iPhone 4S Customer Sues Apple For 'Deceptive And Misleading' Siri Ads

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imageiPhone 4S Customer Sues Apple For 'Deceptive And Misleading' Siri Ads

The Wall Street Journal reports Apple is being sued by an iPhone 4S customer in New York for 'misleading and deceptive' Siri ads.

WSJ reports:

A New York man represented by Robbins Geller is suing Apple for false advertising, alleging that the company’s commercials convey a “misleading and deceptive message” about Siri’s capabilities.

Frank M. Fazio, who bought his 4S in Brooklyn in November, is part of purported class of people who feel suckered.

Read the full story here



  • @iLikeTech_
    @iLikeTech_ Posts: 9
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    I use siri on a daily bases. I don't have any problems with it. I don't think the person sewing apple is going to win. I would understand this if apple had claimed that siri could do things that it cant, but it can do the things apple has claimed it can in the commercials. Siri is still in beta for a reason, its not perfect, but for the most part it works like it is suppose to.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    If I could, I would too do the same. Siri does not work, period, atleast not with non US accents.
  • Augustine
    Augustine Posts: 13
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    The only thing this guy will get is a Shirt :) don't like it? return it, and get a Droid .... I use siri all the time and it works 99.9% of the time and I have a slight accent. Now if you have a heavy accent like for example asian people, the ones that do have a heavy accent, then you are out of luck, not even humans can understand them, much less a computerAnd asian was just an example, Any one with a HEAVY thick accent can't expect voice recognition to work
  • Steve smith
    Steve smith Posts: 1
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    The guy suing is the reason why our legal system is so screwed up.Like Augustine said, if you don't like it return it. What a complete jerk.
  • Marcio
    Marcio Posts: 14
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    I'm Portuguese and its not fair that we pay the same for one iPhone 4s without portuguese available on Siri!Without talking the places Siri can't find on Europe!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This is crap! Do you're research before buying a product. Goto the store and test it! I had an iPhone 3GS before my iPhone 4S. I absolutely love my phone. Yes, Siri has some problems sometimes, but it clearly advertised that it's in beta!!! Bottom line... This guy isn't going to win.
  • Manda
    Manda Posts: 4
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    Siri doesn't really work with Non US accents. The British guy understands me a little ...
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    You knew that before buying it. Stop buying the latest and greatest and you don't have to complain about it. It's not Apple's problem you are Portuguese, or any other language that is not yet supported. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? It was YOUR choice to buy.
  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    I don't understand why people are saying it doesn't work properly outside the US. I live in Australia and Siri understands me perfectly.
  • Ashton
    Ashton Posts: 2
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    The Americans are a poor race and rely on needing to sue people on a regular basis to earn money rather than actually working for a living. As if you would sue someone because it doesn't help you learn cords or how to tie a tie, its a phone for gods sake!!
  • Cindy
    Cindy Posts: 25
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    Cry me a fucking river.
  • Bryce
    Bryce Posts: 17
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    WELL SAID! funny how he is typing english..
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    When did we become a race of people?The whole world sues each other, its not only our country.Some people for like bashing others because they are small minded.
  • SBNP
    SBNP Posts: 15
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    1 guy sues and you stereo type Americans? FWIW Ashton, Apple products are designed and developed in America. Apparently your elite race didn't educate you to this fact!
  • Freddieboy
    Freddieboy Posts: 45
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    Spot on Manda I have a Scottish accent never use Siri now after months of frustration
  • Marcio
    Marcio Posts: 14
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    The question is:It was better if Siri available on AppStore!So if we wanted an 4s without Siri it will be cheaper!Your point is selfish!My English sucks but who cares!
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I bought the 4s (uk) for Siri, I was disappointed to find out that business location/maps etc doesn't work, but at the same time I understand it is in beta and a lawsuit is just stupid! Even without the features in the uk, I use Siri all the time, sometimes just for a laugh! First couple of days, it had trouble understanding me, but it seems to have learned and never fails now! I do have it set to English (Australia) as it seems to understand me better?!
  • Hoopa - David Robinson
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    It won't call me Rock God....
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Our 'elite' race is bloody useless! We don't even have the balls to stand up to our own government for raping us of allOur money! We sit back thinking someone else will do it for us! From a British soldier, the uk officially has gone to the dogs!
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Mine is set to call me big bollocks! And it works just fine! It's amusing to say the least! See, Siri does have some good functions in the uk!
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    No. We just love to sue people. It lets the world know how dumb our crossbred/inbred "race" is. We average $700-$800 per person per year in law suites.
  • trevor
    trevor Posts: 5
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    Sorry to bust your bubble. But you truly didn't pay for Siri. You payed for the NEW screen, A5 Chip, and a much better camera. And if you truly just wanted the same phone without Siri just get a iPhone 4. It's just as good without Siri. Yes you lose a few things with some speed and some looks with camera and screen.
  • Retribution1888
    Retribution1888 Posts: 25
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    It will if you use that name for your mobile number in contacts!
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    Really , cause I havent seen ONE commercial that points that out! Not one commercial on camera,A5 chip or better screen. Sorry to burst YOUR bubble. APple is selling Siri. And may I add, why don't they talk about the worst battery iPhone has ever had. They have to upgrade to 5.1 to see the difference in the battery if there is one. But then again, you lose your jailbreak!
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    maybe he asked siri to weckomend a westewaunt. a la kripke in in the big bang theory lol.
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    Marcio, it makes no difference. Siri or not, since iPhone 3G, the prices have all been the same. So why should you get an iPhone any cheaper because it doesn't speak Portuguese. Looks like you might be the selfish one.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    +1, the only people i have personally seen having trouble with siri is immigrants with thick accents.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Thats cuz only small percentage of people speak that language, lemmi guess... your pretty good @ playing soccer er "football."
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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