UK's Chief Rabbi Blames Steve Jobs And Apple For Creating "Egocentric Culture"

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imageUK's Chief Rabbi Blames Steve Jobs And Apple For Creating "Egocentric Culture"

Lord Sacks, UK's chief Rabbi, in an interfaith gathering attended by the Queen, blamed Apple for creating an "egocentric culture." He said that the consumer-driven society, which Apple helped create, spread unhappiness amongst people.

The Telegraph quotes Lord Sacks:

"People are looking for values other than the values of a consumer society. The values of a consumer society really aren’t ones you can live by for terribly long. 

Read the full story here



  • conwood
    conwood Posts: 1
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    I understand where the Rabbi was going with his statement. But that is not what Steve Jobs had in mind when he innovated the products. He believes in productivity & technology working efficent
  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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    Spend more time with God than criticize an invention and vision.
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    The clarification is nonsense; first, if the Rabbi is buying and using the very machines that he thinks create a bad society, he's a hypocrite. Second, he was not talking about "potential dangers" when his statements clearly argue that "the consumer society" has already been created.
  • Larz
    Larz Posts: 2
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    The Rabbi is right. Products cannot bring real happiness. True, lasting happiness comes from places deeper than smart phones, tablets, and music players.Apple is only getting mentioned here because they're the best. The most desirable products, whether one searches for happiness in them or not, are the well thought out Apple products. I don't see this is a condemnation of Apple or Steve, but another nod in their direction as kings of the industry.I hope we can all use our phenomenal devices to augment and enhance our lives, rather than base the success or happiness on.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    I love how anti-religious people always throw around the word, hypocrite as a word to God doesn't exist. For Christianity at least, they know everyone is a sinner. No deeds can change that fact and it is only by the grace of God and his forgiveness that we can be saved and go to heaven.The Rabbi buying a Macbook doesn't make him a sinner. As long as he isn't buying into the 'egocentric culture' he is referring to. I thought he was crazy looking for attention or something, but when I really agree that "true happiness could only be brought by faith and spending time with family." It's funny the consumerist culture has only been a recent thing yet our society feels it's the only thing now.
  • Extreme184X
    Extreme184X Posts: 7
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    I'm with the Rabbi all the way, I blame Steve jobs and Facebook for being the biggest corrupter of today's society. Instead of giving God all the honor and glory, many people confess they can't live without music (ipod), can't live without the phones (iphone), and can't live without nearly a day of polluting worldliness filth in Facebook. Not to mention Steve jobs death seems to be praised for his gadget ideas rather than Jesus who died on the cross for your sins and save you. REPENT and CONFESS with your mouth that God raised Jesus from the dead, and you shall be saved!! For little time that we DON'T have (hurry).
  • Maxtor182
    Maxtor182 Posts: 46
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    Keep your bible thumping to your self. F*** religion
  • iCiph4EG
    iCiph4EG Posts: 4
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    Ummm im a religious person but I dont bring electronics and god together... Number one who in the f*** is Chief Rabbi?? Second however you split it up, break it down, whatever he is a hypocrite... He owns two "i"devices, but has the nerve to talk about Steve Jobbs and Apple...?? Whatever makes you happy do it! If its not god and its a iphone or ipad then thats you. I know i hang out with my family all the time doesnt mean im happy. I know me having a heated discustion with my cousin about how my iPhone is better then his brick w/ a kickstand excuse me... Evo... makes me pretty happy....
  • iCiph4EG
    iCiph4EG Posts: 4
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    WOW... so went to his website ( and in big bold letters on the right side he has a iphone 4 with his pic on it talking about Click here to connect with Chief Rabbi from your iphone... hmmmm... wonder who did his website.. prob done on a mac too.... ha ha ha
  • Maxtor182
    Maxtor182 Posts: 46
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    Consumerist culture is a new thing? What the f*** are u smoking. Since the beginning of civilization People have consumed gold, art, people, cities and countries. The crusades didn't murder hundreds of thousands of people in the name of Steve Jobs. No, it was your imaginary "GOD" that convinced a bunch of soft headed pylons, just like the one we see on tv every sunday, that they were better than others
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    No sinner here......
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    Hmmmm could i say, in youre opinion then, that every time i initilize one of my devices and the wallpaper of my family and or loved one who i dont see other wise, can bring a real sense of happniess to me? Cause i would agree. =)
