Untethered Jailbreak Also Works With iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 4G, Apple TV 2G Running iOS 5.0.



  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    If I was pod2g and I read that **** coming from people, I'd NEVER release it. As the idiot said, an unlock for iPhone4 was promised a year ago, and it was probably never released cause ungrateful retards who sit on their ass all day contributing nothing started whinging. Why don't you go donate some money to pod2g so they can get a 4s and ipad2 to testIt with and shut the hell up? Stopping complaining would be the greatest contribution you could make to the jb community.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    People bitching about JB release times is exactly what pissed off Geohot and why he stopped doing this... Then he went to work for Apple. Hmm... Think there might be a connection between one of the former hackers who released JB software going to work for apple and why it gets harder and takes longer to release a JB now??? Stop talking **** to the hackers!!!!!
  • dasd
    dasd Posts: 11
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  • buffybear
    buffybear Posts: 12
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    Enough already! **** or get off the pot. It's probably ****!
  • dasd
    dasd Posts: 11
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    help him buy a 4s by donating $$$$$$
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    Let's face it, we all want the JB real bad, to the point we probably don't care if it's that buggy! It's enebatble that apple iss goin to release the epnext iOS soon and ost likely patch it, so at least let us enjoy this jailbreak before all his work is wasted!,On another point, why isn't this JB scene not more open, theres plenty of people out there who can code and help solve problems, but it seems the devs only real ease when all done, prolonging the wait, where as other scenes such as the psx and old xbox people release code and apps in beta to the community and the community helps build them and gives feedback, it's a much more enjoyable group effort and the load is spread
  • Sos Un Pelotudo
    Sos Un Pelotudo Posts: 0
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    And you DO know about coding?.... What a loser :-/
  • Ron
    Ron Posts: 69
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    JLX you are a stupid asshole! Pod2g is working his ass of trying to make the jailbreak and he is doing it for free. If he doesn't make a jailbreak no jailbreak is coming. So you shut the **** up because we like pod2g work
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    The point of him not releasing it is so that apple can't patch it. They do not know what they are looking for if he does not release it. My fear is the co ex is working hard in the opposite direction now. But it's his new job and fair play to him.Also everyone stop moaning. What age are you guys 12?
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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    We're here to report that there's nothing new to report
  • eliran
    eliran Posts: 3
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    It's a shame that he doesnt have the iPad and atv2 . Pod , put a donation link people will support u
  • Divxclub
    Divxclub Posts: 54
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    What do we want ? "4S JB" When do we want it ? "NOW" !!!
  • Tremendo
    Tremendo Posts: 3
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    I won't donate with no ETA
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    If you don't know what ETA means chances are you shouldn't be jailbreaking your device.. LOL
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    you probably wont donate anyway
  • Ho$er
    Ho$er Posts: 1
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    Lots of ignorant comments on here. Be patient people. I'm certain the responses come from all over the world. Don't assume people are stupid when things may just be lost in translation. These developers provide these jailbreaks for FREE. Keep demanding and you'll get crap. Be patient and you'll get a quality product... for FREE!!!! The people who are first to complain are the last to appreciate, with $$$, the hard work these developers put in to these jailbreaks. When was the last time you donated a buck to these guys?
  • No iphone 5 for me
    via Wordpress
    Are you a retard? Do you really think they do this for free? Without jailbreak there is no need for cydia, you know, where you buy apps. If they can't jailbreak cydia dies and so does the jailbreak community. Get it F***king done bitches!!!! or I'm going with android and never looking back since iphone is a piece of **** without jailbreak.
  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    Nice reply last one. yep people are greedy. LOL
  • ITcrowd
    ITcrowd Posts: 14
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    I would like to have 2 things for iPad 2:- ability to install iOS version no longer signed by Apple- untethered jailbreakNow on 4.3.3 jailbroken, saved 5.0.1 SHSHs + APTickets with latest TinyUmbrella, waiting patiently for things to come :-) There is no way back to 4.3.3 despite of having SHSHs (3G iPad 2). I know that if solution to install iOS 5.0.1 is not available after Apple stops signing it I may miss 5.0.1 jailbreak. It should be possible with SHSHs + APTickets, but again it may not work for 3G version of iPad 2. We'll see :-)
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    You ignorant f**ks. I'm a programmer (though not in iOS) and not giving an ETA means that I cannot commit in finishing it up until a given date cause it's damn HARD. Hell, do you even appreciate the hours he has put into this FREE jailbreak??
  • Vinny
    Vinny Posts: 35
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    I was under the impression that he worked under the DevTeam. I would have thought by now that atleast one of them has the latest generation iPhone/iPad.Keep up the hard work pod2G.
  • 202
    202 Posts: 3
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    Wtf....just release the **** already! What are they fucking waiting on!!
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    How about he releases it and we report bugs to him so he can patch them up. Everyone wins ;)
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    He's a Jew ****, he won't release
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    SHUT THE **** UP Y'ALL..nininini he should release it, or no wait it may have bugs he should wait and fix them, or no what is they patch it in 5.1. Look i do appreciate everything they do but as a programmer (not ios) i don't go telling people about the fantastic app i'm about to release over and over when i know people are crying for it but not releasing it. We never asked anyone to do it for free. Charge for it or do it for free. Either way, finish the damn thing before telling us about how you have it for all this devices and not releasing it. **** you already whoever is going to bash me. They are too many ass kissers on this blog and i'm sick and tired of it. I love reading Iphonehacks blog because you get lots of info here. Would have stop coming here like i have on lots of blogs.RELEASE OR SHUT THE **** UP. NOW Y'ALL CAN EAT ME!!!
  • neo
    neo Posts: 21
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    I'm waiting for a telephone line to leave the matrix. Since I may be here for a while, I should tell you the end is coming. I just met with the oracle about an hour ago. I asked her if the people on this will ever get along. She said that I already knew the answer to that question... and that I am still struggling to understand why. What I do know is that this website is merely an inherent link in the equation... ergo... you will continue to complain about each other, and the system will crash. The only way out is to come together and finish the equation. I just found a line. As I leave this forum, and subsequently, the matrix... I leave you with the blue pill and the red pill. Your choice...