iPhone 4S Users Complain Of Audio Bugs While Making Calls



  • Kirk
    Kirk Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    I upgraded from the i phone 4 with ios 5.0 which worked fine no battery drain no problem when dialing numbers to the 4s which both problems now exist! I'm told the ios 5.0.2 is coming to fix the battery i hope! I hope it fixes the other as well if not i will go back to the 4!
  • M
    M Posts: 30
    via Wordpress
    My new 4S had the muting problem, one out of 5-10 calls both parties wouldn't hear each other. It would also sometimes mix up sending audio via regular phone, speaker or bluetooth device.Contacted Apple. I first had to confirm that the issues remained after a 'fresh install' of the phone (i.e. restore OS and not restore any old backup). It dit. Then got to send it in and immediately got a replacement which has worked fine so far. This was in The Netherlands by the way.Apple being Apple they're quiet on the cause of the problems, but it seems likely to me that this is a known issue and a routine replacement for them.
  • Cem
    Cem Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    I had the same issue. I could make phone calls, did not hear it ringing, but the call got through and answered (could see it from the timer counting). The other side could hear me and when I switched to speaker, I could also hear the other side. I ordered factory unlocked from apple online (USA) and now Im in cyprus there is No apple Store here!Any suggestions?
  • Robert James
    Robert James Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    New iPhone 4S is having the 'I can't hear them' audio issue. Sometimes it only lasts for a few seconds, sometimes much longer. I can't even hear it ring when calling out sometimes. Since many seem to be having this same issue I'm waiting to see what happens as it's pointless to have a new phone replaced if the replacement is going to do the same thing. Hope it's a software update. Apple's quality control seems to get worse with every new product release.
  • ზურა
    ზურა Posts: 2
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    სამწუხაროდ, მეც ანალოგიური პრობლემა მაქვს iPhone 4S-ზე როდესაც ვრეკავ სადმე, მეორე მხარეს ხმა მესმის, მაგრამ ჩემი ხმა არ ისმის. იმედია IOS 5.1-ში ამ პრობლემას მოაგვარებენ
  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 18
    via Wordpress
    I am having the same with my white iPhone 4s through AT&T. I recently replaced the phone and the same thing is happening again. I think it has something to do with connecting the headset, at least that what seems to trigger it.
  • David Staples
    David Staples Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    "First of all It’s an intermittent issue"No great comfort if it's you that's suffering from it.These Apple "issues" seem to follow a similar pattern:(1) Apple and the fan bois deny there's a problem(2) Apple and the fan bois concede that there might be a problem, but that it's not very widespread and anyway, it's probably the customer's fault.(3) The problem is finally fixed and the fan bois praise Apple for their great customer service.(4) After a time history is rewritten and it "was never that big a problem" or "exaggerated by the mainstream media".
  • Billy Powell
    Billy Powell Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    I have two IPhone 4S's one with the problem and one without ( cross my fingers and knock on wood). Switched to Apple a few years ago and for the most part I would rate the phones OK but not great. It's been years since I had connection or range issues until I switched to IPhone, now I do. We'll see what Apple does to stand behind their products.