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    I dont blame a damn thing on any one or anything, i have full controll over what i spend my money on. If society is "bad" in some views, lets be honest, it would be in its current state, and progress in its current direction if the ipad or iphone never exisited. So quick people of faith or religion are quick to point at something and say this isnt thier higher powers way....... Yet in every experince ive had with diffrent religions thier readings dont encourage this trait, nor do they ever encourage a person to feel they are in the place to do such a thing. Yet they do. Every single one ive met...... So SOME ONE please just buy this guy a ipad 2, so he can join the rest of us happy apple product owning souls! XD
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    The rabbi talks absolute sh**e, keep your bible bashing faith. I liked the bit at the end that says the rabbi uses a ipad and iphone daily, lol. What a f***ing idiot.
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    Jesus didnt die on the cross, it was all totally made up.
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    This is iphonehacks not iphonefaith. Nobody cares, get over it. Steve jobs is the man.
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    well said my friend, couldnt have said it any better myself.....
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    but if the device in question was an android instead of an iphone, would that happiness diminish?
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    agreed, it's about as old as civilization itself.
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    I can't live without my car, without my pc and email...oh and don't forget the phone in general.oh and i also can't live without my smartphone (iphone). facebook is a great way of keeping in touch with long distance friends.blaming SJ for any of this is ridiculous. anyone who blames SJ for taking up peoples time away from God is being ignorant. People have choices and people do. If they love God they will devote time to him, people don't pray to God just because they have nothing better to do, they do so because they have faith and believe.
  • hatem
    hatem Posts: 3
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    What a piece of rubbish! Rabbbi, you don't make any sense, just wanted to say something! didn't you!
  • Mandeep
    Mandeep Posts: 15
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    Strange the Rabbi's is talking about all the issues these Gadgets create for the society and yet these cronies are involved in the biggest sex scandals with little boys.
  • Whyt
    Whyt Posts: 3
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    Half of you are simple minded people.Apple pushes the whole idea that your not worth anything if you don't have one of their devices.The Rabbi is correct in most measures. I don't believe that anyone can be truly happy with technology but I also don't give a damn about family or god(s).You all seem a bit too busy staring at your iDevices to see what's happening to society nowadays.I recommend you just sit and watch society crumble, there's no point in arguing about it.(I do own an iPhone 4 and 3G just in case you have suspicions of apple bashing. Although that's still more out of what was available.)
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    the rabbi is just mad he doesnt have an iphone its ok.
  • yo
    yo Posts: 19
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    Sacks is part of one of the wealthiest families in the world. The Zionist vision thrives on the idea that people are drones to their (families ruling the world)purpose in life.( To live forever and turn everyone's bloodline into their own by inter breading). This ' gathering ' is all a diversion. If they have their hand in apple, it is the perfect tool for gathering intelligence. An entire log can be produced on your i device with a list of where and when you where everywhere. Think about it. How may people walk to a different room in the house, and take their phone with them to that room? weird huh? If the phone rings we can hear it and move to the other room if we need to answer it. The i devices have become so integrated in our life, we cannot leave them alone for 2 min.... together with facebook, this is a perfect solution to the Zionist vision. People believe in a new world order coming. The real truth is we are so used to watching fiction, that we don't realist the reality in life. We are becoming fiction. The truth is we are already living in it. The Sacks family and the other families associated with his, have shaped us to be this way already. The greatest trick of the devil is that he convinced the world he does not exist. Anyway.
  • Patty Allen
    Patty Allen Posts: 0
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    Second that Thank You! Remember, Rabbis are not the same as priests, as far as ridiculous religion goes. They are elected leaders. This means that if you ARE a follower of this faith, you can tell him to shut the f*ck up!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    i is not for me in Apple products, its for internet!
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    What did the first ipod have to do with the internet? Sure most of the music put on it was pirated from there, but it was certainly not an internet device. The first wifi ipod didn't come out until 2007.