AT&T Changes Throttling Policy; Will Throttle Unlimited Users After 3GB of Monthly Data Usage



  • RLBalt
    RLBalt Posts: 16
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    Great analogy with the water.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    you can't reliably get over 1.0Mbit (128k/sec) in most circumstances whereas it's rare I can't get at least that on AT&T. Try using a slingbox and you'll see where the sprint network fails miserably.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I've figured out my revenge. Since they get to decide that my 3G "unlimited" is only 3 gigs worth, and the rest is 2G. I've decided that my payment is only 3 dollars, the rest is pennies, and yes I will be busting open the rolls and dumping them in a bags, of random amounts. Have fun counting my change AT&T!
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    Some how I got grandfathered on an unlimited international plan and I don't know how I never get limited. I my 4S with tethering for two weeks strait in the Philippines and it was always faster that local connections.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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  • nameless
    nameless Posts: 1
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    -this is a "re post' from another website, courtesy of an unknown author -but very eye opening----A isp pays for 1 super fast internet connection which is shared to millions of consumers.If you research which ISP, your ISP uses, the prices are often very high for a connection capable of handling supplying bandwidth to consumers, often prices ranging up to $100 thousand dollars + to even a million dollars depending on how many pairs of connections you add to handle the consumers.but if you have a few hundred thousand to a few million subscribers to your service and you charge each of them like $60 to $100 each month, you can easily cover your bandwidth cost.When I checked the companies that provide bandwidth to verizon and comcast and other companies like this none of them cap your bandwidth. they simply offer you a set network speed eg, OC-48 - OC-255 connection with unlimited bandwidththe problem with these ISP's is that they oversell their service. If you take this to a small scale, for example suppose you are starting your own ISP and you buy your self a 100mbit connection for about $300 a month, then you get 20 people to sign up for your service and you offer each 5mbit/s upload and download for $ 30 per month. you will now be getting $600 a month from your customersbut suppose 20 more people wanted to sign up. you can add an extra 100mbit line and charge them $30 a month but no because you are a evil ISP ceo and your solution is to add them to the current 100mbit line and you are now selling bandwidth you don't have. the good thing for you about this is when you sell bandwidth that you don't have, you get 100% profit from now you have 40 people on your 100mbit connection and each of them are paying $30 a month for a 5mbit connectionbut then they notice something, in the afternoon, their internet is very slow because there is not enough bandwidth to go around. A not so evil isp will fix this by adding a extra line or at least a extra 50mbit connection but this will cost them more moneythe evil current ISP's will simply throttle traffic so your customers are paying for a 5mbit connection but there only able to use 1mbit of it for web browsing and downloading but can use all 5mbit/s of the bandwidth when sending unencrypted PDF files directly to another IP address.(this is what ISP's today do, they throttle bandwidth intensive traffic and leave low bandwidth traffic alone. this allows them to sell you a high speed connection but offer you like 10% of the speed you are paying for all of the things you normally do on line and only allow your full bandwidth when doing something like sending a email or something else that doesn't need that speed)So now you are throttling and because this now freed up some bandwidth, you add 40 more customers to your service. Now customers are again complaining about having dialup speeds on their 5mbit connection. so your solution now because you are a evil ISP ceo, you start bandwidth caps now all customers are limited to 5GB of bandwidth per month and this us upload and download combined and since a TCP connection is a 3 way handshake connection, you cant send or recieve data with out sending, TCP connections must send ACK SYN FIN RST packets to maintain a connectionyou download a 100MB file and you use about 120MB of bandwidthbecause of this bandwidth cap, your subscribers will be too scared to stream tv shows and movies online so they now use their connection for checking email and reading news articles and stuff for school work.this has now freed up more bandwidth and you can add more customers.This is what ISP's do just on a larger scale in order to maximize profits.if they design their network around not overselling then they will only make like 40-50% profit (when googling, on a very large scale like with comcast or verizon, it only cost them about 2-3 dollars a month to provide you with a 50mbit connection because of how large their network is and the bandwidth packages that take out)ISP's love to oversell because it is more profitable.think of it like owning a pizza shop that charges $10 for a large pizza, but you only have 1 large pizza available in your shot and 5 people order the large pizza. so what you do, you take $10 from each of them and offer them a thin slice of pizza instead of the entire pizza. so for the production cost of 1 pizza, you get 5 purchases, the first initial purchase of the pizza gives you a 60% profit and the 4 additional purchases are 100% profitthis is what a ISP does to increase profit.they do this because there is generally little to no competition, in most parts of the country, it is like this you either get comcast or dialup or you move somewhere else and it is either verizon or dialup or you move somewhere else and it is either time warner or dialupfor almost everyone, dialup is not enough so it is not a option, so the ISP in your area has nothing to compete with so they have no reason to offer you good service.Where I live, I have verizon DSL, I had the 3mbit package and I used to get about 300-500kbit/s down and 90kbit/s up until time warner became available and a week later I got 2.75mbit/s down and 720kbit/s up (time warner was offering 5mbit/s but cost more than twice as much)Poor government control has allowed ISP's for the most part to be very anti-competitive and this hurts the consumers.
