iPhone 4S Users Complain Of Audio Bugs While Making Calls

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 4S Users Complain Of Audio Bugs While Making Calls

It seems that every iPhone launch has to be plagued by problems. The iPhone 4 had the antennagate, the iPhone 4S had battery issues as well as Siri outages. Now it seems a number of iPhone 4S users are facing an audio issue where they can not hear the person on the other end of the phone.

As with every Apple issue, a discussion thread on Apple's website has been opened with 36 pages of comments from users. One user on the forum, who initiated the thread says:

Read the full story here



  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    I'm experiencing the same problem, took my phone to Apple, but the tech guy was an ass, he didn't believe me, since I couldn't prove it to him, I told him, either you order a new phone for me or return my money, and he ordered a new phone for me, fingers crossed, hopefully it won't have the same problem.
  • Bk4
    Bk4 Posts: 2
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    Iv had 3 iPhone 4S now and I'm fed up with the terrible quality within the speaker. It sounds horrible .I get a very small noise that sounds like when you put your phone near a speaker when on my phone. It's driving me nuts! When I talk I get a light feedback type noise too. What is up with apple in the last 5 to 6 years. Every product I have bought has had a problem! iMac screen was out of line with the aluminum frame, MacBook pro had graphics artifax that have never been fixed and my iPhone 4.... Well we all know about that one - free bumper anyone!
  • Manny823
    Manny823 Posts: 2
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    Some people are so sensitive these days. SHMFirst of all It's an intermittent issue and second Apple is one of the best customer service oriented companies around. Even the guy who said that the rep was an ass he still got a replacement. It wasn't because of his threat even if they don't believe u they will do it as a courtesy. If u have an issue with ur phone just call make an appointment and GET A REPLACEMENT
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Nope, not an issue here. I'm on AT&T (White iphone 4S 32 GB and people on the other end can hear me 100% of the time. I can hear them 100% of the time.
  • Mattk
    Mattk Posts: 6
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    100% fine, all the time. Since 2007, not a single problem. You guys are so over dramatic.
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Same here I'm have an white iPhone 4S 64GB and have had no call problems. The only thing I notice is that there is a small echo sometime, but not a big enough deal for me to dislike the iPhone.
  • Shaun
    Shaun Posts: 12
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    Mattk, because you haven't had a problem since 2007 doesn't make others over dramatic when describing the issues they have. I think apple need to review their quality control procedures.
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    don't judge without knowing the fact... Since I couldn't prove him he didn't believe me, I know Apple has a good customer service, I didn't blame Apple, I just said the guy wasn't willing to help me, and guess what I called customer service, and took an appointment before going there.
  • Chad
    Chad Posts: 26
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    Hey everyone, for those of you hearing the echo while talking on the phone -->call and let apple know. I did this morning and the guy told me that there was a low number experiencing the intermittent problem. They need to know how big this issue really is because it is extremely annoying. Call them!
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    because you're still with their first IPhone....
  • Bk4
    Bk4 Posts: 2
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    Love the way people with no problems attack the people with problems. The truth is apples quality control or actual product quality is declining. Unlike a huge population of the people who only got introduced from the iPod iv been a buyer for many many years and the sad truth is - its not like it used to be. It took me over twelve genius apointments to get a replacement MacBook pro, when I got one it still suffered the same problems but they refused to aknowledge it.
  • Mattk
    Mattk Posts: 6
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    very valid point bk4. i by no means was attacking anyone. it's just annoying when someone has a problem with a device and makes it out to be the end of the world and immediately deems a company garbage. the truth is, most of today's tech products are made in china. extremely mass produced. there's going to be errors and mishaps, it happens.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    It's pretty obvious what's going on here:Apple knows they can delay a jailbreak by building bugs into it's new software that needs to be patched. They know the JBreakers will not release anything if a new version of the OS is around the corner. So apple delays the jailbreaks by promising bug fixes and when a jailbreak is out, they drumb up excitement for new features, to get people to ditch their jailbreaks, (panoramic camera/Siri on all ios5 devices anyone?)
