The Redesigned iPhone 5 Was Real



  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Its cause they saw that it was running late abd everybody was carving the new phone. and apple the greddy fckks that they are said hey lets just take the spare iphone 4's put a S after the 4 on the back throw in some of our left over ipad 2 chips add a litttle memory and give it some ginmicky software. sell it as a new phone and that should hold everyone over untill we finish the 5. There like as long as we build the hype up and it has apple on it then idiots will buy it up.
  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
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    Have fun wasting another $400.00 dollars for apple to fix your iphone 4 ( oh my fault, iphone 4S ) by putting a new camera , CPU, and downloaded a new app called Siri. Could you still call it a new iPhone? Lol. My friend had a laptop and upgrade his RAM and put a new software on his laptop and told me, hey, look at my new Laptop. Lol
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    I think your the idiot, apple doesn't build hype the people that come up with the rumors and blog about it build up the hype. Second this is the same thing they did right after the 3G iPhone came out so what makes you think it would be any different now. The only reason it took them longer to release is because the white and Verizon iPhone 4 just came just came out no company in their right mind would release a new product so early. Also, not to mention most iPhone 4 users are still locked into contracts so the iPhone 4s was target towards pre-iPhone 4 users. But I guess that doesn't matter you, to me it seems your one of those that wanted a redesign so you can whip it out in public and so you can feel like you have a bigger iPenis because you got the newest iPhone this year.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Tell me what makes a new phone? A redesign? Because if that's the case then that's just like me buying a new case for my desktop computer, and then taking everything from my old computer placing it into my new case and saying it's new. Also, your analogy would make sense if your friend didn't upgrade the laptop but bought the same laptop again and then upgraded the RAM and put new software on it.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    All of you are absolute RETARDS. Stop flaming each other and discuss about the article. Or maybe your cranial capacities are so limited that you feel a compulsion to lambast each other for a conflict of opinions? Be more civilised people.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Stop with the f***ing rumors!!!!!! Stick with iPhone hacks!!!!
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Hey Everybody! THIS is marketing... This is how big companies makes a lot of MONEY...WAKE UP!!!!!! just blah blah blah..
  • WikoSiko
    WikoSiko Posts: 19
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  • Johnny Bravo
    Johnny Bravo Posts: 17
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    More like... Mom, Micro is being a ****!!! :p hahaha
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    Please oh please dont change the screen size...before the iphone came along all screens were the size of everyone is bitching for a 4'' screen???? come on !!!! i like the fact that most actions can be done with just a thumb...the S2...tooo big..good for some but apps look like crap on it...
  • zoxxx
    zoxxx Posts: 19
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    Update cost 400$ :) and still counting .Apple Rule definitely .
  • HiGhGuY
    HiGhGuY Posts: 5
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    Non stop rumors. here's one, There has already been a leaked design for "iPhone 20" that will consist of a biologically powered system on a chip which is implanted into your brain and 2 nano projectors on either side of your upper nose which will project images directly onto your retinas. And BTW, screw that iPhone5. who wants a an ugly curved and metal back or some stupid colors, makes it feel like a child's toy.
  • Apel
    Apel Posts: 62
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    Cough. cough. Android fanboy.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    It's called a 'full-stop'. :-P
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    costumers?!?!? :-P
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This is really funny, there is a simple answer. If you do not like iPhone's then do not buy one. No one is forcing you to buy a iPhone. It is your money spend it on what you will. As for everyone else who buys one, you can not control what they buy. No matter how many times you post " OMFG iPhones suck its all buggy, you fanboys are stupid for spending your money on thrash." Its honestly not gonna matter because no one cares what you think. I upgraded to a 4s cause I wanted a faster iPhone, siri and a better camera. Im happy with my purchase and I'm sure the other 5+ million people that have bought the phone are to otherwise they wouldn't spend the money.