  • Barronvongeek
    Barronvongeek Posts: 4
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    Good job deciphering the Evil corporations business model. I see clearly now.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Down with Ma-Bell!
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Instead of throttling users AT&T should install hotspots throughout the major city's to help stable their network so they don't need to throttle paying customers. I switched to sprint after being throttled on AT&T after only 5 days in a billing period. Sprint is more than enough to stream music and radio as well as YouTube videos.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Ipad data plans are not unlimited ... you buy a limited amount of usage. If I recall from when I used it, I think it was 2GB for $20 or $25.
  • RoseQueen
    RoseQueen Posts: 1
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    Those of you that Sprint is better, I will tell you otherwise. My mother and I both purchased fully unlimited phones (Non-roaming and roaming). We informed the sales person of where we lived to verify that the service would work (non-roaming) and the salesperson said it would work... but it didn't so we used our unlimited roaming... Now, that "unlimited" roaming is not unlimited at all and my mother's phone is terminated. Be very careful about Sprint or you'll be in the same position I am in.... looking for a new company.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Has anyone called Atnt and complained ? What was their reply? Me and my wife have iPhone 4's n 2 generic phones and I've paid $220 x 2 years ... We the consumers get screwed every which way but loose... I cancelled my Netflix last night because I can't even get a movie to load for 2/3 months... I'm thinking going back to just a phone , I'm sick that I pay this much a month n basically only text...
  • Eat Me
    Eat Me Posts: 1
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    Yes! I called ATT and complained. They actually said to me "You pay for unlimited Internet but NOT unlimited speed!!" UNREAL! I live in a very small town and only just 6 months ago got 3G here. I have no access to WIFI and I have been a loyal AT&T customer for 4 years! How is this even close to right or legal for that matter? AT&T is a monopoly how is their network congestion suddenly MY problem? I better go YouTube 10 or 20 videos in revolt!!!!
  • John Watson
    John Watson Posts: 3
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    I just got a throttle text from AT&T because I reached my 3G limit on my unlimited account. It hardly makes any sense for them to say try to use Wi-Fi to avoid reaching this limit my Wi-Fi is AT&T and that has a throttle limit. I think it's time for a class action lawsuit.
  • John Watson
    John Watson Posts: 3
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    I just cancelled my Clear after 6 months of the speed constantly below 1 from 5pm to 11pm.
  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    All that I can say is ****. YOU At&t
  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    But is the faster network, fuckin. At&t
  • Jslappa
    Jslappa Posts: 1
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    Here is what I don't understand...I can't use 10Gb of data each month because ATurd & Turd has maxed out its bandwidth. Ok, fine. How the hell do they miraculously find new bandwidth to allow me to switch to a tiered plan and pay $100 for that same 10Gb of data? ($30 for 3Gb, then $10 per Gb thereafter). Nice try. Here is how I'm fighting it. I hit my 3Gb cap on 3-19-12 and my billing cycle renews on 4-11-12. Every night when I go to bed I download a massive game at about 1Gb or so. I've gone from 3Gb on 3-19 to 5.6Gb today, and I'm downloading another 1Gb file now. 20 more days of that should make my point! I called and asked to be let out of my 4 contracts and they said sure, just pay $1100 ETF. They didn't like me spending 10Gb?? Wait until I blow through 25 Gb.
  • John Watson
    John Watson Posts: 3
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    I could have renewed with Verizon if I knew I'd get throttled! Where do I sign up for the class action lawsuit? Gloria Alred where are you?
  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    this was what i thought, and what i was told by sales team at southamtpon branch of 3 store when enquiring to take out 'the one plan'. was told, 'no download limits' 'no throttling' etc etc, but today i have finally found out i am in top 5% of useres in my area and my number is being throttled during peak periods-and from what i can maje out their peak periods is 6am till 12am, so u get 6 hrs where im not throttled. i have contacted the ceo david dyson, waiting to hear back....DONT TRUST 3 UK!!!!
  • twocents
    twocents Posts: 1
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    In your plan agreements with the phone companies, it states that you cannot file a class action suit. Therefore, if you're going to sue one of them, you've got to do it one on one, as Mr. Matt Spaccarelli did ATT - he actually made a site to include ALL of his info. The guy won, and he wants to help others do so successfully by providing all his groundwork, so there is hope.
  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 1
    How to beat AT&T throttling!!! At&t has changed their wording from throttled to "reduced speeds" lmao!! TURN YOUR LOCATION SERVISES OFF!! Thats how their Locating you and your data usage. With the new update you can no longer turn your 3g off. Which says 4g but NOT. i recieved 5 msgs saying reduced speeds, everytime i used it. I turned location servises off, no more msgs. But im sure they will update to where you cant turn that off soon. Wheres all the patriotic hackers!!