  • Mattk
    Mattk Posts: 6
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    Ooo such a great callout! That totally sounds like something sneaky they would do
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    I guess Manny is a Guinius Guy at the Apple Store...! Don't u think? So rude...!
  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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    Apple does is crap caps, ic, diodes, resistors and enclosure. Just like the rest crap
  • Doobs
    Doobs Posts: 20
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    From the few comments here it seems that the white iPhone 4S may be ok....
  • Scorpors
    Scorpors Posts: 1
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    I have the same issues but with my 3GS . Myself and others have notice this issue occurring with or 3GS and iPhone 4.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Antenna gate was blown way out of proportion and never had a single issue myself. My 4s has worked flawlessly during many hours of calls. The only issue I have is the battery drain.
  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    Y ppl still buy iPhone over and over again if there are so many probs encountered on previous owned sets? One thing for sure is that Apple's product rocks! Just make a call and get it fixed. Nothing big to make a fuss about. Loyal supporters - get fix from apple. Jailbreakers - get the tweaks.
  • Tazzclass
    Tazzclass Posts: 5
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    I'm having the problem where I can't here people and people can't here me. It was hit and miss than got a little worse. While I was in a Verizon store they reset the phone and so far so good. I also get echo from time to time but not enough for it to be a big problem. I have the black 32GB iPhone. Glad it's not just my phone. Thought I was the lucky one who got a lemon.
  • Speak not
    Speak not Posts: 1
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    I have a prob where sometimes people can't hear me when I call but not all the time like the mic isn't working all the time????? Anyone else???
  • Ltorres781
    Ltorres781 Posts: 1
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    Ever since I updated to the 4s and even on my 4 with ios 5, I seem to have problems with the bluetooth with my car... When my phone syncs with the car.. It alwys lowers the volume on my phone.. It's getting very annoying and it even has gotten to the point that the music will stop playing thru Bluetooth streaming and the phone still shows playing... I tried my friends iPhone 4 without iOS 5 and no issues.. Anyone one having similar issues?!
  • Wedding Guy
    Wedding Guy Posts: 30
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    I haven't had a single problem with my 4S on AT&T.
  • Robbie
    Robbie Posts: 14
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    I had the same issue. The thing is that I could make phone calls, did not hear it ringing, but the call got through and answered (could see it from the timer counting). The other side could hear me and when I switched to speaker, I could also hear the other side. I also got a replacement from Apple and since then it did not happen anymore. Looks to me like a hardware problem....
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Looks like iPhone 4s is a worthy miss.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I've had every iPhone from launch, both iPads an 2 MacBook airs, I've never had a single problem that is worth mentioning. The only problem I had, the free bumper I was given by apple scratched the crap out of the metal bezel, but apple replaced my iPhone immediately because of it! It seems the 32gb 4s is affected more than the rest, I can understand people's frustration, the 4s took a lot of hard earned cash, but one good thing about apple, they always do something about a problem, be it a software issue or a replacement if a hardware issue!
  • Zion
    Zion Posts: 2
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    same here. It happens to my iphone 4. reload 3 times ios4.3.5 and still happens. concluded is hardware problem. Send for replacement, however, notice that replaced set is always the recon set. take note dear all
  • Cemoy
    Cemoy Posts: 1
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    I am having the same issue. iPhone 4s 16GB with Rogers (Canada). I have reset, restored and tried all the apple care suggested fixes. Time to send back my phone. Those without any issues shouldn't attack those who experience them. I would rather have my phone work than be without one for 7-10 days just to get a new one or the same one fixed.
  • KR
    KR Posts: 41
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    I ordered factory unlocked from apple online (Canada) both my 4 and 4s and never a hdw/software problem other than antenna death grip. Im left handed so was a problem without a case.