Samsung's New Galaxy II TV Ad Mocks Apple Fanboys Again And Pokes Fun at iCloud, iTunes Match



  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    When will Samsung grow up.
  • Maio
    Maio Posts: 2
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    In 5 mins? Exaggeration! I own an evo, and I'll be blatantly honest I prefer the iOS over this android OS. AT&T screwed me over and I had to switch to a carrier that didn't have the iPhone at the time. I'll be having one in this month...
  • Maio
    Maio Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    You obviously don't own an iPhone. After jail breaking one's phone there is no lag on the phone because of it. That's like saying after rooting your android your phone stopped working. Owned both devices, this is how I know.
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
    via Wordpress
    You have got to be kidding me!!!"Springboard is now in safe mode. Please restart."Idiot. Some jb extensions can make the phone lag, force close and even make you reformat your phone.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    I am just happy that I can talk and surf the web at the same time, don't regret switching from a palm treo when iPhone came out. It has taken 5 years for a phone to come close to the quality of iPhone. You can keep your virus infected android, we will speak again when the iPhone 5 releases in another 5 months
  • Kunal
    Kunal Posts: 16
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    say what u will, android will never b as smooth as iphone 4 worked smoother than s2...its like comparing a dog to a wolf ! (ios = wolf offcourse)
  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
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    This is why apple are still number because of Eddie-A. A computer idiot!!
  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
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    This is why apple are still number because of Eddie-A and for shalashaka the only time I have to take my sim card out is when I bought iPhone. I never had to do it on a tmobile phone.
  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
    via Wordpress
    This is why apple are still number because of Eddie-A and for shalashaka the only time I have to take my sim card out is when I bought iPhone. I never had to do it on a tmobile phone. For high point, so your iPhone never crash or lags? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
  • Yousef Shishani
    Yousef Shishani Posts: 1
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    does anyone knows how to ride a donkey? I think the principle of touch technology is the same, you use a stick (pen) to make the donkey turn left or right (swipe left or right on the screen) and you PINCH the donkey with your heal to make it ZOOM faster. So, they both stole their ideas from a donkey rider...