55% of iPhone 4S Users Satisfied With Siri - What About You?

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image55% of iPhone 4S Users Satisfied With Siri - What About You?

Siri - Apple's revolutionary personal assistant feature is easily one of the hottest features of iPhone 4S. Not surprisingly, Apple has aired a number of iPhone 4S commercials featuring Siri - even though the feature is still in beta.

But is the feature a gimmick as some of you have commented or are users actively using it? Consulting group Parks Associates carried out a survey to get an answer to that question.

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  • Freddieboy
    Freddieboy Posts: 45
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    I don't use it at all now does not recognise my Scottish accent very well even when I speak clearly
  • obaid
    obaid Posts: 1
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    the issue with siri is recognition of different accents, i was not lucky with siri most of the time i used it...had to repeat more than once
  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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    i am using quite frequent now. its had adopt to my accent lately...
  • douglas
    douglas Posts: 5
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    Wish it new places in canada
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Not satisfied, it does not understand half the things while most features are limited to the US.
  • Earl Grey
    Earl Grey Posts: 1
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    I tried it for a few days till I noticed that she (Siri) killed the battery faster, so I powered her down to try to gain close to the iPhone 4 battey duration. I fire her up once in while to see if she is exciting. I find she is not worth the drain in my pocket.
  • GJ
    GJ Posts: 6
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    No I'm not. Siri has minimal location support out of US and I'm living in Canada and still waiting when finally siri cross the border line from US to other countries.
  • Mediascapenorth
    Mediascapenorth Posts: 43
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    It's slow, it can't understand accents and it knows nothing outside of the US. Much like your average American.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Me too...! (Spanish)
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    Imo, it is a marketing gimmick. It's basically a toy at this stage, that's why Apple list it as "beta". I rarely use it. It lacks convenience and practicality at this point.
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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  • JLX
    JLX Posts: 35
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    siri is a waste of time for most of the 4s users just for the fact that is doesnt have all the languages...they should have made the 4s only for the countries that has those languages,because in my opinion 4s in other countries than us,france,germany is just an iphone 4! nobody cares if it's sa milisecond faster
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    For playing Music from Spotify it works great. Play xxx and it begins to play, use it everyday when driving - my personal dj. But it requires jb so no 5.1 for me just yet
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    Siri is OFF on my 4S. The highlight for me on the 4S is the camera. There's really not much of a difference from the iPhone 4. Can't wait for the iPhone 5 to get another design and bigger screen, hopefully.
  • Joey JoJo
    Joey JoJo Posts: 10
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    I know many people with 4Ss and I don't know a single one who used Siri after the initial purchase of the phone. Even in the case where it can be useful and figure out what you are saying it is still usually slower than just doing the task yourself. I can't tell you how many times I've said the marketing demo of "what does my day look like" and it asks me which of the listed contacts I want to dial.
  • Xay
    Xay Posts: 7
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    Turn Siri off half of the time it don't understand what you are saying it gets frustrating at times
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Personally, I do use it sometimes but not all the time. Especially when I'm driving, I rely on Siri to send text messages and make calls. Other than that, only time I use Siri is to make reminders. Nothing else.
  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    I have no accent at all, Used siri this morning to type a simple sentence, not one word was correct. I find it easier to go straight to the web and forget the old broad all together!
  • ///MPower
    ///MPower Posts: 14
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    I use Siri quite a bit for making reminders and scheduling appointments/meetings as well as texting and calling people. I hardly ever use it for emailing or playing music. My biggest complaint is the "Sorry, I am having trouble connecting to the network." response that I get all too often. It's VERY annoying when I go to send a long text message and it says it can't connect and then I try again in a couple mins and again nothing. I hate repeating myself hoping it will work. After I purchased "AssistantLove" (jailbreak tweak) I LOVE being able to ask how to get somewhere and the directions load up on my TOMTOM app ready to go. Combine that with "Hands-Free" control tweak (when it actually works) Siri is completely hands free; launching apps, getting directions, adjusting brightness, turning on and off wifi.. its pretty awesome. Once all the bugs are squashed and Siri can connect better (or can do some things locally without having to depend on network) I think it could really be good... like really good.
  • rbravo
    rbravo Posts: 1
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    I hardly use it. Either cause I forget I have it or I just can't wait an hour or so for it to do a easl I ask. It's too slows and just doing it myself is faster. Plus it frustrating when it does not correctly dictate what you say. And I end up telling her either "CHANGE IT or CANCEL". Aaaaargh! And yes it is a battery hog. Hopefully it will get out of its Beta-status soon and be more responsive and useful
  • Chris Williams
    Chris Williams Posts: 12
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    I have my 4(S) jailbroken so I use Siri ALL the time to Open Apps or...Close settings i have on such as Wi-Fi..or Bluetooth. So yeah I use it but Apple would benefit from a Tweak such as That.
  • Rodney Urand
    Rodney Urand Posts: 1
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    I am originally from Australia. Siri cannot understand anything i say. Useless.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    This also mean that nearly half of all iphone 4s users found siri not satisfactory.
  • JcO
    JcO Posts: 1
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    I am Australian so Siri dosen't know what the hell I'm talking about. Fortunately I'm a voice artist so I can pull out my American dialect.
  • Lé
    Posts: 6
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    Dosen't recognize Your accent? I haven't got a chance with Siri. I speak stereotype gay.
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    No Siri is crap! 6 months after new iPhone release and still no uk support! I'll have a new iPhone contract before siri works properly in the ukApple are a cheeky company now what whith pointless 4s and now the iPad 4g which will never work on. 4g network!False advertising never trust apple again!
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    Lot more than 45% not using here!
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I use it all the time. Works great.People I know have trouble with it, but I think they try giving her too much to do at once or talk too fast. Others expect it to do things that it wasn't designed to do and think that it does not work.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    If u have a 4 try voice control it works as well as Siri but it don't do everything. O and it has the same voice but otherwise it's useless in public unless u Like everyone to hear what u are doing. But it a nice TOY at parties