Chronic Dev Team: Update On iOS 5 Jailbreak; Release C-Reporter Dev To Discover New iOS Vulnerabilit

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imageChronic Dev Team: Update On iOS 5 Jailbreak; Release C-Reporter Dev To Discover New iOS Vulnerabilities

Chronic Dev Team has just published a blog post titled "Weapons of Mass Exploitation" in which they've given an update on the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5 and also released a tool called C-Dev Reporter, which will enable iOS device users to send device crash reports to Chronic Dev team that could be helpful in finding new vulnerability in iOS.

Read the full story here



  • bull crap
    bull crap Posts: 6
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    but when is the public release for 4s????
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Did you even read the post completely? Be patient. Why use 4s and to expect they must release their tools asap to suit your impatience???
  • mickey
    mickey Posts: 54
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    Wow, I'm eagerly waiting for this jailbreak for my iPad 2. It sucks that with each new device, it becomes more dificult to jailbreak or unlock. I will be patiently waiting for this jailbreak :(
  • Pegger
    Pegger Posts: 54
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    It's a Mac only app, no love for windows :p
  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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    Two of the iphone jailbreakers left the scene and one of them join Apple. Surely it makes a great difference in the jailbreak scene. Maybe in time to come, no more jailbreak for iphone. Sad.
  • bull crap
    bull crap Posts: 6
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    yeah, maybe in iphone 5 there is no jailbreak anymore.
  • SaNdMaN
    SaNdMaN Posts: 3
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    Well thats a no brainer. Downloading
  • SaNdMaN
    SaNdMaN Posts: 3
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    Nevermind, should have read the comments first. Mac Only...Whats the word on the Windows Version?
  • Srs913
    Srs913 Posts: 6
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    Charlie Millers exploit still exsists in 5.0, so why cant a jailbreak for 5.0 be released? Dev Team, you fail...........
  • Long John Silver
    Long John Silver Posts: 4
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    "For instance, if one of us is at a friend’s house and plugs our iPhone up to his or her computer (even just to charge it), it’s very likely that computer is set up to send all our valuable data & crash reports right back to Apple." So you're saying these guys are smart enough to jailbreak iOS but dumb enough to not bring the little cube so they can plug it into the wall? I mean they have the cable if they're plugging it into the computer. Why not carry the cube too? It's 1 cubic inch.
  • iphone 4 user
    iphone 4 user Posts: 16
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    Its in beta still if you read his blog he states when its out of beta he will supply windows support also. so no need for windows users to worry lol you can still help to
  • No iphone 5 for me
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    Since the iphone is practically useless without jailbreaking and jailbreaking takes longer with each upgrade I'll be ending my relationship with apple soon and going with android. Much less pain in the ass.
  • bull crap
    bull crap Posts: 6
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    i think you're right.. the apple is very selfish for jailbreakers..
  • Flame Red
    Flame Red Posts: 42
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    I agree. My contract is up and if I get a new phone it won't be an Apple if it cannot be Jailbroken. For now I live with IOS 4.3 as there is NOTHING in IOS 5 that beats what the JB gives me. So for know I sit tight. I don't need IOS that bad and I sure won't put up with Apple's bull SH**.
  • Signal
    Signal Posts: 1
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    Either way much respect for these guys and everything they do
  • vesig
    vesig Posts: 5
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    yeah ,i was thinkin the same apple can go down the drain,hello Galaxy ;)
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Bugger off to android then! The sooner the better! I guarantee we'll see you back with the iPhone in 6 months max! Android sucks compared to apple iOS! To be honest, with every new major firmware update, I find less and less need for jailbreak, with ios5, the only thing I jailbroke for was intelliscreen x. The dev team work hard at what they do, but nobody has the patience to wait for jailbreaks to be released, they just bitc* and moan.
  • Hi
    Hi Posts: 4
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    do it yourself then
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Not sure millions of non-jailbroken iPhone users agree with your statement about it being useless. I guess they pay for their apps.
  • kraken
    kraken Posts: 36
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    Same here. Something as simple as loading music without the bloated and useless iTunes installed is not possible on ios unless you jailbreak. On Android you can do whatever you want with your device without even rooting it. I was an apple fanboy for ~3 years and they have lost me now.
  • Trick
    Trick Posts: 11
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    Has anyone actually been keeping up with the android scene? If you choose to switch fine. More power to you. But...Make sure you choose your device carefully and your carrier more carefully. Not all devices can be updated to the latest versions of android. And not all carriers allow the latest versions on certain devices.I hope you also enjoy the fragmented market places for android apps. Oh... By the way...Be careful downloading your precious "open" apps since there has been virtually no quality control on them and android apps have proven to be more malware ridden than any other platform in exsistance so far.Good luck. I hope your new android phones are able to be updated and not obsolete in six months.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I jailbroke for the clicker app that allowed you to use the volume button for the camera, and for folders, back when the iOS didn't have them. Now I use a couple tweaks like infinfolders and stuff, but in reality there was never a "need" to jailbreak, and thankfully because apple saw the popularity of jailbroken apps, added many of the features to the newer software. (stealing ideas obviously from the jailbreak community)95% of those whining about lack of jailbreaks don't want to pay for their apps, or don't want to pay for an unlocked iPhone. Sad thing is most of those users jail breaking for free apps, don't support the jail breaking community. Many steal cydia apps as well stealing from those that support the jailbreak movement.
  • Riot_carrots
    Riot_carrots Posts: 0
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    Glad they finnally updated us! I thought they were just fu**ing with us! I thought jailbreak would be out within the first week.But this is totally understandable. What a great idea to send reports to them instead of apple. I swear these people are geniuses to me. I'm sure they'll jailbreak it.And yeah apples di**s with jailbreakers! Wtf! But I doubt jailbreakinh will ever be abolished. There's to much of a demand for it. Even if the dev teams break up someone will probably take their spots.If not yeah fu** that I'd boycott apple and call them douchebags and hope they loose a sh** ton of money. :)Thanks chronic dev team!!!!
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    they shouldnt have said they had 5 exploits. that was the their most foolish move as devs/hackers.
  • geezer
    geezer Posts: 2
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    Yeah i just use jailbreak for MyWI which is still great but pay for all my apps getting iphone 4s nextweek hope there is a jailbreak soon cos when at work mywi works great as have no internet at work otherwise!
  • Na5753
    Na5753 Posts: 0
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    a iPhone without jailbreaking, is a useless phone, i would change to another company too
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Posts: 16
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    To make a jailbreak one must first create it, test it and wait and say nothing until apple release it to the world then release jail break. Of course apple will patch iOS before release when the current jail break clowns are soooooooo keen to tell the world we have jail broken a beta iOS.... Clowns say nothing until final release then you have a chance of the exploit working. Soooooo quick to claim the prize but soooo slow to realize that waiting for final release and you will win. The dev team do the best work around but just need to be more patient about releasing news about jail break. If they keep quite until final release they will win the game. After all if the information is not out there apple won't find it and all that time and work won't be waisted.
  • kitty
    kitty Posts: 24
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    ... and now you v got an orgasm rich babe lol :P
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    I would like to have the knowledge and the brain to create my own Jailbreak ..! But Not I'm a retard..! LOL