Redsn0w Will Soon Allow You to Downgrade Your iPhone 4S, iPad 2, New iPad

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imageRedsn0w Will Soon Allow You to Downgrade Your iPhone 4S, iPad 2, New iPad

We've some great news for iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and new iPad users who may have accidentally upgraded their jailbroken iOS devices to iOS 5.1 or iOS 5.1.1.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev team has just revealed that they plan to release a new version of Redsn0w that will allow users to downgrade to iOS 5.0.1.

MuscleNerd has just tweeted:

Upcoming redsn0w supports restoring, including iPad2/3 and 4S downgrades (with blobs) ..also stitches on the fly :)

Read the full story here



  • DillansiPhone
    DillansiPhone Posts: 8
    via Wordpress
    Tethered jailbreak is fine. I dont mind it. :]Im just now learning about downgrading with the sh blobs. Should have done more research. But its guys like this that really help guys like me. Appreciate it.
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
    via Wordpress
    Is there any options we can downgrade our bb?? just curious
  • yo
    yo Posts: 19
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    No point since all ipad3( or so called the new iPad) is all comes with iOS5.1.... iPad 3 user cannot use the downgrade but to wait patiently for the new jailbreak.
  • Railer81
    Railer81 Posts: 1
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    That was about Time. No, i'm not complaning. Great work, good stuff.Had to upgrade becouse a necessary restore didn't work on 5.0.1, even with TinyU on my 4s.
  • ffac789
    ffac789 Posts: 3
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    I see that it says if you launched Cydia it also saved your blobs. Where would those be? I probably don't have access to them anymore that was a while back.
  • giet
    giet Posts: 13
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    Great we can downgrade. Why does the so-called dev team get these fixes out but the reason people donate they delay until a new incremental version comes out so they can have an excuse to wait longer and rake in more donations only to feed a possible jailbreak once a year, when you have dicks like iconic showing off how he jailbroke his ipad and "isn't gonna share it". Yeah I made a cure for cancer but you don't need it since you couldn't make it yourself. Screw off with your showoff little skinny ass **** self. Girlfriend my butt.The dev team has become nothing but a bunch of primadonnas... WHY IS THERE ONLY A SINGLE TEAM ON THE JAILBREAK... THIS IS A HUGE COMMUNITY!
  • release jailbreak for 5.1 !!!
    via Wordpress
    Yar, we are iPad 3 users, we have to wait until the untethered jailbreak come out.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Wait. How can iPad 3 users downgrade if it is not currently possible to save their SHSHs from that device?
  • Shuaib
    Shuaib Posts: 12
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    Yay but I am concern because if I downgrade to 5.0.1 will my iPhone still be unlock from 5.1 baseband which is 2.0.10 or does that changes back to 1.0.13 baseband by the way my 4S is factory unlock in UK
  • Dze
    Dze Posts: 2
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    Good job Dev Team ..... On other note, Will you guy work on software unlock for Sprint and Verizon 4S, so it work like Grevey SIM unlock?
  • erick
    erick Posts: 17
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    really? they mean in the future as in when 5.1 jailbreak is released and people afterwards update to future firmwares
  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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  • shark
    shark Posts: 5
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    I messed up and just upgraded my new ipad 3, and have no backups because I never bothered to jailbeak it when I got it , but I plan to later. I really am just waiting for an untethered method, so am I screwed or if I just wait it out some more will there be an untethered jailbreak method that will work with my ipad 3 even though I upgraded it to 5.1.1 ?? Thanks! Also, anyone know of a way to get programs like HBOgo to not recognize that I am streaming my screen to my tv because it doesnt allow me to right now, but I feel there has to be an easy way for someone to make a crack I could install to make it not allow any programs to check to see if I am streaming to a TV, obv on a jailbroken ipad.
  • Jeremy Fletcher
    Jeremy Fletcher Posts: 1
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    Great work guys. Looking forward to downgrading my iPhone 4S & iPad 2 which are both stuck on OS 5.1
  • Sweeeeet
    Sweeeeet Posts: 39
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    I have a feeling that this is a clue to the new redsn0w being released will Jailbreak all devices, and be able to downgrade 4S, iPad 2/3 from future firmwares.
  • Sweeeeet
    Sweeeeet Posts: 39
    via Wordpress
    You sir... are screwed im afraid.. but we may get a shock and find the latest redsn0w will jailbreak 5.1.1 for all devices.. which will unscrew you :) hang in there buddy.
  • Sweeeeet
    Sweeeeet Posts: 39
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    only if you have your blobs.. :(
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    Basebands don't downgrade. Only firmware.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    A little bit off topic here, is it still possible to upgrade to 5.1 if the unthethered jb does not support 5.1.1 or who knows apple might release another update to just annoy us.
  • ex
    ex Posts: 11
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    Ok, so I have a brand new iPhone 4s 5.1 stock. Can I still downgrade? Or do i have to have blobs from previous firmware in order to downgrade to that firmware...Again, stock iPhone 4s on 5.1 and I want to downgrade to 5.0.1. Is it Possible?
  • ios6
    ios6 Posts: 10
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    Did you miss the SAM spoofing unlock for all iphone a couple of weeks ago?. I don't think the dev team is working on an unlock at the moment. Good luck!
  • ios6
    ios6 Posts: 10
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    I don't see how the new ipad can be downgraded if one needs to have the blobs for 5.0.1 saved to downgrade. The New iPad came pre installed with 5.1 so the only blob saved for that...?????
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Shark what do u mean by streaming are u using the apple av cable or hd cable ? If not just try it that way
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    "We've some great news for iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and new iPad users who may have accidentally upgraded their jailbroken iOS devices to iOS 5.1 or iOS 5.1.1."Oh blimey me, why did I accidently upgrade my new ipad to 5.1 after I bought it...oh no, how could I have been so careless....Oh wait... All of the new ipads came with 5.1 installed on them -_-Also I think the words "accidently upgraded their device" doesnt go along with "people who have saved their blobs"...
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    "We've some great news for iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and new iPad users who may have accidentally upgraded their jailbroken iOS devices to iOS 5.1 or iOS 5.1.1."Oh blimey me, why did I accidently upgrade my new ipad to 5.1 after I bought it...oh no, how could I have been so careless....Oh wait... All of the new ipads came with 5.1 installed on them -_-Also I think the words "accidently upgraded their device" doesnt go along with "people who have saved their blobs"...Otherwise great news great new for this new redsnow update
  • Blobby lover
    Blobby lover Posts: 2
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    Yah I saved my blooooobies!!!!! Suckers!!!!!
  • Blobby lover
    Blobby lover Posts: 2
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    Yah I saved my blooooobies! Suckers!!
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    I am sick and tired of these fools not releasing ANYTHING yet they post all these blogs saying that they are able to jb or downgrade their own devices! They keep saying oh this and that then in the end were not gonna release it. Just post a legitimate blog with the download link to jb or downgrade and stop messing with us already.
  • iSpkyMky
    iSpkyMky Posts: 1
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    As of this morning, Apple are still signing 5.1 so yes, you can - If you're fast :-)
  • ex
    ex Posts: 11
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    so people who just bought an iPhone 4s and is stock with 5.1 are out of luck?