Samsung Continues Ridiculing iPhone Buyers in Its Latest Galaxy S II Ad



  • Edwin Alcaraz
    Edwin Alcaraz Posts: 40
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    Just Microsoft.. and for good reason.. Bill Gates "Samsunged" Apple by doing the same thing Android/Samsung did.. copy their ideas.
  • Edwin Alcaraz
    Edwin Alcaraz Posts: 40
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    The fact that you're here on an iPhone hacks website is persuading enough. lol. haters gonna hate.. on an iPhone exclusive website.. nuff' said.
  • zhi
    zhi Posts: 2
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    HAHAHAH I'm not one for bickering but @HP you just got OWNED by @AndroidSucks and I'm an Android fan. OWNED!!! Props @Androidsucks
  • Seanlcky13
    Seanlcky13 Posts: 22
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    Basically a commercial saying "Well, no one waits in line for our phones, but they are still pretty good... right?"
  • alimran
    alimran Posts: 0
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    yes, they did it with mac/pc add but they didnt insult the customers at that time look like them idiot as the best thing is already out and they are waiting in lines...they just explain what mac and pc did and yes it was kinda true what they said...after this they fail to attract me but i start to dis like them...
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    Tried moving me and my wife to android by buying her a Galaxy S2 and myself a galaxy nexus, when she held the s2 in her hand she said "this thing feels like it'll break in my pocket" After that I realized that's where the Motorola droid marketing "thin doesn't have to be frail" comes from, basically an attack on how frail Samsung phones are. So now we both have 4S's, and I will move to android when a manufacturer makes a phone that feels as solid as an iphone 4/4S does as I prefer android to ios.
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    ^makes a GSM phone that is solid, as it appears Motorola is on the right track, to bad they only make phones for Verizon.
  • Sampple
    Sampple Posts: 2
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    I use both cause I can afford both. Each is better in a different category. Am I going to try to convince you? Nope. You're still not smart enough to persuade me to choose one side. I enjoy technology and to see how dumb you are. Only morons chooses sides. GOOOOO FANBOYS!!!!!!!
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    "Awww that looks like last year phone" LMAO the commercial was funny stop being fanboys of Apple . I have a Galaxy S 2 and iPhone 4S there both great but for the freedom Android gives you and the 4.3 screen and 4G speeds I use my GS2 more then my iPhone 4S I'm just keeping it real . I know the Apple fanboys gonna b**ch
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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    To all those who own an iphone and say to also own a galaxy S2 but prefer the galaxy S2 . Yeah...right who you trying to fool !!All of a sudden now also own an iPhone too!!!!guess if you can't beat em join em right!
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Don't hate cause you can't afford a 4S and GS2 . I have both and can prove it you probably have a 3GS still faggot. I have the right to my opinion and can say I use my T-mobile GS2 for 4G download speeds i get around 8-12 mbps on a regular a few times i hit 16mbps , bigger screen on GS2 to watch movies, and other reasons don't get me wrong iPhone 4S is great but it's the same phone as 4 just with siri and worse battery life and uses 3G still.
  • dumb
    dumb Posts: 0
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    You sir are dumb. Samsung sells more than just android phones. Samsung sells more phones than apple. Sorry.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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    Hey "Dike"..mike whatever.I don't buy garbage I throw it away GS2 nothing but garbage. !! iPhone 4s !! WiNNiNG you childish character!!!!!!!!!!