Samsung's New Galaxy II TV Ad Mocks Apple Fanboys Again And Pokes Fun at iCloud, iTunes Match



  • WatchThis
    WatchThis Posts: 6
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    +1 for a good point+1 for funniness
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I've owned an iphone 3g and then upgraded to the 4, i just recently bought an ipad. I love them. Are they BEST? Maybe, maybe not. I am a jailbreaker and that allows me to get the extra customization i like. I don't really like the idea of having to learn a new phone system, and i always hear mixed reviews about android devices. But the most common thing i hear from people who have Android based devices is they don't want to pay the price for apple's devices. I upgrade my phone when my contract allows and i have the money to afford it AND apple puts out a new phone that i feel is worth the cost. It's what works for me. If you prefer android to ios, great. If you prefer ios to android, super. In reality it all boils down to personal preference. At their core they do the same thing, make phone calls, send texts, surf the net and let us listen to music without the need for an extra device. It's like arguing over which is a better car/truck... Who cares? Get what you like, does what you need, and appeals to you and STFU!
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    not as funny as a fandroid posting his hate on an iPhone specific website :)
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    iPhone is a fashion statement.. would never walk around holding cheap imitation crap like Samsung' thats just gross'
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    It's like comparing Apple to Dell or Alienware.. why not compare it to a build-your-own-pc desktop? you seem to think that it's all about specs.. you bring iOS into the discussion and its game over.
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    Fandroid Posterboy.. this post was comedy.. lol.
  • Texan
    Texan Posts: 39
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    who ever reads this website loves apple. Nuf said!
  • jus-sayin
    jus-sayin Posts: 29
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    personally I think any company that has to mock another product (what ever it is) feels they are on the back foot, and also it makes people wonder why others may wait inline for (years) for product x. It would be very easy for apple to make ads like this but they never would. specs are only half the story, operation, quality of product, life span of product, support for new s/w etc etc, my iPhone (original model) is still working though incredibly slow now, but my brothers little kid loves it..Every product has it pros & cons choose for yourself, don't follow the crowd.I could by a crappy american muscle car large engine 0 BHP that doesn't go round corners & guzzles loads of fuel or I could by a BMW with engine half the size, loads of BHP and goes round corners and is much more economical in the long term oh and doesn't fall to pieces.
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    Yea, the gs2 not only does more than the 3gs did but the hardware is better than the 4S. I love the software also. Google music is great and imports all my playlists from iTunes. Google maps navigation is perfect for me. I basically feel as good now as I did when I switched from blackberry to the iPhone 3gs.
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    Don't know if this is sarcasm but I think the drop/durability test videos show which product is cheap.
  • Me-Said
    Me-Said Posts: 4
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    To make things fair Samsung needs to make their own OS instead of depending on android, Now we'll see who will on top
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    Android started in 2003, interesting that they "stole" something from apple that had not yet even been created. Android existed before ios did, that is a fact. Jobbs was just a f*cking cry baby, pissed off cus his product wasn't original from the start.
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    Why would samsung need to do that? The biggest thing android promotes is CHOICE. The hardware from Samsung is faster, the software from android is better. Clearly apple knows that Samsung is its biggest threat.
