iOS 5.1 Jailbreak Status Update: pod2g Has Found Two Big Vulnerabilities



  • Uncle Wong
    Uncle Wong Posts: 1
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    A lot of New Ipad(3rd Gen ) user waiting for jailbreak . Plz release asap . Thank You Very Much
  • dabloc
    dabloc Posts: 18
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  • Markymark
    Markymark Posts: 5
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    And you think the 5 exploits will on the 6? "major" version iOS upgrades often "add" new features? rofl, you must be new to iOS. All upgrades are ****, nothing worth having is ever implemented and the only worthwhile app are the ones found in cydia.
  • oBIGTo
    oBIGTo Posts: 4
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    I want to break my Atv3, bring it!
  • Pandaa xo
    Pandaa xo Posts: 17
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    If you had a replacement iPhone4 u can still downgrade. BeefAnd like I said for buying a 4s your handicapped, idc if it came stock 3.1.3 or 5.1. UNLESS, UNLESS!! It was your first iPhone. Even then still fiancé of mine is still waiting patiently for th next phone you know why? Bcause every 2 years the big poppa phone drops. Not that crappy in between like the 3GS that came with a compass UWWWW WOWWW
  • Pandaa xo
    Pandaa xo Posts: 17
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  • Pandaa xo
    Pandaa xo Posts: 17
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    But again to all the poor saps with iPhone 4s.I Pity you
  • Secret
    Secret Posts: 1
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    and you never check the replies eh... :-)
  • Rizz K
    Rizz K Posts: 1
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    I think they should release the jailbreak because god knows how long it will tak for ios 6 t be public. first itll be in test mode for developers and then officialy released for use. regardless of the hackers waiting to release the jailbreak when the hackers release it right on the time when ios 6 comes out then apple will even patch that since they have the entire script for the ios. so waiting is useless. waiting just means more time. its doesnt mean any acomplishments since they will regardless patch it after ios 6. now people, yall are saying that ios 6 if waited can be jailbroken at the same time as ios5.1 ...wrong....what if it doesnt. so the ios 6 people will regardless have to wait. so why make the ios 5.1 people wait fo that long when they already have the device and have been waiting. which means if ios 6 launces they will have the jailbreak for thise users immediately. i think thats wrong for the people that waited. please release the jailbreak.
  • Roy
    Roy Posts: 22
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    Release 5.1 Jailbreak. Every comment from anyone stating to save the vulnerabilities is wrong and can easily be turned the other way around.Yes they could just come out with 6.0, and if we wait till 6.0 they could just come out with 7.0. Jailbreaking is a race and a fight to keep pace. Stay the course. Yes you could save some of the vulnerabilities and use them for the next release, while only putting to use 1 or 2 of them,but they could also be wasted if apple manages to patch them itself on its own. Lets say you wait, and the patch all 6-7 vulnerabilities, then your stuck waiting again, and will be presented the same questions when they release 6.As some have already posted, each new OS has had its own set of vulnerabilities, as im sure iOS6 and 7 and 8 and so on will have as well.If i said to you, "would you take 10 dollars now or 20 dollars in 6 months" which would you take? THe smart take 10 now, cause the value of the 20 will be diminished in 6 months. Same concept here, take 5.1 jailbreak, and worry about 6 when it gets here.Let us have 5.1 Jailbreak, were ready for it!!
  • ChrisK
    ChrisK Posts: 2
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    You're missing the idea. Even if 5.1 didn't add much, there are lots of people upgrading devices or just buying new devices that are on 5.1 with no jailbreak. You've got the ipad3, atv3 and anyone upgrading to an iPhone 4S from an older phone that is just stuck with stock.I have a wifi only ipad2 and really would like a verizon ipad3, but don't want to wait 6 months to a year for a jailbreak. Everyone has their opinions for different reasons, but I THINK the number of people on stock 5.1 devices is going to out weigh the people on jail broken 5.01 devices.
