55% of iPhone 4S Users Satisfied With Siri - What About You?



  • Bullfrog
    Bullfrog Posts: 44
    via Wordpress
    My wife says Siri SUCKS!
  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Siri works great, when Siri works. The last month or so she won't dial a number, she just gets stuck on the calling screen, but nothing happens. Searching is hit or miss. Really useful when driving, but only when Siri actually works. Apple needs to focus on getting Siri out of Beta and fix all the bugs.
  • Gordii
    Gordii Posts: 21
    via Wordpress
    I use it now more often only due to the fact that you cannot talk while driving or texting so when i use my bluetooth siri pops up and it does the work for me lol.
  • whatevs
    whatevs Posts: 4
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    I do lab research at my university and I constantly use Siri to set alarms and reminders for my samples. With headphones and the hands free tweak it was like having a personal assistant. Sounds petty but not having to take my phone in and out of my pocket saved a lot of time.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I use it every day. "Set an alarm for 300pm"... it's a lot easer then navigating to my alarm clock and setting it up myself. Hands free is great while i'm in bed... since my phone is my alarm clock I use the "siri"... "what time is it" command a lot.
  • jango
    jango Posts: 2
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    useless advertisement for not so great feature. Apple is trying to hype user crazy by saying any buzzwords...Google has this sinze adam & eve era and have much better performance but never made it selling point as they have much better things to show than copied voice recogonisation & notifications. Crap GPS app even... improve than and give buzz name. I better fans will by iphone 6 due to that feature only...
  • Bluescreen
    Bluescreen Posts: 1
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    Siri = Useless, those who say otherwise are probably apple employes or just brainwashed.