Thank You Apple For Not Calling The New iPad - iPad 3/iPad HD/iPad 2S

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imageThank You Apple For Not Calling The New iPad - iPad 3/iPad HD/iPad 2S

Ahead of yesterday's iPad event, it was widely speculated that the third generation iPad will be called iPad 3 or iPad HD or could even be called iPad 2S.

But Apple's CEO, Tim Cook surprised everyone by simply calling it "The New iPad".

Read the full story here



  • Trash
    Trash Posts: 3
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    Ask most people which iPod or MacBook Air they have and they say, “Uh…it’s not the most recent one…I think I got it two years ago.” By comparison, ask them which iPhone they have. The lack of a distinct model/generation name is obviously not critical, but it’s very helpful when identifying compatible accessories, looking for support online, etc. The pros of not having a name don’t outweigh the pros of having one.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    Just call it the iPad 3 stupid apple
  • steven chow
    steven chow Posts: 13
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    It will be complicated. Eg... Buying an iPad on Craigslist... What's "new" to someone can be an iPad 2 to someone else. Calling it iPad 3 is simple, and relavent.
  • steven chow
    steven chow Posts: 13
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    It will be complicated. Eg... Buying an iPad on Craigslist. What's "new" to someone can be an iPad 2 to someone else. Calling it iPad 3 is simple, and relavent.
  • Strachan
    Strachan Posts: 1
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    Trash is absolutely right. I have two iMacs. All I can tell you about them is that one is 27", "top of the line" at the time I bought it and the other is a smaller, older model. I had several iPod touch before Verizon got the iPhone; I haven't bought the latest generation (or two?), sold all but the last one but don't know which generation I have. Ditto for several iPod nanos. But I DO know that I have an iPad 2 (until next week) and an iPhone 4S. I'd much prefer that each machine have a clear name. Thanks for listening!
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Version number would definitely be better. They never should have done the iPhone 3G and 3GS and 4S.
  • katsuboi21
    katsuboi21 Posts: 13
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    Must have sounded good in theory, but in the resell market, it's gonna be a nightmare. Regardless of the "New" tag, the tech world will distinguish it as the iPad 3. Why is that so hard for Apple to figure out?
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    What they will call next year? the new iPad 2 ?
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    So what happens next year when the new iPad is released? Is that the new new iPad? I can see why they don't want to run out of numbers to name their devices but imagine trying to order spare parts for your car that has no name and is almost identical in appearance to other cars but totally different once you lift the bonnet. Will just create problems IMO as posted by other above with other apple products
  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Also agree that calling it the "new" iPad is not a smart move.How do you ensure accessories and cases will fit? Do you look for "new iPad" in the description? And what will the next one be called? "newer than new iPad"? Right now it's not a big deal since iPad 2 items will work with the "new" iPad. But if they continue this scheme it will get confusing for consumers.
  • Joker
    Joker Posts: 18
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    For sale the "new iPad" condition used!!! For sale New " new iPad " Maybe they decide to go by years later ... Just like cars ...iPad 2010...iPad 2011... Low mileage
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    LOL, new is quite silly a name.
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Well it doesn't really matter because they will label it 3rd gen iPad. Just like the iPod touch, mine is a iPod touch 4th gen. The box didnt say that. Nobody is confused by that. Only problem is if people ask you "what iPad is that?"
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    They cant Call it iPad 3 'cause has few upgrades..! But I would like to call it iPad2/5
  • teenbot
    teenbot Posts: 42
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    maybe they named it for that reason, so people wouldnt buy used ipads, buyers wont know the diffrence between ipad 2 or 1 or "the new ipad"
  • teenbot
    teenbot Posts: 42
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    watch next year the ipad will be called the new new ipad, newer than the new ipad or the new ipad 2(all these names i got from comments).i think Tim Cook is trying to amaze everyone like steve jobs did. its seems odd, new ipad??? if ur selling it used, people will start thinking its a mint condition ipad when its acualy used, apple probely did this so used ipad buyers wouldn't know what they're buying.
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Lol... I like your comment... Well I love my iPad 2 and my iPhone 4s and my iPod touch 3G.... They just need to keep it simple... Name is 1,2,3... Or I, II, III, IV.... You know... No g or s after the number....So next year, I guess I'll ask the best buy dude if they will sell the new new iPad lol
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Well I guess I'll be waiting for my new new iPad next... And if I need to buy accessories I'll look for the new new iPad accessories section... Hopefully I don't buy the new iPad accessories.
  • hovabyte
    hovabyte Posts: 11
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    I'm not sure if this is shoddy journalism or just stupid comments.Its not called 'The new Ipad', it is called simply 'Ipad'. No 'the' and no number.This makes sense to me as the Ipad will always be called Ipad in future regardless of what generation it is. And for those buying second hand, all you have to do is look for the generation number i.e. This new Ipad is generation 3.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Why would Apple want to support the resale market? How does that help their bottom line?
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Yep to be fair you can use the generation as a reference. Did not think of that one! Problem solved lol
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Forgot to say look at the image at the top of this page reference where 'the new iPad' tag came from
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Of course it will help their bottom line. One factor which makes it easier to justify paying over the odds for an apple product is the high resell value.
  • Toby737
    Toby737 Posts: 2
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    Wouldn't it then make much more sense then to just call it iPad 3?Even just calling it 'iPad' is stupid because the first gen is labelled 'iPad'.Imagine the nightmare for consumers looking for accessories that come out for it... the companies would have to be very careful with their compatibility labelling.
  • Toby737
    Toby737 Posts: 2
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    Anyways, regardless of the fact, I think the general public will simply call it, the iPad 3.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    what happens when there is another release of an iPad next year or the year there after.... will the "new iPad" still be called the "new iPad" or will you see it called the "old new iPad"
  • hovabyte
    hovabyte Posts: 11
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    The image at the top has 'the new' faded in comparison to 'Ipad' which is much more highlighted. The first one wall called 'The iPad' not 'Ipad' and apple said they gave it this name to surprise.The most surprising thing about apples announcement seemed to be the name. For a company that has been so secretive with their new products almost all the features had been predicted in the previous weeks.
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    They could continue to use the same strend as the iPhone, which seems to go by form factor (eg. The 1st iPhone has a different form factor from the second iPhone which has the same form factor as the 3rd, which is different from the 4th which has the same form factor as the 5th so the first of the series of the same form factor gets the number and the second o the form factor would get the "s". However this would force Apple to come out with a new form factor every 2 generations to keep up the trend, but it has worked for them so far... So my point is they could use 2s for "the new iPad" because of the same form factor, then use numerals once they reach 10 "X" like their Mac OS versions.... Just a though
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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