  • Checkmate
    Checkmate Posts: 5
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    I say apple tv 3 needs to get jailbroken already and 5.1 will give u better battery life and ios6 can wait for a jailbreak cuz the jailbreak community is on fire recently since pod 2 g is snapping and the dream team is unstoppable and apple better quit patching **** cuz they can use the extra help cuz google is gonna kick there ass if we can't jailbreak and be open to more software and new ideas when I know cydia has change certain features cuz I know some of those apple developers had pick up ideas in cydia before in the past to advance there ios And finally I wanna say thanks to my jailbroken and unlock iphone and just makes it more fun to tweak stuff you don't like
  • Nitsud
    Nitsud Posts: 12
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    1st and foremost, just release it so I can stop reading all the complaints! Dear lord!I have 4s on 5.1 and would love the release as soon as possible but I understand if we have to wait because pod2g doesn't want to use what he has found. He has been working hard for free and it's no ones business to tell him to release anything. I have no knowledge of even where to begin to create a new jailbreak and I'm sure the majority of people wanting the 5.1 jailbreak and the COMPLAINERS! are in the same boat. I think it should be released because it is a great accomplishment to find the exploits and rise up and say "We pwnd Apple again!" It is all unknown when or what IOS 6 will turn out to look like and/or if these 6 or 7 vulnerabilities will be useful in the future IOS releases. So I understand the fork in the road that pod2g is at if he is still wanting to exploit future IOS releases. So if we have the technology, let us use it. Maybe not all of them if we don't have to but keep up the hacking / jailbreaking moving forward with pwning another IOS. Plus it will finally shut up all these complainers. Thanks to pod2g and all others working on jailbreaking and giving time to let others get the most out of their devices. Yes I have voted on pod2g website to release ASAP.
  • mess1ah
    mess1ah Posts: 5
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    First it's we have 5 vulnerabilities...then it's we found 2 more vulnerabilities.As I said in another thread, I think we're all being fed a pile of sh1t !IF they really had 5 viable exploits, why were they still looking for more ?Don't drink that kool-aid !
  • James king james
    James king james Posts: 7
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    If you save these exploits for iOS 6 there is not garantee that they will work on the new iPhone model.... So I say use the exploits on iOS 5.1
  • len61
    len61 Posts: 3
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    Sorry for my spilling ....... Spelling !
  • worm
    worm Posts: 13
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  • len61
    len61 Posts: 3
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  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    I want to be able to jailbreak my iPad 3 ,I'm bored.RELEASE
  • Apple Pawn
    Apple Pawn Posts: 1
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  • Victor
    Victor Posts: 54
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    Release it now! I'm a developer myself, whenever I release a major version upgrade, highly possible is that the whole architecture of the framework is changed. In order to compete or keep up with WIN8 philosophy, it's wise to make major changes to IOS 5, and incorporate many features that's compatible with Mac OS. The future strategy is to merge all devices on a unified platform, laptop, touchpad, desktop, TV, etc. Current IOS 5 framework obviously is too lightweight for that purpose.With the progress in hardware technology, IOS will soon lose its advantage of responsiveness / smooth (as its underlying system is initially designed for iPod, pure entertainment) to more complicated system as Windows and Android.In this matter, I suspect most exploits will not be in the new IOS 6, unless it's a hardware related. Release it now or maybe we risk to lose most of them. Or even we only talk about half, we need to wait for another half year or more for all the exploits needed for a JB to be found in 6.
  • sky
    sky Posts: 8
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  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    how to make jailbreak in ipad3(the new ipad) os 5.1
  • Jacques
    Jacques Posts: 1
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    If they release the JB for 5.1 cant you just save the basesband/SHSBlobs or whatever its called before upgrading to IOS6 and save your JB? Just a question.
  • subverted
    subverted Posts: 7
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    Wait six weeks. Release then. There is NO RISK as long as you save your SHSH blobs with pod2g's tool.
  • MacTech
    MacTech Posts: 1
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    I need that 5.1 jb on 4s thats all i have to tether with. My wife pluged it in to her laptop to charge and it auto updated :(
  • subverted
    subverted Posts: 7
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    I say wait six weeks just in case. And the "4G" is just a label. The data connection hasn't changed.I'm new to the jailbreak community and i didn't know to save my shsh blobs or know not to upgrade, and i still say wait six weeks. Plus, new 5.x.x could be released anyway in that time period. Newer 5.x.x users would benefit too, as newer phones will come with the latest update
  • subverted
    subverted Posts: 7
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    The cat's not out...Again, this is all for the newer users (new iphone or 5.1 users new to jailbreaking)Waiting six weeks is not a big deal given how long and hard it is to exploit vulnerabilities with each update. We're lucky if apple doesn't encrypt the entire software with 128-bit AES
  • subverted
    subverted Posts: 7
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    ... Good point. With the iOS 6 release there will be plenty of bugs. If we're waiting for iOS 6 we might as well wait for the next round of bugfixed updates, like iOS 6.0.1 or 6.1. Therefore, i think JB's should always be released after the first round of updates for any new iOS. That could be a while. Anyway, releasing 5.1 will be for new users (like me.) If the last JB was in january, i guess a new update is due? I change my vote: release now.
  • subverted
    subverted Posts: 7
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    Save ur SHSH blobs and they won't be "wasted". U can do that with pod2g's tool