Redsn0w Will Soon Allow You to Downgrade Your iPhone 4S, iPad 2, New iPad



  • kbatrph
    kbatrph Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Hello the post! If your iOS device came PRE-LOADED with 5.1, you CANNOT, I repeat....YOU CANNOT downgrade because you MUST have the previous (5.0.1) shsh blobs
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
    via Wordpress
    Hey guys,I have an iPhone 4, running 4.1 jailbroken, have never needed to upgradee, happy with it.I recently got an iPhone 4s.. it came with IOS 5.0.1.. I intended to jailbreak straight away but one of the first options when i turned it on was "Do you want to upgrade now to ios 5.1?" i foolishly said "Upgrade now"now it is IOS 5.1.. i have no SHBlobs, because i had only just turned the phone on for the first time. Am i stuck waiting for the 5.1/4S Jailbreak? or is there a way i can revert?I have tried many things, guides, youtube vids, nothing works
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
    via Wordpress
    geez.. these guys work round the clock for everyone and unappreciative people like you.. If you don't want the progress updates, then don't read them. Maybe learn how to do it yourself so that you wont have to rely on their incompetence!!!
  • Chris Williams
    Chris Williams Posts: 12
    via Wordpress
    ok..when you say u mean SHSH's? cause i have those saved.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
    via Wordpress
    So I bought a 4S with 5.0.1, jailbroke it and then updated to 5.1. Does this mean that this program will be able to downgrade my 4S back to 5.0.1? Am I reading that correctly???
  • Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    Um Hello! We all understand that! But it does clearly state iPAD 3!!So wtf??
  • Nckmsn
    Nckmsn Posts: 0
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    I have been on androids forever and decided to try out the iPad 3. I have to say I love it, but I've never seen so many disrespectful impatient people. Why is there such a difference in the attitudes of apple users vs androids?
  • mp01juve
    mp01juve Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    your comment x2. also an android user trying out ipad3
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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    Are you guys done? Cause im still waiting for preinstall 5.1 jb
  • Eugene
    Eugene Posts: 10
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    I dont understand something: my ip4 is on 5.01, untender JB. was advice not to upgrade to 5.1 right? and 5.1.1 right?So apple has stop signing 5.1, and if jb solution is made available for 5.1, then how am i be able to upgrade to 5.1?please advice. Thanks
  • sabi
    sabi Posts: 0
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    I think u can downgrade to 5.0.1 cause the 4s started out with 5.0.1 so it possible
  • Jen
    Jen Posts: 16
    via Wordpress
    I have a brand new iPad 2 with IOS 5.1.1 - just please tell me how to jailbreak. That is all I want.
  • Iba
    Iba Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    I did jailbreak my iphone 4s on 5.0.1 . When the iphone came in a lopp with an unsupported app I had to restore . When I open tiny umbrella , the shsh does not show . It shows my jb ipad , but not the iphone s4. I did not save the shsh on the ipad with TU and did not save the shsh for the iphone 4s , but the shsh for the ipad shows 5.0.1 and none for iphone , how does cydia save the shsh ? Does this mean I can not downgrade or JB my iphone 4s in the future ?
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    Hello AssWipe..we can read but I'm sure you don't own the New iPad or know anyone that owns one so for your info..The New iPad was released with 5.1 pre- installed. S why did they mention it in the post. You can read but unfortunately, can't comprehend. Go figure
  • Trey
    Trey Posts: 11
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    One day I have my iPod jailbreak. But then I updated it,(did not mean to). Now when I try to jailbreak it, it's says it work but It did not work what should I do. And I tryed to restore my iPod that did not work