iPhone Dev Team Release CLI Corona A5 iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak For Windows [Updated]



  • Mind Rich
    Mind Rich Posts: 2
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    Okay ladies and mostly gentlemen, here is how to do this and it is not very difficult. I have tried below to be as easy as possible, so that everybody can do it. Carefully follow the instructions and you will be able to do it even if you are a basic user of iPhone.:P - Importantly, when you type commands, you must ignore the apostrophe. For example, if the instruction says - type "cinject.exe -j", then you have to type cinject.exe (without the apostrophe - ' " '). I know this is crazy but for some, it would make sense!1) First, download the file "cinject_0.4.3.zip", extract the contents and copy the top folder "cinject_0.4.3" to your C:\(I am assuming that there is another folder inside this folder named "cinject_0.4.3".)2) Now, on your PC, click start menu and in the text box type "Run" and press on PC3) Now the "Run" dialog box will appear. Here, type "cmd" and press on PC4) Now type "CD C:\cinject_0.4.3\cinject_0.4.3"5) Now type "cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig" and press key on PC a) Now, on your iPhone, press "Install" b) Now, you will see a password prompt. Just press on "Next" on top-right on your iPhone (This will install the "jailbreak" VPN profile on your iPhone)6). Now, come back to your PC and on the DOS window, type "cinject.exe -j payloads" and press key on PC7). After it finishes, type "cinject.exe -w" and press key on PC8). Now, on your iPhone screen, you have to turn "VPN" ON. If you don't know how to do it, refer to the instruction below. If you can turn "VPN" ON you your on, you are done! a) If you see "General" on top-left, press it. Now click on "Settings" on top-left. Now scroll up and just below "Wi-Fi" option, you would see "VPN". Now press on the greyed out "OFF" to turn it "ON" and the phone will reboot. b) If you did not see "General" on top-left of your iPhone, then just keep pressing the keys, which take you back... You have to go to "Settings", then select "General" and then press on "VPN" option below "Wi-Fi" option.9) Wait for reboot10) After the phone reboots, go to the second-right screen of iPhone and press "Cydia" and continue. After Cycia installs, it would reboot your iPhone and you are done!All the best guys!
  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    To those who deride the newbies, you're probably a newbie yourself. Please understand that not all computer configurations are the same. If you don't want to help, just keep quiet. Remember, you were once a newbie to too.Btw, I am an Android user, and I've never seen this kind of derisive comments to newbies.Chill out.
  • stuie
    stuie Posts: 4
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    btw the firewall on my win7 is off still cannot start VPN or reboot
  • yk steve
    yk steve Posts: 1
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    any one can upload to rapidshare or megaupload?thanks in advance.
  • AcePK
    AcePK Posts: 2
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    can the profile that was loaded be deleted after the jb is done?
  • stuie
    stuie Posts: 4
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    cinject.exe -w logged the following:iPad amfid[273] : /private/var/mobile/Media/corona/jailbreak not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.Jan 22 00:19:45 iPad com.apple.launchd[1] (jb[274]) : (jb) Exited: Killed: 9
  • ValuedCustomer666
    via Wordpress
    Running "cinject.exe -j payloads" results in this error for me (under both XPP & W7x64)Creating backup...12469 files backed upAdding custom com.apple.ipsec.plist to backupAssertion failed: (fp=fopen(path, "rb"))!=NULL, file /home/musclenerd/pers/cinject/cinject/mbdb.c, line 167
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Please help, I ran upto the following commands and received the fatal error in size(see below), have not ran the watch syslog yet. Any suggestions?% cinject_0.4.3>cinject -j payloadsFinding slide...Generating ROP...ROP was generatedUploaded corona/payloadUploaded corona/payload-varsUploaded corona/racoon-exploit.confUploaded corona/vnimage.cleanUploaded corona/vnimage.overflowUploaded corona/vnimage.payloadUploaded corona/corona.tgzUploaded corona/cleanupUploaded corona/com.apple.ipsec.plistUploaded corona/Cydia.tgzUploaded corona/filemoverUploaded corona/filemover.plistUploaded corona/gzipUploaded corona/jailbreakUploaded corona/jailbreak.mobileconfigUploaded corona/jb.plistUploaded corona/racoon-exploit-bootstrap.confUploaded corona/tarCreating backup...5373 files backed upAdding custom com.apple.ipsec.plist to backupRestoring...recv: Bad file descriptorFATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed (1266): got == sizeof(size)1266
  • Steve G
    Steve G Posts: 1
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    Everything worked great after restore but one problem, I lost all of my photos on my camera roll.
