Video of Successfully Jailbroken iPhone 4S Running iOS 5.0.1 [Untethered]



  • pussyassbitch
    pussyassbitch Posts: 11
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    ur just a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a.......................................................a............................a............................a....................................................a............................a............................a............................a...............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a................................................................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a............................a...........................................a............................a............................a...............................a............................a............................a............................a............................
  • Victor
    Victor Posts: 54
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    What a moron unappreciative pr*ck !
    XAKEP Posts: 4
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    That's what's up yo ! Keep it up and I caaaaan't wait to get this on my 4s to I can finally run MyWi on it .......
  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    Malonesabtch talking about spelling, your username is totally a LOL. You're a fucking moron thats not a 3gs go troll on the android forums. Everything iDoes Droid DONT lololol.
  • blade3070
    blade3070 Posts: 1
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    Is there someone who knows that they also release a version with jailbreak AND unlock tutorial?Or can the iPhone 4S not be unlocked?My congratulations to the jailbreakers!!
  • ADR
    ADR Posts: 10
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    calm down everybody, he's just trolling -__-
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    my god, Bob you too? you and Jose should start your own little society in a desert and kill yourselves... the guy was obviously joking dumb ass
  • Squid
    Squid Posts: 7
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    Progress indeed and very grateful for honest proof and not hearsay. Thanks to all working hard on progress towards release.
  • KingofKings
    KingofKings Posts: 7
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    Looks like the Cydia browsing is fast and snappy. Can't wait!
  • Taylor
    Taylor Posts: 20
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Cant wait for it to be launched.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    What a successfull trolling...congrats at all the people who fall for it and look a bit awkward...
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    ::sigh:: Lots of immature impatient loser unappreciative punks on this post...and wtf is up with the word "trolling"? Before Charlie Sheen made that statement of trolls, nobody used it. Damn copy cat sheen wanna bees.
  • steve1010
    steve1010 Posts: 40
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    shut the hell up. Bitch3$
  • Sedrick
    Sedrick Posts: 31
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    Boot time has Nothing to do with speed of the device. Might have some more things to load because of JB and more libs to load. In the end phone is as quick as it should, just takes a bit longer when you reboot (not that often)Note that JB offers respring which is often enough and quicker than reboot JB is not a perfect thing. You will decide if it is worth or not depending on your usage.:-)
  • Sedrick
    Sedrick Posts: 31
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    Hope you all patient disrespectful dudes will at least donate when release will be effective!!!I know most of you won't because you're just too cheap even to buy an app.
  • dablo
    dablo Posts: 29
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    I take it your old school? It is widely used by the new generation. LMFAO
  • dablo
    dablo Posts: 29
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    I'm too cheap to buy an app. F that.
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    And the bickering continues once more.........
  • ADR
    ADR Posts: 10
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    It's not that we are "sheen wanna bees". We are just using phrases and words common around the internet. The same thing could be said about your post: why do you use ::sigh:: to express that you are physically sighing, why do you use "wtf" rather than what the **** (who are you copying when using this phrase, since I doubt you alone made it popular), can you tell me where the terms "copy cat" or "wanna bees" originated from?
  • ADR
    ADR Posts: 10
    via Wordpress
    It’s not that we are “sheen wanna bees”. We are just using phrases and words common around the internet.The same thing could be said about your post: why do you use ::sigh:: to express that you are physically sighing, why do you use “wtf” rather than what the f*ck (who are you copying when using this phrase, since I doubt you alone made it popular), can you tell me where the terms “copy cat” or “wanna bees” originated from?
  • Waiting
    Waiting Posts: 8
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    Damn!! So all locked users with bb 4.11.08 can continue waiting… Am I right?any chance or just by 4S unlocked.Thanks
  • Kong Judas
    Kong Judas Posts: 6
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    Are you effin stupid, Devol? How about helping folks out, just like people help you open your phone. You're probably nothing but a whimp yourself, so if you need to prove yourself, go whipe yourself and go out in the sun. Are you man enough to face real people?
  • Kong Judas
    Kong Judas Posts: 6
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    Tosser! Tough from far but far from tough, ey?
  • stopcrying
    stopcrying Posts: 0
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    They sell unlocked ones.
  • Kong Judas
    Kong Judas Posts: 6
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    Amazing work, guys (and gals?) Can't wait. I just got my 4S but still haven't got i my way. Thanks a lot for your effort.
  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    I thought it was a Samsung Galaxy....
  • popoy
    popoy Posts: 20
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    Job well done guys. Hoping that unlocking will be next and hoping that 5.0.1 is still available that time :)Nice work! Let's drink to that...
  • Tyler Eason
    Tyler Eason Posts: 2
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    Thank u but I can't stand not knowin when it comes out
  • Tyler Eason
    Tyler Eason Posts: 2
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