AT&T Announces New Smartphone And Tablet Data Plans - Here's What You Need to Know



  • J-God
    J-God Posts: 40
    via Wordpress
    So basically you pay 5 dollars more for additional 1GB. WOW what a deal! These companies think that we are that stupid to think that this is a good deal. We should cancel our data plan and open our wireless router to all.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
    via Wordpress
    sprint charges an extra 10 for any smartphone bull s**t
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
    via Wordpress
    THANK YOU VERY MUCH!....... couldnt have said it better my self. my only concern is that ATT will further punish us FAITHFULL customers who have the grandfather unlimited, like instead of the top 5%, they decide to go more like top 10%-15%, and so on..... There use to be a time where loyalty and Agreement meant something...honestly how could any one at ATT say "we couldnt forsee the impact the iphone would have". i think its B.S..... YOURE BAD ATT... not ours.
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
    via Wordpress
    I don't understand why they don't sell speed, like for home Internet.
  • Dodger
    Dodger Posts: 28
    via Wordpress
    Is jb same for both iphone 4 and 4s?