Apple Starts Shipping The New iPad

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imageApple Starts Shipping The New iPad

Customers who had pre-ordered the new iPad are already getting shipment notifications from Apple.

AppleInsider reports:

AppleInsider reader Chris D'Aurora submitted a screenshot of an alleged shipment notification from Apple for a pre-order placed on Wednesday.

Read the full story here



  • PebsUK
    PebsUK Posts: 41
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    No, but isn't just soooo exciting!!!
  • Dude
    Dude Posts: 33
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    I got an email from apple also. Mines is shipping through UPS from China. Delivery date states 3/16 by end of day.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    So it ships from China?
  • Cest Moi
    Cest Moi Posts: 5
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  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Mine is shipping Fedex. No actual tracking info yet though, just a number. If I remember correctly weren't some people getting the iPhone 4 a day early or something?
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I got tracking number, and is also shipping from China and delivery by end of day 3/16 via UPS.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Mine ships out from Ontario California. In fact they picked it up already!! But it says held for future delivery.. DAMN IT!
  • Alma
    Alma Posts: 2
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    Yup. UPS tracking has it enroute from China to me by 3/16..,!!
  • iWantMine
    iWantMine Posts: 1
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    For those that are receiving those notifications, in what part of the country do you live?
  • Cric
    Cric Posts: 1
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    I live in NE Ohio and received my email last night. Its in Middleton pa marked for future delivery.
  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    Just got an email here in the UK from Apple saying mine had shipped and delivery is expected 16th March 2012 can't wait.
  • iWhereIsMyiPad3?
    iWhereIsMyiPad3? Posts: 1
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    In addition to stating what region you live, could you folks also state what date/time you ordered the iPad? Was it the first day? Was it early afternoon, late afternoon, that night??I'm wondering if the first people to order are getting their notices already or does it matter, as long as you ordered it the first day.
  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    I did not order mine until 1.30pm on the 8th in the UK. I had tried the night before but the site was down. I ordered the 64GB White Wifi + 4G and mine has shipped.
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    According to UPS mine is sitting in Louisville, KT right now as of 3/10 12:14AM. I live in Columbus, OH and ordered mine first day within an hour of being able to pre-order on The Apple Store.
  • dad
    dad Posts: 3
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    I just so happened to be browsing the Apple website the other day and noticed a new iPad had come out, so I ordered one -not knowing that it had not been launched yet. Anyway, I received a shipment notice yesterday, though I was very surprised to see that my white iPad AT&T 4G 32Gig was being UPS'd from Shenzhen, China -which makes me a little nervous. Yes.... I know that Apple has these products made in China, but I at least thought that these iPads would be shipped to warehouses in the United States before they were finally shipped to consumers. I was hoping that Apple would have done at least a little quality control. Any products from China make me a little nervous, especially when they cost an arm and leg, like the 3rd generation iPad. What if I get a knock-off? What if it isn't up to the standards I have come to trust in Apple products? Is everyone else seeing their shipments coming directly from Shenzhen, China?
  • dad
    dad Posts: 3
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    Oh, and I live in the New York Metro area. Am I the only one that has this thing coming directly from China?
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    No. Mine shipped from China an is currently in Louisville.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Ordered late afternoon on launch day. Shipping to Gulfport Mississppi. UPS tracking shows it in Louisville Ky as of Mar 10, 12:14AM. No other movement since then. Guess Apple told them not to deliver early. Normally something that hit Louisville Ky on a Friday would be on a truck for delivery by the following Monday morning.
  • Helen
    Helen Posts: 6
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    Mine says it has shipped but the ups tracking number dosent work - anyone else have that problem - im in the uk and got shipping notification early sat morning
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Mine is sitting in Louisville also.. Was in china, then hong kong, alaska and now in ups's world port in ky.. Id love to see the stack of ipads sitting there lol wish we could find a worker to snap a pic of where they r held.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Lol factory fresh .. They all come from china right to the shelves.. Any ipad/iphone im sure any sealed apple product , is shipped directly from china (foxconn i guess) to apple store/best buy , really every store.. Cant expect apple to open every apple product in the states ,test it, re-seal it. So obviousy apple shipped god knows how many ipads to Louisville ky ups hub.. And will be delt out there..nothing to worry about everyone that pre ordered is going through same thing.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Same here. UK, notification of shipment on Sat morning. UPS tracking number does not work.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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  • Megan
    Megan Posts: 9
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    I ordered mine the day of launch at about 3pm cst- 32g white AT&T and it shipped last Friday. To Alaska then to ky and its just culling out there. Must be right--they want everybody to get them on the 16th cuz that's when they're released in stores. Other wise we could sell ours early for mega $$$. ;). Bummer! I wouldn't sell mine!
  • Megan
    Megan Posts: 9
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  • deb
    deb Posts: 6
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    I ordered mine on the launch date also. Due to arrive on the 16th but have not seen movement since it arrived in Ankorage Alaska on 3/10 with a departure scan of 8:41PM. Transit on time is changing daily with 3 business days left till delivery. I think they are hiding them.
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    Me too. My order has not moved since 3/10, LocationDateLocal TimeActivityAnchorage, AK, United States 03/10/2012 11:25 P.M.Departure Scan03/10/2012 9:30 P.M.Arrival ScanShanghai, China 03/11/2012 6:18 A.M.Departure ScanChengdu, China 03/11/2012 2:28 A.M.Departure ScanChengdu, China 03/10/2012 12:30 A.M.Arrival Scan
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    ordered mine through the app an hour after they opened access. Even though I have engraving the i-pad shipped for delivery on 3/16. Currently sitting in Louisville, Kentucky and I live in Charlotte NC. This warehouse must be packed by now... so start shipping :)
  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
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    My ipad is also at LouisvilleLouisville, KY, United States 03/11/2012 11:26 A.M.Arrival ScanI suppose there is a Borg cube of ipads over at Louisville right now, under heavy security.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I bought my iPad within the hour of when it was released. I received a shipment notice and tracking number the day after March 8th. It was shipped from China. It made it's way all the way to Kentucky where it has been held for the past 3 days :-( Apparently Apple has a tremendous amount of control over their shipments. Most likely I will receive the iPad as promised on March 16th like everybody else! I wonder if anyone has tried calling carrier to see if they can have their package make its way faster?????