ride man i got the lg thrill pretty much the same phone with dual core. I got the 2d to 3d converter and it just is amazing playing ff7 and mario 64 in 3d.