The New Samsung Galaxy Tab Designed By Apple's Lawyers

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageThe New Samsung Galaxy Tab Designed By Apple's Lawyers

It looks like Apple hasn't just stopped at suing Samsung for blatantly copying their products like the iPhone and iPad, but its lawyers have also given Samsung suggestions on how to design their tablet to ensure that it does not look like the iPad.

Gizmodo reports that Apple has told Samsung should create a design with:

Read the full story here



  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    what a joke! when will this dispute end? It is getting old already. Can iphonehacks not publish more reports on the samsung war with apple.
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    Apple (and their lawyers) are also f*cking retarded. What's new?
  • Olimudono
    Olimudono Posts: 1
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    Guys, this is interesting for us if you don't mind. In reality I myself sometimes think someone got an iPad and when when look attentively it appears to be Samsung or some else tablet.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Lol if they go with that design, they're bound to get sued by another company.... Jawbone who's products actually do look like that (the back anyway)
  • Divxclub
    Divxclub Posts: 54
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    I am supporter of Apple as a company but this time I must say they went too far. If what this article saying is true this is complete bunch of BS and Apple should get a life.
  • akachay
    akachay Posts: 14
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    did someone just leak the iphone 6 and ipad 3 design to the public?!? this is maddening. this is apple development top secret project we're seeing people. this is apple trump card to this chaotic similarities of round edge, rectangular and flat screen. apple was using the current design from years ago to buy time to come up with a new innovative and original design. this is apple secret to differentiate itself from the pack of un-innovative and un-original. quick pull this article before other manufacture spot it. have a good day fellow hackers not asz kissers.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    So basically no other company can have tablets that look like paper and phones in the candybar style. Apple is acting like they invented the wheel and no one else can use it. Where is the competition then? I say get over it and move on.
  • Spiderman
    Spiderman Posts: 9
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    Does it really matter who has what? If someone wants an apple they will buy an apple or vice versa. If you went to buy an ipad and walked out with a Samsung unless you changed your mind in the shop, you've got to be really dumb.
  • Aretheyretarted
    Aretheyretarted Posts: 2
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    That is the stupidest lawsuit I have ever heard of. It like saying I'll sue you if your kids are born with two eyes and ten fingers and toes and a belly button and only one head. Common talk about frivolous law suites. Get a life Apple and if others are copying your ideas which I just don't really see then be flattered by it. Your trying to make the world a better place one IPad at a time then who cares who's name is on it. Really get a life Apple
  • Kitos
    Kitos Posts: 5
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    Guys there is an other view of all these things happening with apple and the "war" between other companies. I you read Steve Jobs Biography you will see that when Jobs went back to Apple he didnt stopped all these law games (2000 with Windows) to make them focus on the "war" while Apple was creating new products. This trick was useful for winning Windows. Maybe now they will win Samsung with the same old trick of Steve Job.Think Different! ;)
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    This comment makes no sense, I would suggest rewording it to use something that at least resembles grammatically correct English.
  • Productoflife
    Productoflife Posts: 2
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    Hey guy go check the hip hop videos I did with my iPhone 4 iMovie at
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    Honestly, this battle is indeed getting old. I do think Samsung needs to rethink some of it's design to be a bit different, but I think most of it comes down to packaging and accessories rather than the device it's self.
  • akachay
    akachay Posts: 14
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    yup...yup...very true. if you read my biography, you will see that i created ios and the igadgets and steve jobs stoled it from me.
  • 10x
    10x Posts: 0
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    Sorry I had to LOL @ this comment. It was written so bad LMFAO!
  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    Should sony sue samsung for creating a tv set that's equal in all sides with a center picture???this is ridiculous ibm should sue all companies including apple for copying the laptop form!!!!what's next ford should sue for other companies copying the simple form factor of a car because it has four wheels and two front seats + only one steering wheel!!!please apple get a life and come up with something else, move on and stop living in the pastwhats next???
  • Texan
    Texan Posts: 39
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    If you own apple and all these biters are trying to copy your ideas or products so they can make money, wouldn't you be mad?
  • Pangicide
    Pangicide Posts: 5
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    and that's why everyone copies Apple's designs right? Look up all the tablets and smart phones before and after the existence of the iPhone and iPad. You'll see how it's obvious that Apple set the gold standard in design.
  • Gainer
    Gainer Posts: 7
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    I second this statement!!
  • Gainer
    Gainer Posts: 7
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    Liar, I created iOS and the stole it from me? didn't you read my Biography?Pfffffft
  • Gainer
    Gainer Posts: 7
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    .. you missed head and tail lights, whidshield wippers.... radio antana....... breaks.........just saying....
  • Gainer
    Gainer Posts: 7
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    Not considering the revenue Apple brings in. If I owed apple, I'd be proud of the produt I created for the world and take pride in the fact that others are trying to help inporve the technology. Kind of like what Microsoft did with the Xbox Kinect when it first came out. Their Lawyers wanted to sue everyone who what hacking them then their Engineers said not to cause it was the intent. To put a product out there and see how people with use it and improve upon it. That is the true meaning of giving something to the world.......
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    ^^ with you 100%how about all the cars copying the steering wheel... oh and lets not forget that the breaks, clutch and gas pedals are in the same is to hardware what microsoft did with software.we're re-living history and making the same mistakes all over.
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    the problem is this texan, if you start copywriting form-factors you have serious problems.also many ideas of apple were actually copied from others. being this offensive with their strategy can and will come back to bite them. i for one am annoyed at apple for hindering other companies, attemtping to sabotage their efforts to make an alternative.there's a difference between protecting your product and this.protect the label, the brand yes, but this... no.
  • Didi Ala
    Didi Ala Posts: 1
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    i second that. i third that. i ... . PS. I will sue anyone who copy that! You cannot use the letter i in a similar ... .
  • FU
    FU Posts: 41
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    You know apple is getting desperate when they start suing their competitors for anything and everything. Heck next they will sue them for having the letter "A" on their brand/product name!Won't be surprise if apple start suing others for having a front and back camera on their tablet/phone.
  • Learn the facts
    Learn the facts Posts: 4
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    All I see is apple tell people to go check out the other offerings out there and a lot like what they found and bought something other then apple
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Is Samsung versus Apple the new iOS versus Android, or is it just a subcategory under the iOS-Android debate?
  • waakkaka
    waakkaka Posts: 21
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    i strongly agree with u..
  • Shalasaska
    Shalasaska Posts: 1
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    Apple's designs (as you call them) are always stolen! Everything from Apple is stolen! The only two things that Steve Jobs has done right are Mac's and Pixar everything else is crap, everybody loves iPhone and iPad and nobody knows why... they just do! And there are cellphones way better than the iPhone and cost less money! And the iPad? Well... it's just not worth to mention that one.