iPhone 4S Call Audio Issues May Not be Fixed in iOS 5.1



  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
    via Wordpress
    I have the exact same problem on a 16GB iPhone 4s with Verizon. It appears to happen if I don't use the phone for awhile then try to make the call. If I use it frequently it works every time. I see the call in progress and the other end answers the phone but I cannot hear anything. If I hit the speaker button it works fine. If I then turn off the speaker it continues to work on the internal audio. Very annoying. I never had this problem with my iPhone 4.
  • BlondieTuco
    BlondieTuco Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    I have been having this problem as well. I also have a problem with bluetooth connectivity. I purchased my iphone 4 in January of 2011. Apple have replaced that phone 3 times. I have had a total of 4 Phones from them in the last 12 months, each time not restoring from a backup so no software problems will come back to the phone, etc... Being told NOT to use a case with the phone so nothing will block reception, but wait, I thought we need to use a case, or bumper to make it work, wasn't that why they gave away free bumpers? Don't use a screen protector. So here is what I believe, the iphone4/4s has an inherent HARDWARE design flaw that apple will not admit to. They will quietly fix it in the next hardware release, and move on. Their arrogance will at some point be their undoing though. If they had a product that worked, why on earth would they replace my phone 3 times? They tell me at support that no one else reports this problem, yet on the support forums there are thousands of posts related to this problem. I am no apple "Genius", but this ain't my first rodeo either. I've owned a carried more cell phones than apple has ever designed, and one thing they all had in common that the iphone does not? THEY MAKE PHONE CALLS, AND YOU CAN HEAR THE OTHER PERSON AND THEY CAN HEAR YOU, AMAZING!!! EVEN ON A BLUETOOTH CONNECTION. Speaking of bluetooth, lets not relegate it to just phones. Think of all the devices, headphones, mice, keyboards that use that standard and it just works, but apple, that meddles with anything they cannot totally control, like a public standard, can't get it right.
  • rossane costa
    rossane costa Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    2 iphones 4s here are mute too. Brazil.Can someone try to call Apple using an android? Maybe it works better...