  • fxsg123
    fxsg123 Posts: 1
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    Now with webOS turning open source, we might see some market shift. Also, with motorola mobility/google new relationship, it'll be hard not to imagine motorola might set new standard. Not forgetting Nokia with MS; and Windows 8 might just turn the table around, who know, right?btw, Samsung has its own os, bada, with its own app store. They know the important of how not to depends on other
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Actually android started after ios I think it is just barley four years old. But pocket pc and palm pilot phones around that time. Apple fanboys dont remember that there were touch screen smart phones before iphone
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    How do you stand out with it when every body and there mother has an iphone 4. And unless they are watching ur dumbazz talking to your phone like a rambiling idiot cant tell the difference between the 4 and the 4s.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Wow u downgraded i used to be an appls fanboy untill the a few minths ago now i cant go back.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Your a fcking idiot tool. Man every company has copied in some way or another. In order for you statment to be vaild iphone would have to be the first phone ever the fkrst touchscreen every. Ect ect
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Ya but ib order to get the iphone to be anywhere as custom you got to jail break add a whole bunch of extensions after that you got constant crashing and lagging the only way to fix is full restore. With android i just use cwm and restore to my last backup takes like 5 mins
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Nother apple fan boy dumbazz. There was a a huge add campaign a few years ago that was like i am a pc anf i a mac
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Sorry accidently pressed publish and way ya the im a pc and the im a mac campaign i thought for sure that apple paid for thoese i must be mistakeing though sense appl would never make ad like that. Fking dumbazz
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    i think its time for apple to retaliate...i know they probably dont think its fit but they should..alot of people probably think that GS2 runs 4g and they should put a stop to it.,,
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    obviously ure not an ios camera..speed of taking pics...touch screen response (download piano app on both and use 5 fingers)..gaming graphics...gps...which in samsung cannot work without a sim card..iphone does...apps...number and quality...reality is professional developers need money and they are mostly in ios...if you wanna be a pseudo hacker than thats another thing.....its just like comparing windows to with i7 will work slower than a macbook i5...
  • Cyril Malka
    Cyril Malka Posts: 1
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    Well, I bought my first iPhone from the US (they weren't out in Europe yet) and liked it a lot. Switched to an iPhone 4 later on but I really got tired of Apple's iPhone.We moved to Israel and somehow, there is a compatibility problem and our phones aren't working (even though we have Orange here) and it IS very tirering to be controlled all the time: I can't buy the same programs I was used to, can't get any music or movies (and btw, Apple wanted me to buy american movies with french sound just because I was living in France).It is very very tirering to be in the obligation to crack a phone you legally bought.In fact, when I saw the add from Samsung (the first one), that decided me. My wife's phone didn't work because she upgraded to iOS 5, so we both switched to Galaxy II and we love it actually.While we were in the shop, four other people were in to buy the Galaxy II and two of them especially stated they did NOT want an iPhone (special offer at the moment).So yes, this add influenced me to go to Samsung.
  • Highpoint
    Highpoint Posts: 2
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    Android just sucks major ass, purchased the iPhone 4 in Germany and loved it, was just a smooth very responsive phone. When I came back to the US I had a choice to make, get the galaxy or another IPhone 4 mmmmm well my iPhone from Germany would be unlocked in 2012 so I decided to give Android a shot to see what it was all about, results!? BIGGEST MISTAKE EVEER!!!. After a few days I had to switch to a different android phone because the the g2x battery only lasted half a day with out heavy usage, so I got the Galaxy, WTF battery almost the same, slow, unresponsive touch screen, i sent reports with the comments of ANDROID SUCKS! lol every time it crash which was at least twice a day. Needless to say I could not wait till 2012 to unlock my iPhone 4 so I got the iPhone 4s and it still amazes me how great the iPhone iOS truly is.
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    No actually android started BEFORE ios "Android Inc is established by once-upon-a-time Apple staffer Andy Rubin (now VP of Engineering at Google and perhaps the most visible public face of the OS) and Rich Milner. Little is known about the company at the time, but rumours were afoot that it was working on a smartphone operating system. They weren’t"wrong.
  • Esteban Jobbs
    Esteban Jobbs Posts: 9
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    In July 2005 Google acquired 22-month-old start-up Android Inc for an undisclosed sum, which some number-crunchers estimate was "up to" $50 million. The deal was little remarked on in the tech press, no doubt due to the secrecy Android Inc had shrouded itself in. Google was no more forthcoming, revealing only that it had bought the company for its engineering nous and technology.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    I am a apple fanboy because of jailbreaking.Jailbreak+iPhone = best phoneNo jailbreak+iPhone = sh*t blowsIf I could never jailbreak my iPhone again I would switch to android.
  • Extreme184X
    Extreme184X Posts: 7
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    I don't know where you that got statistic from (maybe from an old android phone, don't know), but it DOES NOT definitely apply to Galaxy S2. its hard enough AS IS to get the galaxy S2 and Iphone 4S to lag using them regularly, haven't seen lags on either phones nor have i performed a Lag test.
  • Me-Said
    Me-Said Posts: 4
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    yes, a threat in copycat