AssistantConnect: Jailbreak Tweak Makes it Easier to Get Siri Working on Non-iPhone 4S Devices Witho

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imageAssistantConnect: Jailbreak Tweak Makes it Easier to Get Siri Working on Non-iPhone 4S Devices Without a Proxy Server

Back in December, iOS hackers and developer Grant Paul a.k.a chpwn along with Ryan Petrich had released a jailbreak tweak called Spire, that legally brought Siri to non-iPhone 4S devices, which worked with a proxy server.

A new jailbreak tweak called AssistantConnect has just been released in Cydia by iOS hacker and developer - Bilal Ahmad that aims to make it a lot easier to get Siri working on non-iPhone 4S devices without the need of a proxy server.

Read the full story here



  • ray ray
    ray ray Posts: 9
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  • Jose Carlo
    Jose Carlo Posts: 2
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    Finally spire without a proxy!!! Oh wait you need a jailbroken iPhone 4S? Then what's the point of Spire if you already have a 4S with original Siri with it? Make a tweak that legally brings Siri to non-4S device WITHOUT a need of a 4S!!!!
  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    Can someone please email me the code at sync93@gmail.comPlease thanks
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Tried it over and over again but still doesn't work.
  • Imaster
    Imaster Posts: 1
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    If u read #5 again it says only iPhone 4 and below need spire.
  • Michelo
    Michelo Posts: 8
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    Plus the fact that you need to renew it every 24 hours. Useless.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Important Important Important ImportantIf you get a message spire not configurated. You need to go into SB settings. And under the More button then to the MobileSubstrate addons. And turn off SpireHooks and SpireInjector. It will work then.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks John for the tip!
  • R
    R Posts: 19
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    Why? In 24hrs it's useless what a waste of time!
  • Tanner
    Tanner Posts: 2
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    Works great. I love it. Had to mess with a few things to make it work
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    care to share what those "things" were? i've had no luck
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Huge pain in the ass to get it working on my iPad 2 but finally got it... It would be nice if the keys automatically updated... The fact that u have to email them to youself every 24 hours seems stupid when they could easily integrate Dropbox into the app and have the 4S upload the key to Dropbox every 24 hours and the non-4S subsequently downloads automatically afterwards.... Or some similar automatic integration, wouldn't be too hard for them to do I would think.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Every 24 Hours??? Ja ja ja ja..! That's a Nice Joke...!
  • abu
    abu Posts: 2
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    I have downloaded spire and assistant connect on m iPod 4G but unfortunately I dont know anyone with an iPhone 4S. Is there any other way to get the siri data file emailed or downloaded?
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Anyway to create a macro on the iPhone 4S to have this run and email a specified person every 24 hours?
  • Cleansman
    Cleansman Posts: 2
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    How did you get it working? If I want to install AssistantConnect on my iPad 2 but it is not possible because it depends on "Spire"...I've installed "Spire for iPad" but AssistantConnect doesn't recognice it as "Spire".
  • Ahmad
    Ahmad Posts: 18
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    Thats the trick Apple did to make sure no1 takes the keys and uses them so she update the keys every 24 hrs
  • Ahmad
    Ahmad Posts: 18
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    That should be done on the assistanceConnect4s with a button making the 4S user to "choose" weither to enable auto sending every 23 hrs or somthing like that
  • Lordkramuk
    Lordkramuk Posts: 23
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    Why are people STILL trying to get Siri on non-4s devices?FFS if you want it so badly get a 4s and leave us that have a 4s with the non-buggy version!
  • J_a_me_s
    J_a_me_s Posts: 3
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    well i use it for my iPad
  • Alfroggy
    Alfroggy Posts: 12
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    Ohh great, I'll give your tip a try, using Springtomize 2's More button. Stopped SBSettings since I found it slowed down Notification Center (at least wahen 5.01 untether got released).Thanks John !
  • Alfroggy
    Alfroggy Posts: 12
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    It is true that since my wife's 4s got jailbroken her assistant sort of went on vacation...
  • Nicolas
    Nicolas Posts: 13
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    i removed that spire version and installed the normal version.
    RONxBURGUNDY Posts: 15
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    if you use spire with a paying server you should have good luck and not have to worry about updating daily...that's just crazy talk if you're "borrowing" certs from a friend's 4s to ask them to send you certs every day
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I think this is the new Cat and Mouse game!
  • Gooze
    Gooze Posts: 2
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    I followed the instructions, and also turned off the spirehook and inector and ilI still can't get it to work. I get Siri's error "i'm really sorry, but I can't help you right now." Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Here's what I did to get it working Cleansman:1. Follow this video to install Spire on the iPad: Install AssistantConnect (after it installs, change the plist file back to ipad = true)3. Disable the SpireHooks mobile substrate addon4. Go into var/mobile/Library/Preferences and change the permission of so that no user can read, write, execute, or sticky... this isn't a perfect solution, for some reason the file permissions go back after a while and you may have to do it again, I haven't found a permanent solution, deleting it has the same affect where it will mysteriously come back.5. Open the file "status" in private/var/lib/dpkg/6. Search for "com.chpwn.spire" and replace it with "com.chpwn.spire2"7. In that same area, go down a few lines until you find Conflicts and delete the first one that says something about ipad.8. Search for "com.theblacknotebookinc.assistantconnect" and replace it with "com.theblacknotebookinc.assistantconnect2"8. In that same area, find where it mentions "com.chpwn.spire" as a dependent and change that to "com.chpwn.spire2"9. Install Belfry for full Siri functionality (weather, stocks, etc)Steps 5-8 is something I came up with myself to prevent Cydia from wanting to remove Spire and AssistantConnect after you've changed the plist file back to ipad = true. Unfortunately, there's no easier method that I can see, this is the most direct because it tricks Cydia into thinking Spire is compatible with iPad and won't ever be able to check otherwise with the original package since we renamed it to spire2.Siri has been working like a charm for me, if she ever messes up, I just go and change the permissions on again which is a pain, but hopefully someone will find a more permanent fix for this soon.
  • Jhimmy Calvache f
    via Wordpress
    Please! send me a "Email Data Siri", i not have iPhone 4S, my E-mail is:
  • kapil
    kapil Posts: 3
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    SIRI ERROR "i cant take any request now please try again later"PLEASE HELP
  • M81
    M81 Posts: 11
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    On the device with spire installed Delete from var/mobile/library/preferences using ifile or ssh and reboot, that solved it for me