Apple Has Fixed Vulnerability Used in Absinthe Jailbreak in iOS 5.1

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Has Fixed Vulnerability Used in Absinthe Jailbreak in iOS 5.1

We have some bad news, but it was expected.

We have just got a confirmation that Apple has indeed fixed the vulnerability in iOS 5.1 that was used in the Absinthe jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 on iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.

Apple has given the "2012 iOS Jailbreak Dream Team" credit for discovering the vulnerability in the document that provides details about the security issues that have been fixed in iOS 5.1.


Read the full story here



  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I am so just waiting for the kiddies to start b*tching at the dream team and of course the one lam3r who will be asking on the 16th(or earlier) "will this work on the "new" iPad?The silence from all of them was so nice... alas all good things come to an end. Good luck Dream team on 5.1 and thanks for all the effort in 5.0.1
  • vahid
    vahid Posts: 7
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    Ohhhhh, Gloomy Monday ... :((
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    This remains about money. If the debs see the money stream from Cydia as worthwhile they need to work to preserve it by establishing reliable jailbreaks. If they don't, then jail breaking is unlikely to continue. That would also mean sites such as this would have to rethink their revenue stream. I don't care either way.
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    It is now the right time for the hackers to upgrade their team to JESUS team because simply the dream team is not going to be enough of a challenge to beat Apple on iOS 5.1
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    What I would care about (at this stage) is to find a way to downgrade to iOS 5.0.1 despite how impossible it may seem (because SHSH Blobs are not working anymore, but there got to be a way to crack the random generator). We got a jailbreak working on iOS 5.0.1 so we have to hang on tight on it and add any new features that were added to iOS 5.1 through Cydia updates
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    If the $ makes sense the devs should invest the time and effort. I recommend against spending any $ on Cydia meanwhile though. Potentially wasted because continued JB status isn't guaranteed.
  • Orgil
    Orgil Posts: 12
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    How poetic, but well said neverthless
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Honestly, I don't see anything appealing enough for me to try to upgrade to iOS 5.1. I don't have the iPhone 4S, but thanks to my p[hone being Jailbroken I still have Siri and it works very well (don't know why Apple won't implement it across the board).I think something that is being missed here is that Apple is actually giving credit, which is thanking the Jailbreak team. I truly think that Apple is missing a major opportunity here, all that they need to do is work with the Jailbreak Dream Team to develop a section in iTunes of "Unapproved Apps" that give a clear warning when installing them that the Apps are not approved by Apple and if you come in for warranty service, they will be removed prior to warranty service being performed.This would allow those that want to use the jailbreak Apps to do so without risking their Apple Warranty and would allow Apple a way to deal with the people that want to run these Apps and not end up with the negative publicity of everything being so closed, especially when compared with it's competitors.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    We can not blame apple, we just keep watch the status
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    still no bloody unlock for iphone 4 ... 5.0.1...04.11.8.....whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • aka
    aka Posts: 16
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    I was thinking, if apple makes new iPhone unjailbrakeble how many of us are actually going to buy it and by us I mean people who like design and like to use the phone freely, not people who are in love with apple and Steve jobs is their god (RIP).
  • Duh
    Duh Posts: 13
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    It should be about the money! They must be putting in countless hours to make all the crybabies happy, meanwhile the others wait patiently and thank them graciously for their services.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    thank them for what its been bloody 6 months now and still no unlock for iphone 4. i think there beat on the unlock but will not admit it. there are 1000s with iphone 4 still waiting for the unlock who like me bought there phone with 04.11.08 on come on dream team prove your worthy of our money.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    What we need to find out is how many people actually jailbreak their phones as a percentile of sold iPhones. I have no actual numbers but I would be willing to guess its less than 5% of sales. Of my classmates who had iPhones (probably 60-65% of them) only 2 of the 100+ knew what I was talking about when I discussed jail breaking. And these were younger more tech savvy individuals. Now take the overall population which includes older adults who don't even know they can connect the phone to iTunes and I would expect the numbers dwindle further.
