Report Claims Next iPhone Will Sport 4.6-Inch Retina Display

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imageReport Claims Next iPhone Will Sport 4.6-Inch Retina Display

Now that the third generation iPad has been launched, its time to gear up for the sixth generation iPhone rumors.

Reuters reports that according to a South Korean newspaper, the next iPhone will come with a 4.6-inch Retina display.

Reuters reports:

Apple has decided on the bigger 4.6-inch display for its next iPhone and started placing orders to its suppliers, the Maeil Business Newspaper said, quoting an unnamed industry source.

Read the full story here



  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    a 4 inch would be perfect imagine just a minut whit a 4,6 inch i???what would it be called ?? an Itvphonepad
  • GJ
    GJ Posts: 6
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    I prefer smaller screen due to easy operation by one hand. On other side of the coin bigger screen is better for reading any text without zooming (books, email, news, e.t.c.)GJ
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    is there gonna be also an Ipurse to be able to carrey the Itvphonepad??
  • Hooman
    Hooman Posts: 4
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    you know that's not a Nexus S that's a Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S has a 4" display, However Galaxy Nexus has a 4.65" one.
  • Monstar
    Monstar Posts: 2
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    I would very much prefer a 4" display over the 4.6". I really don't want to carry around a device that large.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    If it will support retina display! Every AT&T unlimited users will be throttling to 3G if iPhone support 4G.. Lol
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    We've fixed it.. thanks for pointing it out.
  • Tre
    Tre Posts: 13
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    4 in is fine and any bigger it better come with a heck of battery. I had a Galaxy and that was a pain carrying around. So keep it simple. Beside bigger screen more power and I don't see a wall plug anywhere.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Nope, it wont be more than 4 inch.
  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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    CORRECT would be failure if more than 4"...but it will be nice if hologram concept applied...NFC & LTE is a must...
  • tsengkhai
    tsengkhai Posts: 1
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    Nothing is impossible.Wondering if it doesn't look like the teardrop design, how it'll look like?
  • Chris F
    Chris F Posts: 1
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    A 4-inch display would be perfect, but anything large enough to sport a 4.6-inch display would either be too wide to hold comfortably as a phone or too long for a reasonable aspect ratio, unless they're going with a full-face display and no physical button on the front. But the latter is such a radical departure from current iPhones that I doubt Apple would do it.
  • Vlash
    Vlash Posts: 1
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    If it's anything smaller than a 4.3" screen, I'm moving to an Android phone this fall! 4.6" would be really sweet, so If they came out with that I'm going to reconsider buying the Galaxy Note. I've tried out 4.3-5.3" phones with one hand, and it's not a problem to use (at least not for me, and I don't have particularly large hands).
  • haha
    haha Posts: 33
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    unfortunatly no my friend, too big to fit in an ipurse so apple will release an ibackpack to put youre itvphonepad in, isorry...
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    If it gets anything more than 4" they can keep it, I won't buy it. My 4s is the perfect size for me, it sits in my hand perfectly and I have no problems reading text.
  • Strulf
    Strulf Posts: 22
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    Very unlikely. 4" at the most. Apple already stated once that bigger screens are unhandy to use.
  • Derek Covatch
    Derek Covatch Posts: 10
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    If its not bigger than 4", as much as i love my iPhone and apple products i will get the HTC one X. have you seen that thing? its looks amazing and the camera is so snappy.
  • silverwin
    silverwin Posts: 10
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    one thing i am sure, the 6th gen iphone will be called "NEW IPHONE" lol
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    Really? one of my "sources" said it would have a 12" touchscreen.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Apple will never admit that bigger screens are better for some people. It's moronic to think that there is a one size for all when fingers can vary in size by so much. I am stuck with a keyboard that is the same size that my kid would use.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Maybe possible, to support LTE and advanced processor, Apple need to use the bigger battery, they may need to increase size. But, they will lost the retina display or they will claim 'Still 300ppi" with same number of pixel.
  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    One thing is certain, after using the new iPad and going back to my iPhone 4, it's frustrating. I find myself questioning how I ever typed on such a small device before. I feel like Apple's going to go with at least a 4-inch screen, if not bigger. I've got older friends that even with the iPhone's font size at the max, still have issues navigating through certain menus of the iPhone simply because not everything is magnified. With an increased screen size it could mean an overall size increase on the GUI for the iOS. But being a bigger guy (6'5") I'm not really hindered by having a larger device in my front pocket whereas a girl or some young teenager probably wouldn't have the needed pocket space. Personally, if they made a 5-inch iPhone, I'd be first in line for it. If I could affordably use my new iPad as a phone, I'd probably consider it. On second thought, caring an iPad into a nightclub isn't exactly practical.
  • Yuse 2 b ripped off
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    you never know it might be true bigger screens seem to pop up everywhere a lot of people watch movies and play high quality games plus it can accommodate a lot more power hungry hardware if they did I'd certainly buy one I've stuck to my ip4 because I did not see much apeal on 4s so a bigger screen and high end quality pc style hardware gets my and many others vote it also would appeal to business users
  • Sharpshooter
    Sharpshooter Posts: 4
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    Apple made a market study that cost a whloe bunch of money to come up with the perfect size for a mobile device, they know the current size fits almost every hand confortable, why would they ruin something that today seems to be perfect, the next screen will be as large they could possibly make it within the current dimensions.If anyone thinks otherwise, explain your theory!
  • budi wibowo
    budi wibowo Posts: 1
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    4 Inches is not enough, bigger is better. believe me
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    The voices in your head don't count.
  • ITcrowd
    ITcrowd Posts: 14
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    The bigger the better. 4.6 inch definitely. Surprisingly very high amount of users like 5.3 inch Galaxy Note, despite first reaction "It's way too big". After couple of days they like it very much and can't go back to smaller screens.
  • G
    G Posts: 25
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    I heard from a source that the next generation iPhone is going to be called the iPad Mini
  • Investor
    Investor Posts: 16
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  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Well I played around with the galaxy note with one hand no problem . Looks a little stupid up to ur ear but I have been using headphones most of the time now anyway but it was great to work on typing was so much faster cause of bigger keyboard. Think I would not mind the bigger size since I do a lot of surfing the web Maybe offer both let the masses decide.