  • ToyMan
    ToyMan Posts: 3
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    Got to the VPN part and keep getting a configuration error
  • HNB87
    HNB87 Posts: 1
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    Solution worked for me, thank you very much! :)
  • ToyMan
    ToyMan Posts: 3
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    I keep getting a config error when I switch the VPN switch on any ideas?THX
  • ibizer
    ibizer Posts: 4
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    pls i have been stocked in creating backing for more than 30 minutes... what should i do... am using ipad 2
  • reza
    reza Posts: 12
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    Hey, there are quite a bit of comments onthis pagepointing to your issue and how to resolve it. The way to fix this is you need to first backup your iphone with iTunes. Then simply go to settings and reset & erase your phone. once you've rebooted and gone through the initial setup stuff on your iphone, then go back to your computer and try the jailbreak process again. That should fix this problem. good luck.
  • Mind Rich
    Mind Rich Posts: 2
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    Whatever happened to light sense of humor! :) Anyway lady, let me try to explain - Except for 64-bit versions of Windows, which this release of "cinject" is not compatible with, regardless of the computer configuration, the instructions WILL work for majority of windows PCs and where there are exceptions, they ARE EXCEPTIONS.DOS environment for all Windows PCs are the same.Anyway, my objective was to keep it as simple as possible. If you scroll up and read, lot of users were not able to do even basic stuff and hence the detailing. The "deride" part was just to add some fun. You chill too :)
  • They are idiots - why else?
    via Wordpress
    Danny I'm with you. Although not with you on Android :-). But yes, if you don't want to help just STFU and stop insulting people. Mostly those that 'behave' like this are either 13 and under or are probably abused by other kids/adults at school/work.
  • Osriuzna
    Osriuzna Posts: 8
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    Hola amigo...habla english..
  • reza
    reza Posts: 12
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    hmm...no idea, but I can tell you what worked for me. I backed up my iPhone with iTunes. Then started the process with -J command which prompted me to run an -I command first. I did then I ran the -J command again. once that finished i typed the -W command which took a while and seem to be stuck at which point I enabled the VPN. also when you install VPN don't put any password. Hope that helps.
  • v13th0o
    v13th0o Posts: 2
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    did anyone experience no phone service after jb? anyhelp?
  • v13th0o
    v13th0o Posts: 2
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    actually earlier this morning it happened to me only once all i did was just restarted the whole dam process and it worked like a charm!
  • Alisha
    Alisha Posts: 1
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    I ran all those command lines. but it's completing the process as slow as hell, it's taken over 30 minutes by now. shall I run 'em through XP? or windows 7 64x will do?pLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  • twofifths
    twofifths Posts: 2
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    You need to run the CLI jailbreak through your cmd.exe program. Don't just double-click on the cinject.exe program
  • twofifths
    twofifths Posts: 2
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    try plugging your device directly into your computer, bypassing any USB hubs you may be using.
  • hossein
    hossein Posts: 1
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    for password enter ur passcode
  • PW
    PW Posts: 2
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    How do I get the tissue to you?????
  • I poop on Apple
    I poop on Apple Posts: 1
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    These morons are more identified as idiot box Crapple users trying to live in a windows world. If crapple would build a decent phone none of this would be necessary. As we all know the iphone is a piece of **** without being jailbroken.
  • tomtom
    tomtom Posts: 18
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    If anyone comes accross the SQLite3.dll problem, all you have to do is copy the SQLite3.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\ into the same folder that has cinject.exe
  • Florin
    Florin Posts: 1
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    This error is only on ios 5.0...update to 5.0.1
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    please help me i keep getting this erroreI get this after running cinject.exe -j payloads….Adding custom com.apple.ipsec.plist to backupRestoring…recv: Bad file descriptorFATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed (1266): got == sizeof(size)1266please help me .anyone
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    anyone who is facing the problem with the Adding custom com.apple.ipsec.plist to backupRestoring…recv: Bad file descriptorFATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed (1266): got == sizeof(size)1266should do a fresh restore and then try i have just done mine and is working perfect