  • paulg
    paulg Posts: 29
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    Don't waste your time waiting for a software unlock from the dev team. It won't happen. Your best bet is to take a loss and sell that brick you have. Gevey won't even create one for it because they are now focused on the 4s.
  • aka
    aka Posts: 16
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    You got good point; most of my friends do not even put music in their phones. Just make calls and surf web. We are in late 20ties though,i somehow thought younger people would jailbreak a lot.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    iPhone 4 is different from iPhone 4s jailbreak due to a5 chip, the new iPad has a different chip again with the a5x, I think the dream team may have there work cut out for them! I had to get rid of my 4s jailbreak, as I NEEDED the battery fix, but it made it worse, a trip to apple today, got me a new 4s that is running 5.0.1 and NO battery issues, so I can have my jailbreak back, luckily!
  • Iappreciate = gay.
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    I think apple will need to reimplement the thought process due to the dream tream. 5x is out now, babies. Everything we thought we knew is out the window. Once push comes to shove, where will musclenerd be then? A6 perhaps?Gorspat
  • dee
    dee Posts: 56
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    Why not either pay your service provider or a private company to unlock it for you. I guess its always easy to blame the Dream Team because they take donations, which a few people are willing to pay them for working on Jailbreaks as this is always the most important part. I guess the all those others that moan are the other few that dont want to pay for anything. I have a 4s on 5.01 jailbroken and unlocked by Three mobile (I paid for this), I will wait until a solution can be found, If one isnt found them no probs I will seat on 5.01 as long as my phone keeps working. Why moan or rush others when they are doing ALL OF US A FAVOUR
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    iPhone, and i-device in general, sales are through the roof. Whether jail breakers buy it or not isn't relevant. The only thing that is relevant is whether there is enough money changing hands via Cydia to make continued jailbreaks compelling. So far the answer seems to be "no," because no jailbreak seems to be around the corner and we know of leaked 5.1 code for some time now in key locations, meaning those interested enough (make that inter$ted enough...) would have gotten their hands on it and would have been working on a jailbreak well ahead of time. This did not seem to happen as far as I can work out; granted, these data are not my concern and everyone's busy. Again, money talks. If Cydia makes enough money for people to notice it'll dry up, a new jailbreak will come. If not...Incidentally, an unlock for firmware(s) not already covered isn't realistic.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    LOL I'm 40 but.. I was one of those continuing adult education peeps after being laid off. Most of the students were 18-22. You'd think they'd be more into the scene having less money at their disposal .. but then again .. they grew up in a generation where much of everything was handed to them. (at least in this area)
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    DEE....for your information i always donate like you i am on three network i didnt know they unlocked your phone. i have looked everywhere on there sight for info. can you please tell me how you got your info as i cant go to 3 shop its far away from where i live.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    If you want an unlock, spending about $150 at for an IMEI unlock. It's permanent and they guarantee it.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    sell it and by one that works on your carrier, DERP
  • Stew357
    Stew357 Posts: 0
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    How can I downgrade from the upgrade that apple made me do so I can jailbreak my iPhone
  • Don't Update
    Don't Update Posts: 1
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    It is guaranteed if you don't buy a new device and don't update your existing devices with iOS5.1
  • dee
    dee Posts: 56
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    Joe, I didn't go into a three shop, I called the customer services dept, adv'd I wanted phone unlocked they charged me £15 and had to wait 5working days, Got a txt message from them to sync to itunes and DONE !, Also in UK if your with o2 they unlock free if your on contract even after a day, T-Mobile charge I think £20. Vodafone are a bit tricky as they try and avoid doing it for you.
  • dee
    dee Posts: 56
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    You cant right now. Keep an eye on this site for more info.
  • Retribution1888
    Retribution1888 Posts: 25
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    Joe and dee, you need to remember when 3 send you the text message you need to put a different network sim card in and activate it over iTunes then it is unlocked all networks, mine was completed in 30 hrs and works all networks
  • blame truth
    blame truth Posts: 1
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    Comex you bastard!!! the golden palms of apple :/