Lifeproof Claims iPhone Case is Waterproof, Dirtproof, Snowproof & Shockproof

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imageLifeproof Claims iPhone Case is Waterproof, Dirtproof, Snowproof & Shockproof

While we may have to wait for a year or two for our iPhones to be waterproof using technology from startups such as Hz0 or Liquidpel, Lifeproof claims that that their case will not only make your iPhone waterproof, but also dirtproof, snowproof, and shockproof.

Read the full story here



  • statman
    statman Posts: 2
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    Funny, I just spoke to someone that bought this, put it on their iPhone and proceeded to try and take some video of their saltwater fish in the tank...needless to say, it didn't work and it fried their iPhone. beware.
  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    I bought one the first thing it tells you to do is put the case together with out the iPhone in it and leave under water for an hour to see if its working properly before trying your phone, mine works great. But I agree at your own risk I think it also said you could only open it about 50 times before the seal wears out. Also a little pricey
  • cquili
    cquili Posts: 2
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    I have fried two iphones in two different lifeproof cases. they always leak a little. i'm on my second iPhone 4S. Even my first case was changed under warranty. Still the second one didn't worked as advertised.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    I have had a lifeproof case for a while now and I can say that it does work as advertised. I shower with the iPhone every day (listening to Pandora and texting friends) and it works just fine. I have also dropped the phone several times on hard surfaces and the case worked perfectly, protected the iPhone. I have a friend who dropped their iPhone in the mud, broke the screen. Now she has a lifeproof case and won't have that problem again. The big selling point is that it works in the pool, if you go swimming you can take video of your friends, and this case floats. Really great product, and excellent customer service.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    iPhones aesthetics go for a toss.
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    I have been an iPhone owner for about a year and a half and have had an OtterBox Defender on my iPhone 4 since the day of purchase.Needless to say, other than the shock resistance, I was unimpressed. I remained using the otterbox however until last week. I am not the most safe person with a phone let alone one made of glass (gorilla glass or not) so going case-less was out of the question. I am now however, sporting my iPhone 4 with a black LifeProof case. Why did I wait, you may ask. Well one of my buddies purchased this case a few months back. The hour waterproof test was flawless, and on countless occasions I watched him "wash" his case (phone inside). I wanted to put it through the test without dropping the hefty $80 on what could-have been another "OtterBox". This case however, has done nothing but impress me and that is what I was waiting for. The slim design and water tight seal is great. DO NOT remove your phone unless absolutely necessary! The more on/off the case does, the more bent the plastic becomes, thus rendering your case water welcoming. Also LifeProof recommends after any serious impact/fall/etc. you should disassemble and assess/inspect your case and "O Ring". The O ring is the most important aspect of your case as that is what creates the water-tight seal.Don't get me wrong. I have seen a LifeProof case leak on someone before. However there was unnoticed O ring damage. After contacting LifeProof support, the case was replaced entirely (FREE).All this said, I give the LifeProof case a 10 out of 10 review rating. Waterproof, Dirtproof, Snowproof & Shockproof all while retaining the sleek and slender design of the iPhone 4. Protection and style all in one. Don't knock it until you try it.
  • John E
    John E Posts: 3
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    Lol you guys who say it doesn't work are probably idiots that can't put together something simple. Theres no long manual to read... It s a pretty cool case. and it does work as advertised.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    As jared said, you have to test the case first, and there are a lot of disclaimers in their instructions.If you drop the case or do anything to the case, you always are to inspect the integrity of the case and seals afterwards. You have to look for gaps etc.... They are not meant to be opened and closed numerous times, with exception to the access port for charging, and headphone jack.I "tested" mine without the phone per instructions, and it was dry as a bone inside. I reopened it and put the phone in, and it has been open since. I have not taken an opportunity to dunk it, but I have had it in the rain, dropped a glass if coke on it, and had it hit the ground once. So far no damage at all. A lot can go wrong with the seals if you mess with opening and closing it, especially the seals by the speaker ports. So it is a buyer beware, if you are not going to follow their instructions to a T.When I bought the 4S I bought the case the same day. There was a problem with the 4s and required removing it several times. I noticed immediately that those seals around the speaker port were getting damaged with repeated install of the phone. I got the case at best buy, so I returned the case and got a new one once the iPhone itself was working. So my guess is anyone having leaking issues basically are doing what they tell you not to do ... Its not foolproof by any means, but properly installed, it is a case that definitely will give you better protection than otter box. It is a lot slimmer than otter box too. It adds very minimal thickness to the phone and still easily fits in the front pocket of my jeans.
  • dom
    dom Posts: 11
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    I have to agree with George. If you do have a problem, contact customer support. That's what they are there for. This case has been around for a little while now, but they don't sell it at BestBuy nationwide for no reason. It's just as reliable as any other product. Anything you buy can have defects. If your uneasy about "defects" for any product don't buy it. Furthermore, you can easily test the case before each time you put it on, just to make sure it's still waterproof.
