Photos of Jailbroken iPad 2 on iOS 5.0.1 Running Cydia And Jailbreak Apps



  • Idzil
    Idzil Posts: 7
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    diaorg nie lembab la bro.. haha!!
  • Idzil
    Idzil Posts: 7
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    For sure.. Don't tell it is not!! Otherwise, I'll die soon!!!
  • Idzil
    Idzil Posts: 7
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    Please wake me up once jailbreak is out!!!
  • JLX
    JLX Posts: 35
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    yeah every time i see a new article about it my hopes are high and when i read it i'm like...not this again....:))
  • r0ni
    r0ni Posts: 10
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    No better news than jailbreak news but the suspense one
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Fucking gay jew niggers. Stop fucking around already and release the dumb ****
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Really??? Oh! sh!t...
  • Noob
    Noob Posts: 8
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    Jeeze... How can any of you moaning about rls time even bother to post, why don't you go do something useful..
  • Fozz
    Fozz Posts: 3
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    Hello everyone, is it possible with the jailbreak to have a portable harddrive, that is powered by the ipad 2 connected and can you fix the power issue.Because now with my not jailbroken ipad 2 there isn't enough power to run the portable.Thanks.
  • Moodi
    Moodi Posts: 74
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    Great work and release it when you think your finished.
  • PT
    PT Posts: 43
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    I talked to pod2g and he told me that they are just running tests and the jailbreak will be released on Sunday
  • i8worm
    i8worm Posts: 15
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    Here little boy. I have some candy......
  • i8worm
    i8worm Posts: 15
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    he told me Saturday night.
  • Momin
    Momin Posts: 2
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    Wow,a pic, now I'm so happy,just release it already my iPad is useless ,hope it's Tmoro
  • pedro
    pedro Posts: 29
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    Hey, don't you know where you can put this photo??? This is useless!! Here we need the file and the instructions. Stop sily photos and stupid videos. It only makes us waste our time. Yes somewhere in the Earth there may be someone with his ipad2 jailbreakead, but the real news will be the file and instructions.Meanwhile, when people look for a jailbreak, they will come across this kind of useless information. If there is nothing yet , don't post anything...Logic! People are not looking for a photo!!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Ok so i have an iPhone 4S and i been patently waiting and i admire all that these guys have done for us but this is just a big tease. Every day i wake up and I think ok today will be the day i can jailbreak my iPhone 4S and then i get these updates with no ETA! Just give us a roundabout time. Even if it was a month or 2 from now i would not mind because i would not be thinking "Is this the day?!" every morning when i wake up. I know it takes time and i know a lot goes into this but common guys this is getting to be like beating a dead horse in a sense. I am excited that its running on 4S and iPad2 but if you have it running than you have to know at least how long it takes to fix all the bugs! ETA thats all i want. Thanks guys i appreciate your hard work.
  • dabloc
    dabloc Posts: 18
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    i highly agree, almost seems like a tease.. I know they are not trying to make it one, but i too find myself checking the site before I go to bed and when i wake up. I probably have 100 milllions views contributed to this site because I constantly check for updates. Right now, I would rather have a jailbroken than hit the lotto. (not really) but I am close to feeling like this. I want to have a jailbreak real bad. The 4s is so boring...
  • dabloc
    dabloc Posts: 18
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    I just got off the phone with him, we are good friends, he said with the next hour or so, fkin OOrahhh!!
  • Edgarasm
    Edgarasm Posts: 1
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    Hey I don't get how people are asking for eta, the main reason there is no eta is due to bugs and they need to be fixed in order to release the jailbreak to public,back in iPhone 2g days jailbreak was so unreliable and buggy that I had my iPhone bricked 5 - 6 times , it stopped due to people fixing bugs .it takes hours , days , weeks , months to find bugs , exploits to be able to run unsigned code on these devices . You guys asking for the release ASAP will not motivate them to work any harder as they obviously have their life's besides jail breaking and exploiting devices .If you want these jailbreaks yourself go and make them yourself !!!!!! See how easy it will be !!!Thanks to dream team for the hard work and contribution to the community . I will Definately donate for the hard work put in to make this possible
  • VooDoo
    VooDoo Posts: 2
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    Can some one tell me what these guys get out of all this hard work. I don't think they do it for community service. There must be some Benifit to them somehow. As they work day night then release jailbreaks for free.
  • Rifi
    Rifi Posts: 1
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    If your lying I'm gonna be mad
  • Shtr
    Shtr Posts: 1
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    Really want this JB to happen for ipad 2 4.3.5 cause all I hear is how great it is and all the sh*t u get...
  • PT
    PT Posts: 43
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    It WILL be released on sundy
  • Daryl
    Daryl Posts: 3
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    hackers get fame and also every hack is a new challenge for them like a hobbie if you would like to look at it that way