  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    My sense is that apple wouldn't release a revamped iPhone that's too diff frm the current ip4/4s design.1) don't wanna be seen as coping others2) big screen means users might need to navigate with two hands3) apps developers will need to redo their apps resolutions design for new bigger screenI think that the next big thing will be a revamp of hardware design, ie blending in better users' usability of the phone. We had seen big changes in the software aspects (most mirrored to jail broken / cydia tweaks). The next revamp shall likely be a mirror on current after-market casings, ie to merge such designs into the phone itself. Eg instead of buying a after-market stand, keyboard, etc, these are blended into the new design.Let's see wat apple can come out with. Don't forget, they always re-invent. So what I guess might be right ;)
  • Jays_on
    Jays_on Posts: 63
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    Do you guys eat with the same filthy mouths? How pathetic that you can't get a point across without such fowl language.
  • haroon
    haroon Posts: 7
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    iPhone 4s is wroth getting. U can sell your iPhone 4 $300 and buy 4s 500 if u can't aford 4s it's your f***ing problem.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I think that's the joke.
  • Knowledgeable
    Knowledgeable Posts: 4
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    To some people, Siri is a gift such as stevie wonder...but true, its more of a gimmick to me. but guess what, compared to a 3gs the 4s was a major upgrade, seeing as most australian carriers have 2 year contracts, the 4s was a valid upgrade.
  • askfnau
    askfnau Posts: 0
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    It has to be real with so many prototypes flying around.
  • Nazmul alam Murad
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    We want to know every thing about iphone5.Steal now i use to iphone4.But not feel so good.
  • yup
    yup Posts: 10
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    "Man, I must be a complete idiot to OF switched from my iPhone 4 to the 4S. "Knowing how to use periods doesn't make you sound any less like a retard. I believe you meant to use the word HAVE.
  • thepirate
    thepirate Posts: 0
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    This information is nearly all true.The iphone 5 or what ever apple was planing to name it, was being developed, but due to it being so thin it kept over heating and also the battery would drain faster then a teen boy cuming after having sex for the first time.because they had no time to sort out the issues of the 5 they just used the iphone 4 and simply gave it a major update from parts of the iphone 5. they needed to get a mobile phone out to compete with others, thats why they simply didnt redisgn a new phone and instead used the iphone 4 housing case. they didnt give the 4s the A6 chip or a 10mp camera because they are holding that out for the iphone 5. it being so thin it may lose some features that other iphones have, but the 5 may gain new ones. with the iphone 4s selling well it gives them time to fix many issues the 5 has.any user on iphone 3g or 3gs this is a great upgrade, users on the iphone 4 just wait until next year and get the iphone 5. siri isnt worth the upgrade alone, its also not built into the iphone, a simple firmware update and everyone can have siri if apple allows this.stop being retards with dumb comments.on a different note modern warfare 3 has sold 6.8 million copies on its opening day.great 6.8 million retards on this planet
  • lizliz
    lizliz Posts: 1
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    Android is a better OS... I hate my iphone. Hope gingerbread hack for iphone4 has better battery life than on the 3g
  • RaVerBoi
    RaVerBoi Posts: 2
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    @Thepirate: I like you, you make sense, can we be friends? Nah, seriously though, true there are tons of fanboys, and they will always hate other fanboys, but when it comes down to it everyone knows Apple came up with a lot of the newer technology we use today. Example, Tablet computers had been out for years, and the portablility factor that they offered was the only real reason people had them, same crappy windows layout, Apple reinvented the tablet with the iPad, and everyone else made their tablets just to compete with pricing, but even then, people will continue to buy Apple because they make decent products. Yeah the iPhone 4s was kind of a dissapointment, but that's why those of us "Apple fanboys" do our research on new products and don't go out and spend money just cause we're bored, Siri on the other hand is great, it is very useful to those who schedule and whatnot, it adds to the innovativeness that is Apple. I know, being a fanboy myself, that it is damn near impossible to change a fanboy's mind about the technology he holds dear, so those of you who don't take my words seriously, I thank you for reading this far anyways, but if by some chance I have made you see otherwise then congratulations to both you and I.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    I bet you took an hour writing that, but I like your point. My iPhone 4S was worth my money. I wish it had that iPhone5 sleek design and a 4" screen but Apple wants to take it slow. They figure if they get to a 4" screen and a sleeker design slowly, they would make more profits.