  • Edwin Alcaraz
    Edwin Alcaraz Posts: 40
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    you sound like a lifeproof salesman
  • Edwin Alcaraz
    Edwin Alcaraz Posts: 40
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    what's with all these life proof representatives posting long lengthy reviews, just say it works.. you're looking like you work for the company
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    listen buddy, I wish I was a LifeProof rep. rolling in the dough. I speak for what is right and good. Why would you waste your time posting if all you going to do is hate
  • cplus71
    cplus71 Posts: 2
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    For the money this case costs it feels like you have to take care of 2 things now. Your iphone and the precious case. I think I'll keep my $8 case that I have and not go swimming with it.
  • Bwillz
    Bwillz Posts: 1
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    I have had iPhone life proof case apart 4 months always put it in water to show off and never have had a leak nor problem!
  • na i don't wana risk ityi rather use my regular case
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I thinkbits funny you say, you don't want to risk it. But even if the case has had an issue before, if you drop your phone in the water on accident losing your normal case it has ZERO chance of surviving lol.
  • Alfroggy
    Alfroggy Posts: 12
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    Got the case. My phone wore it during vacations spent at the sea side. While it did make me more confident to take the iPhone out with us in my swim shorts while kayaking and on board a wave-swept catamaran care has to be taken in putting the case on.I hope it'll last as long as my phone. The o-ring being huge it is a bit hard keeping it in the groove while fitting the iPhone in. There's no question doing this at sea. Salt crystals are a concern.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    I love my lifeproof I've taken pics and videos underwater anxiety take it in the shower.If you go on there Facebook you'll realise most of the people that have got a lifeproof are so impressed they just have to tell everyone "hey look I can drop my iPhone in my beer you can't" type of stuff.It's like lifeproof is a way of life no more stressing about wrecking your iPhone.But it does make us sound like fanboys and mode are
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    If you watch the instructional videos on there website and follow them you get a free 1 year extended warranty by answering a quick Survey.Your you can do what my mate did and just wack it in like a tard and then wonder why it's not 100%
  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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    I LOL @ all you idiots who actually drowned your phones because of crap like this!
  • osha 10
    osha 10 Posts: 1
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    Excellent post - Great, detailed information and engaging graphics. This is what an infographic post should be.
  • Brandon86
    Brandon86 Posts: 1
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    I have to agree with the guy saying "don't knock it til you try it" I was skeptical, but I bought one and love it. I know 6 people who have switched from their Otterbox to Lifeproof case after seeing mine. 5 of those people love it still. (The other one had a leak and he asked for his money back) I have one a few free bar tabs off of dunking my phone in a beer a few times as well. I'm no spokesman, but I like leaving my phone in my boardshorts while I go surfing or swimming in the pool without worry. My favorite thing about it is being able to use the DirecTV Sunday Ticket app on Sundays while I take a shower, not missing any football... It's worth the money, but I understand it may not be for everyone. The price tag is hefty.(Then again so is the iPhone4s I put in it) I just hate the otterbox with it's tacky rubber and incredibly thick profile, it makes it annoying to pull out of your jeans pocket so I deferred to something new.
  • You
    You Posts: 21
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    The only reason why I haven't bought one yet is because it seems like the plastic that goes over the screen would scratch easily.
  • KR
    KR Posts: 41
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    the screen cover has held up better than my otter box did,but yes they do mark if abused
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I don't have any scratches on it yet, and primarily keep it in my front pocket.... I have had it about 2 months now. However, it smudges easily. I miss my smudge free zagg shield. Make the screen scratch err and smudge proof and it would be perfect.
  • Sarkas
    Sarkas Posts: 2
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    Sounds like you don't need a smart are bit clumsy....maybe you should live in a bubble.
  • Sarkas
    Sarkas Posts: 2
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    You sound a bit OCD, who needs to shower with their phone? People have been showering for centuries without them. You probably live in your folks basement too.
  • angie
    angie Posts: 5
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    I'm a female klutz. Not sure how I came about the LifeProof online but was instantly sold based on comparison with Otterbox. Purchased the LP case few weeks ago for my iphone 4s, came home installed it by watching LifeProof's very own youtube channel. Plain and simple instructions and now enjoy freaking my coworkers by dunking it into the sink filled water with no flaws whatsoever. I highly recommend this case to anyone who want to put their investments especially their iphones. Thanks.
  • TruthTeller
    TruthTeller Posts: 1
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    You should probably just listen to the advice being given. Grow up.
  • Shane
    Shane Posts: 59
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    I have this case and it works good obviously I am still not comfortable putting it in in liguids but i do and it hasnt failed yet I RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT! if you have headphones you will need to use the adapter that comes with it